Black Sea | Apolline

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Post by Deleted on Feb 7, 2019 16:57:01 GMT -5


black sea

[attr="class","reasonsmallannabella"]Grip your hands tired of what's your worth Watch yourself beg hanging on to Earth Love, War, Pain, Life everything's the same to me

[attr="class","reasonbodannabella"]Alistair had hit another brick wall.

His theory that the Elder Wand recreation could not be accomplished with traditional Elder Wood was proving to both be true and improvable. There were too many variables. Too many changes that he was making. At each turn — at each rendition — he was moving too many pieces of the puzzle around.

How was he to figure out what the solution truly was when he couldn’t even figure out the first piece?

He needed a break. Needed something to clear his head. Otherwise he was fairly certain that he was going to throw a bottle of fire whiskey at the next customer that asked him for something. Thankfully the Longbottom girl was on time for her shift and Alistair was able to slip out of the Inn without causing a scene.

What had he expected when he’d first taken on this task? That it would be easy to recreate the most fantastical relics of Wizarding history? Had he thought there would be simplicity about it all? Perhaps he had been naive and over-estimated his abilities. For right now, Alistair only felt as if he had failed himself.

Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, he decided he ought to go for a walk. It would be better to clear his head than stay at the Inn and risk blowing up on someone. His feet knew where to take him — the house on the hill, guarded by iron gates. The Shrieking Shack. For a few minutes, he stood at the bottom of the hill, looking up at it; looming in the sky.

It held memories. Distant ones. Ones that he didn’t wish to relive. Because who he was now was more important than the boy that he had once been.

He heard her approaching — the familiar footfalls behind him. He knew that it was Apolline. No one else would follow him here. After all, the majority of the Hogsmeade population were still frightened of the Shack on the hill.

There were days when it sort of felt like the old times. The moments when it was just Alistair and Apolline growing up in Hogsmeade. Axton had attended Şolomanţă, but the other two had remained. Tutored at home for years by their Grandfather, they forged a special bond. Alistair considered himself closer to Apolline than Axton, but that much was obvious. After all, he harbored a good deal of resentment when his brother took off for Şolomanţă at age eleven.

Those feelings never truly went away.

“We should buy it,” Alistair said, looking up at the top of the building. It was hideous, but full of so much history. He knew the rumors that shrouded the building — that it was haunted. Used as an underground keep for werewolves and vampires. Perhaps it was true. Perhaps he would gather enough coin to buy it one day and discover a coven of Vampires living in the basement. It would not be the strangest thing that had happened to him, would it? “It would be a good research facility.”

[attr="class","reasontagannabella"] | 509 | OUTFIT
[attr="class","credannabella"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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Apolline Margery A. Dumbledore
Apolline Margery A. Dumbledore Avatar
70 posts
30 years old

Co-Owner of Hog's Head
Nuremberg Hochschule für dunkle Künste Alum
Specialty Career
played by Morgan
"My one, when all is said and done, you'll believe God is a woman."

Post by Apolline Margery A. Dumbledore on Feb 7, 2019 19:14:20 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]You twist, I turn,
[attr="class","cscriptspeci"]who's the first to burn
[attr="class","clyrics"]You sit and stay,[break]
I don't to obey

[attr="class","cbody"]At the best of times, Apolline was not always great company. This had been true before she had lost her magic. There were people that she liked to be around, but there were far more people that she did not enjoy spending time with. Her personality could be described as prickly and intense at times. Sure, she had the ability to be rather charming when she wanted to be, but that was certainly mood dependent.
And she was not much in the mood for charm lately. Without her magic, her mood swings were likely enough to give her brothers whiplash—anyone else she spent time around too would say the same, but she didn’t see much of anyone but her brothers these days. Kate had come by, and sometimes she found someone to warm her bed, but those encounters were never long enough for them to feel the full force of her colossal mood swings. More than likely, they were just going to get worse until she found something to fill her mind with. She couldn’t work on her experiments. All she could do was research and that was not good enough for her.
She’d had the day off at the inn, at least, so that was something. Most days, she just felt like a bartender which was an entirely unpleasant feeling. There was a reason why her brothers were the bartenders in the family. Apolline didn’t like being behind the bar. She didn’t like dealing with the drunks and depending on her mood, a patron getting handsy was likely to result in her seeing how deep she could jam a fork into their flesh. That wouldn’t exactly be good for business, obviously.
Usually, she could charm patrons if she wanted to. She had proudly held the top tip in their unofficial big tip competition. It was a title that she’d stolen from Alistair after a particularly drunk middle-aged woman had tipped him quite generously. That had been difficult to beat for a while, but she had. So, she was capable of doing well behind the bar when she wanted to. She just didn’t normally want to.
Apolline had been in the living room, quite literally bored out of her mind, when she’d glanced out the window and had seen Alistair heading down the street. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, that was all there was to it really. She’d headed out of their apartment and down through the pub to follow him, though she thought she’d had a good idea of where he was going.
While Axton had gone to Şolomanţă, she and Alistair had remained here to be homeschooled, and sometimes when they were bored, they’d ended up here. And when they were old enough, they ended up here with whatever bottle of liquor that they’d stolen from the pub.
Sure enough, as she approached the Shrieking Shack, she was unsurprised to find him outside of it. There was no way in, after all. They had tried, of course they had, but the entrance was clearly elsewhere. “I don’t exactly think it’s for sale, Alistair,” she replied, her expression amused. It was just an abandoned building with dozens of scary stories attached to it. Apolline wasn’t even sure if anyone owned it or how anyone could possibly go about being it, even if they wanted to.
[attr="class","cnotes"]559 ● @ the shrieking shack isn't for sale, aloutfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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