Titanium | Healer MacGuffin

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Post by Deleted on Jun 12, 2018 13:40:42 GMT -5

i won't fall
Honestly, she couldn't have said what it was that had gotten her out of there, other than just pure adrenaline. She had been running on instinct the moment that the fire had hit her. Survive. That was all that she had left to do. She had to survive, and she knew that it was only a matter of time. Perenelle had been hurt before, and now it was only a matter of time before she got hurt again. It was never an if. Not with what she did for a living. Not when dragons were not gentle creatures. Even the three miniature ones that Wyatt had given her for her birthday, were not gentle. They bit, and they breathed smoke of their own. They were more affectionate than their larger counterparts, but they were still dragons. They were still dangerous. And she knew that. She knew that her taste in animals differed from Wyatt's. That he thought that Jennings was great, and Nell very much did not care for the dog. But she would have let the dragons sleep in the bed with her if Wyatt hadn't put the nix on that. 

Telling him that she was hurt was something that she knew that she should have done, but she hadn't had them call him. She didn't think that he needed to come in here, and be all worried. Not until she knew what exactly was wrong, and if there was anything broken, or if it was just the burns. Because she knew that she was burnt. She could feel it. The dragon had come up behind here while she had been taking notes on the hatchlings. She had heard it, but by the time that she had, she knew that she was in the one position that none of them ever wanted to be in. She had been between a mother, and her babies. There was only one way to go, and it was out of the way, but she hadn't moved fast enough. The fire had hit her shoulder, and she had dropped her notebook and her wand. The notebook she would have left. She could replace it. She could have summoned it, and then apparated away. But she had dropped her wand. It had been in her hand too. 

And so she had gone back after it. She had dove back between the mother and the nest, and she had taken another hit. She knew that she had. But she also knew that she had landed funny. That when she had come down on the shoulder that was already injured she hadn't been able to catch herself, and she had landed hard. Sideways. There was a pain in her side that she didn't know if it was a burn or a broken rib or two. To go with the sharp pain that made her gasp when she lifted that arm at all. Something was wrong with pretty much the entire upper right quadrant of her body, and she knew that Maman was probably going to have something to say about that when she got home and the elves saw what she had done, and one of them Floo'd her mother. Nell knew that she didn't need her maman to come all the way up to the castle to take care of her. She could take care of herself, that's what the elves were there for, after all. She didn't need to be babied. 

But she would be babied. And she knew that she would be babied. Her maman would show up, and lecture her about how dangerous dragons were, while fussing over her. And Wyatt would probably hover, and be worried, and everything else that came with him worrying about her. It was different, being around Wyatt, and knowing that he would notice something like this, when the last time that she had let someone into her home, and her heart, she had gotten hurt because of them. Turning her head a little bit when the door to the room that they had brought her to opened, she winced a little bit. She had forgone the emergency ward all-together, and she had had herself admitted to this ward. She knew what was wrong, and she knew that she wanted healers that were trained to handle this, looking at her. "Hi..." She offered softly in her strange, French, but yet somehow distinctly Scottish flavored, tone when she caught sight of the young man that had come in the room.
Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin
Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin Avatar
66 posts
28 years old
Dragonologist Apprentice
Creature-Induced Injuries Healer Fellow at McCarthy Dragon Reserve
Specialty Career
played by Quinn
"So we let our shadows fall away like dust."

Post by Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin on Jun 13, 2018 7:40:27 GMT -5

Fire away, fire away
It was hard to believe that all of this was happening.

Elliot and Ella had moved into MacGuffin Hall just a few short weeks ago and they were already making the home theirs. Little touches here and there — photo frames with pictures from their childhood and even more from their days together. It was larger than the cottage, which was sometimes overwhelming for Elliot who grew up in modest homes in Ireland, but he loved it because he was with Ella. It felt like he was growing up. He wasn’t just Elliot MacGuffin, a kid trying to find his way in the world. He was Healer Elliot MacGuffin, husband…and maybe potential father.

