Cassandra Seymour
Cassandra Seymour Avatar
11 posts
25 years old
Lawyer at Cavanaugh & Slagle
Order of the Phoenix
Gráinneog Institute Alum
Misc. Career
played by Nicole

Post by Cassandra Seymour on Jun 19, 2019 14:26:51 GMT -5

After making a complete fool of herself in the Ministry courtrooms yesterday, Cassandra was not having an easy day. Barging into another lawyer’s office, even on accident, wasn’t exactly the way she wanted to get her name floating around the Ministry offices. The fact that the lawyer she barged in on was in the middle of a meeting, with Tiberius Crabbe of all people as their client, didn’t help. Although the musician seemed amused by her bold entrance, his lawyer most likely was not, and she could only imagine the things that were said around the water cooler later that day in regards to her interruption. Cassandra Seymour, busting down office doors to hide from (avoid, actually, she had made that point clear) a reporter that wouldn’t take no for an answer. She just needed to get away for a second. Unfortunately it was one of the longest seconds of her life.

She had come into the office this morning, not expecting the embarrassing story to have already reached some of her coworkers. She should have known better, in all honesty. All lawyers did was talk. Some of them laughed, others just wanted to know what the rockstar she had met was like. She didn’t give them much of an answer, simply stating that he seemed good-natured enough to not hold her momentary slip of professionalism against her. She wished she could say the same about everyone.

In all honesty, she was likely overreacting, making the whole thing a bit more dramatic than it had to be. She had spent the day just waiting for one of the partners to call her to their office at the end of the hallway in order to reprimand her, give her a bullshit case as punishment, or even just to laugh at her. But her fears never came to fruition, as it was now early evening, and everyone else in the firm had left for the day.

It wasn’t unusual for her to stay later than her colleagues, as she was quite the worker bee; however, today would be an extraordinary long day, as the distractions of office talk and her own anxiety kept her from getting much done during regular hours. She worked in the silence of her office, the door closed, the only sound being the occasional grumble of her stomach as it protested not having eaten all day. She attempted to continue her work, but eventually the emptiness of her stomach was too much of a distraction, and she pushed back from her desk with an exaggerated sigh.

She picked up her phone and sent a text to her aunt, asking her if she wanted to stop by the office if she wasn’t busy… and to possibly bring carry out. She waited for a response, returning back to the stack of papers and folders sitting on her desk. While she waited on her aunt’s response, she could at least attempt to finish something she had started, now that her stomach seemed to accept that food was possibly on its way and it had calmed down.

I can feel it everywhere

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