Good Deed, either way|| Open

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Post by Deleted on Jun 12, 2018 7:05:05 GMT -5

Truth be told, Hazel wasn’t even sure what had possessed her to be here. Someone had left their broom in the pub during her first shift there. How could anyone leave their broom behind she wasn’t sure, but they hadn’t come back from it yet. When she had opened it closely, she had noticed that some of the twigs were broken. Maybe the owner of the flying device had planned to bring it here on their own. She wasn’t sure but she hoped whoever the owner was didn’t think someone had stolen the broom. She saw the broom was Firebolt but it appeared to one of the older models going by how much wear and tear there was on the handle and the seat. She figured she may as well come here to see if she can get the broom repaired. She knew that a broom repair service existed in Knockturn alley but there was no way in hell she as stepping into that place.

Even if that place had long been rid of workers from the work camp and the place itself no longer existed. Being the child of two muggleborns was not exactly ideal and it was dangerous for her given that her parents were still on the run. She could have gotten word to them that the circumstances had changed for muggleborns but how would she do that if she didn’t even know where to write to them at. She wasn’t sure if she had sent an owl out, it would even reach. As far as she knew the owls were not being tracked, not if the Auror office was now in charge of looking after the muggleborns (to some extent)

The witch entered the Fixed broom and was hardly surprised to find it empty. There could have been some workers out the back but at the moment no one was in sight. ”This is wonderful, Hazel” she mumbled to herself as she gripped the broom handle tighter. She could have just stashed the broom behind the bar until someone came and claimed but no, she was here, trying to find out if it could be repaired because the owner whoever they were. She thought if she got it fixed and no one claimed, she would donate it to Safe Harbour, at least she knew someone there would cherish it.

Galenia Ollivander Álvarez
Galenia Ollivander Álvarez Avatar
47 posts
42 years old
Owner of Ollivanders
Shop Worker
played by Steph
"Terrible. Great. They're descriptors, and one doesn't negate the other."

Post by Galenia Ollivander Álvarez on Jun 23, 2018 20:03:35 GMT -5

She'd had the desire to eat lunch out of doors today, and on her way to Fortescue's she'd noticed an adolescent enter the Fixed Broom, clutching a broom tightly. Curiosity got the better of her, she had to admit, and she ended up entering the store shortly after. Perhaps it was best, after all-- she couldn't fully make out the girl's face, as her back was still turned, but nerves were practically vibrating off her.

"I'm very sorry," she said, dropping her voice from Ollivander Wandmaker to Concerned Mother. "I hope I'm not startling you-- are you quite all right? You look rather stressed."

Judging from the age, it was likely she had sold a wand to. It might have also been a cousin, or her father or granfather, but it was more likely she'd done it. The more recent crowd of graduates had mostly been her, as it was so shortly after her great-aunt had passed. She'd stepped up to fill the gap.

All she needed was for the person to turn around, and she'd know. With their wand, she'd have an idea of what they needed, how she might help.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 6, 2018 7:50:07 GMT -5

Hazel could only wonder how someone could leave their broom behind. But on one hand she wondered if the broom had in fact been stolen in the first place, that was one possible reason why someone could have ditched it. The witch didn’t know a lot about broms but she knew enough to be able to fly one on. She wasn’t sure if there were rare brooms around these days or even prized brooms. She had looked over the broom before coming here to see if there were any indications of who the owner could be, if in fact the broom had not been stolen. Hazel hadn’t been able to identify much other than the brand, Firebolt.

At least if she got the broom fixed and took it to Safe Harbour, they would find someone who was worthy of a new broom. Her conscious would be at rest then. And it would show that while her parents were away, she was looking after herself. She had already managed so much in their absence. She had made it through all of her final school year without them and she had gotten herself a job and even flat! She was proud of herself. But she still missed her parents terribly. She didn’t even have Zeke in her life anymore, not in that capacity at least. She couldn’t approach him now like she had when the two of them were dating and just hug him. There were just friends now. It upset her but she kept even that to herself.

She did indeed jump when the woman started speaking. She was simply on edge today. There was no reason to be. It was ridiculous. ”No, it’s fine…” She trailed off trying to appear calm and to regain some composure. ”I’m okay….I just came to get this broom fixed” she said as she inclined her head to it, trying to smile. Did she really appear stressed? She was only trying to fix a broom, not sit the NEWTs again.