But he didn’t have much time to think on that. A booming voice overhead summoned him to his next appointment. Before walking in, a nurse quickly placed a file into his hands and he had a few seconds to scan it before he realized what was going on. Burn victim. Time was of the essence.

As he entered the room, Elliot was quick to observe and assess the situation. The woman before him looked worse for wear. Based on the preliminary information the nurses had managed to gather, she had been burned pretty badly, which could only mean one thing: Dragons. She was in luck. Elliot was the most trained of the Creature-Induced Injury Healers to handle dragon cases. In fact, he would say that he had treated more burn victims than any of them. And ninety five precent of cases showed little to no scarring afterwards. It was the beauty of magic. And the precision of knowing exactly what to do in situation like these. “Good afternoon, Miss. Flamel. I’m Healer MacGuffin. You can call me Elliot.” He said as he reached the end of his circle. Giving her a reassuring smile, Elliot dropped the chart onto the table and circled her, examining the charred bits of flesh and the wool coat that was left on her back.

It looked bad — third degree, if he had to guess right off the bat. They were going to have to pull some of her jacket out of the wounds before they could begin healing them. That would be unpleasant.

“Looks like you got into a bit of a tiff with a dragon, didn’t you.” It was a statement of fact, far less than it was a question. That, or she had decided to jump backwards into a fire, which seemed far less likely given the department she was currently sitting in. “Which kind? Anything I should know? Any medications you’re on we should take into account as we treat you?” The door opened and Elliot’s nurse entered. He continued to look at the wound before shaking his head and returning to Perenelle’s line of vision. “It’s bad. Not unfixable, but it will be uncomfortable. We’re going to need to strip the wound first. Get all of the charred skin and fabric out of there before we can start.”

The nurse seemed to be taking detailed notes and paused when Elliot looked back at her. “We’re going to need the debriding kit, and lets grab a few of the antibiotic potions and a pain killing salve. I don’t want this getting infected. Looks like she’s charred most of the pain receptors, but as we get further down it could start hurting,” When he spoke, it wasn’t the usual nervous or timid Elliot. No, Healer MacGuffin knew what he had to do, and he knew they would need to act quickly if they were going to repair Miss Flamel’s skin. As the nurse exited, he turned back to her. “Dragonologist?” He probed, trying to make conversation until the young woman could return with the instruments he would need.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 12, 2018 12:35:11 GMT -5


She knew that it had been adrenaline that had gotten her here now. She knew that she was running on whatever it was that had gotten her out of there after the first flames had touched her back. Nell knew that it wasn’t as simple as just surviving. She was going back out there. She was going to finish her research. And she could wait. She could wait a couple days, maybe a week, but no longer than that. She had been following those hatchlings since they were newly laid eggs. She wasn’t going to ease up on this study just because she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a hazard of the job. It was something that they were all aware of when they went into this field. People got hurt. Some people died. That was just the breaks of the game. It wasn’t a matter of if you got hurt. It was a matter of when, and how bad. That was always going to be the question. Getting hurt was inevitable. Making sure that you were alive on the other side, that was what was important. And she didn’t think that these were life threatening in any way.

Burns, broken ribs. She was pretty sure there was something wrong with her collarbone too. But only time would tell her the answers to that. Time, and the healer that had just walked into the room. It was only times like these when Nell bothered with the hospital. Most minor things she had learned to patch up on her own over the years, but this… She couldn’t go home like this, and there was no way that she was going to set about trying to heal herself out of this right now. There was a time to be stubborn, and there was a time to be sensible, and right now she had chosen sensible. The hospital had seemed like pretty much the only option when she had hit the ground at the institute. She hadn’t thought that she was going to be able to see straight enough to get herself here, but somehow, she had. Or someone had brought her, Merlin, she didn’t know who she had talked to after she had seen Rhaelle in the lobby. She had gotten here, and she was sitting on this bed, and this healer, Healer MacGuffin, he had just introduced himself as, was going to help. “Elliot… Nell. Pretty sure we’re going to be well enough acquainted you can call me Nell.”

She chuckled a little bit at his comment. “One of the young Welsh Greens on the sanctuary in Ireland. First time mum. I was between her and the nest when she reappeared.” They weren’t always the most ferocious of breeds, but this one was young, and inexperienced, and Nell was between her and her babies. “She didn’t mean to hurt me, she was just protecting them. But I don’t think she liked me there all that much.” Her chuckle was genuine, and she winced a little bit when it made her ribcage flex. “No medication except a pretty standard birth control potion.” That had been a more recent addition to her morning routine, but one that had seemed pretty necessary given the change in circumstance in her life. “That’s going to be less than unpleasant, but do whatever you need to do.” She wasn’t going to come here, and then complain about how they were going to go about fixing her back. She was just going to let them fix it and hope that Wyatt didn’t take it too badly when she finally did get home.

Nell listened as he gave his nurse her instructions, and she thought that the phrase ‘as we get further down’ was something that you didn’t really want to hear, but she knew that it was the truth. “Yeah. My maman always said that I was going to get myself hurt one of these days. She’s going to be so smug about being right.” Keeping herself in a good enough mood seemed like the key thing here. If she could just not think about what it had to look like, or the smell of burnt flesh that she was doing her best to try and make her mind forget was her own, she thought that she would be alright. “What do you think Elliot? Am I going to have to try and explain some huge scar away for the rest of my life? If so, I mean, at least I have a decent enough story to go with it?” People tended to make up stories about getting scars fighting dragons, and whatnot, but in her case, they really would be scars from dragon fire.

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Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin
Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin Avatar
66 posts
28 years old
Dragonologist Apprentice
Creature-Induced Injuries Healer Fellow at McCarthy Dragon Reserve
Specialty Career
played by Quinn
"So we let our shadows fall away like dust."

Post by Elliot Lochlan MacGuffin on Aug 8, 2018 12:27:42 GMT -5

fire away,
fire away

TW: Like…gross medical stuff, I guess?

Elliot had his head buried in her charts, already, checking over vitals that the nurse was taking and observing the woman’s temperature. He barely even realized that she was speaking until he heard his name and then her’s following it. “Nell,” he smiled. “Pretty name, that.” Maybe he would tell Ella that he liked it. Then again, they had a rather peculiar E.L.M. monogram going on and he rather liked it. Perhaps they would be best to pick something different. Elliot shook his head, trying to refocus on the task at hand. It wouldn’t do him — or Nell — any good to get lost in his thoughts about babies and family starting.

He paused at her recounting what had happened; her words drudging up a familiar memory. His own accident a few years back. The Romanian Longhorn. It had been so difficult to rehabilitate after its injuries in the wild, but the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary had been doing their best. Charlie Weasley — among the best Dragonologists in the world — was working directly with the poor beast on the day that it attacked. No one knew quite what got into it, but before long, it was breathing fire and snapping necks. Elliot remembered all the blood. He had to close his eyes for a moment, trying not to recall what it felt like at the exact moment his spine snapped. The pain and then…nothing. Just blackness. Elliot’s eyes immediately opened and he tried to brush it off like it was nothing, but he knew he would be feeling it later. He’d need to talk to Ella…or maybe he’d owl Charlie.

“Healer MacGuffin?”

The nurse’s voice snapped him immediately back into reality and Elliot returned Nell’s smile with a cool one of his own, though it didn’t quite meet his eyes. “No, no scar if I have my way about all of this.” And he would. Elliot was particularly good at patching up burn wounds. Most of the Dragon-induced injuries that came into the ward were immediately patched over to him. It was his specialty, after all. He sat down on the swivel stool that was nearby and wheeled it closer to Nell as he looked at the charring. “You should be right as rain in a few hours.” Hopefully less, he thought. At that moment, the door opened and the nurse returned with everything that Elliot would need. He picked up some of the surgical tweezers and gauze before pausing and holding out a small vile for Nell. “That’ll dull some of the pain receptors that are still on, but it won’t completely block it out.” Elliot moved his stool a bit closer to her and dropped his glasses onto his nose before he went to work. He was slow and deliberate, taking his time to pick off each piece of charred skin. He was quiet for a few minutes as he used the tweezers to go layer by layer in small sections.

He realized she was probably uncomfortable and sucked in a breath, attempting to make conversation with Nell while he tore off her outer layer of skin. “I was a Dragonologist a few years back. Still am, really,” he said as he put another piece into the small metal tray next to him. “Never got scorched like this, but we had our fair share of injuries on the reserve. I liked it fine enough, but my last injury benched me for longer than anticipated.” Elliot paused, wrinkling his brow. “Are you freelance or do you stick around one of the Sanctuaries?”
@ perenelle

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Post by Deleted on Aug 13, 2018 11:06:39 GMT -5


Getting back to other people had been the only thing that her mind had been telling her to do. When she had felt the fire, she knew that she had to have screamed, but she already couldn’t remember it. This was by no means her first injury when it came to the dragons. It was just a part of it. You got hurt. And you bounced back. That was part of doing what they did, and she would always claim that it was part of the reason that she never got too close to someone. Getting hurt, and then having to go home and tell someone you cared about that you had nearly died, that was not something that she intended to do. Nell had seen too many people lose too many people that they loved, to think that that was ever going to be okay. She wasn’t going to make someone lose her like that, and she knew that Wyatt was going to be upset that he still hadn’t been told that she was hurt, but she really wasn’t planning on telling him. Not until he got home from wherever it was today. He had his own life, she had hers. He didn’t need to be here.

The entire right side of her body hurt. And she knew that it was just a dull ache compared to what it could have been. The fire had taken care of too many of her nerves to really feel everything, but she could feel the break in her ribs. It was getting more and more difficult to keep sitting up straight, the adrenaline was wearing off, and she could feel the fatigue, and the pain, setting in. But she couldn’t slouch either, or her ribs constricted, and it got hard to breathe. The only choice she had right now was to just sit up straight and get this over with. Then she could go home, and get some different clothes, and just go to sleep. She thought that she could get through this and get to that. That could be the answer that she needed right now. Something to look forward to in all of this. “Thank you.” Nell could accept a compliment, even if it was just on her name. But she thought that she was more inclined to keep talking to him just, so she didn’t have to focus on what it was that he was doing.

She listened to him as he spoke. He was younger than her, probably young enough to be her son or something. Well, that might have been pushing it, she didn’t actually know how old you had to be to be a doctor, but it couldn’t have been too much off. Still, they had sent her directly to him, and she thought that that probably had something to do with all of this. They had sent her to him because this was something that he knew how to handle, and she was just going to have to trust him. Taking the vial that he handed her with her left hand she nodded and then winced ever so slightly. That hurt too. “Okay…” Drinking the vial she set it to the side, and just had to hope that he was right, that it was going to numb the pain that was still there. She knew that he was going to have to start actually fixing her skin, and she wasn’t looking forward to that, but she thought that she would look forward to him fixing her bones almost more. The skin was more important, more time sensitive than the bones that could be healed with magic, but everything hurt.

They were quiet for a little while. It was probably only a few minutes of him working, but sitting there, focusing on breathing so that nothing hurt too badly, Nell thought that it was going to be hours. “Oh?” She hadn’t really considered that the healer that they would have sent her to would have actually done what she had done for a living too. He looked so young to her. “I work freelance. Dragonologist, Journalist, Alchemist.” The last of which was a family thing, but she knew that someone had to continue it, and out of all of them, she was the best. She was the one that had cared the most about that particular tradition being carried through. “What about you? You mentioned a reserve, which one?” There were a few here in the UK, but the bigger ones were abroad. Romania. Bulgaria. The Eastern European states often had the best ones, and Nell couldn’t help but be a little interested. Learning about the man that was trying to heal her was better than sitting in the silence. She thought that this was time would pass a little faster.

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