Mordred Hands

Mordred Hands
Mordred Hands Avatar
16 posts
14 years old
5th Year
played by Geraint

Post by Mordred Hands on Oct 6, 2017 17:56:58 GMT -5

Mordred Hands
13 - Male - Half-blood - 26 August 2004


Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Mordred is a 13 year old boy with blue eyes and glasses. He is about average build for his age and slightly taller than the average 13 year old boy. He has black hair which is medium length. He usually has a bit of a smug or occasionally mean look on his face.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: pranks, sly, cunning, charms, potions, flying, causing mischief, creative, self-preservation, knows own mind, adaptable, duelling, fighting, physical strength, football, dark arts, making people cry,
Weaknesses: His arrogance can get the better of him, Astronomy, Care for Magical Creatures, his lack of empathy, very snobby, mean spirited, cares little about anyone but himself,
Positive Personality Traits: looks after number one, creative, has a(n evil) sense of humour, ambitious, clever, cunning, manipulative, can adapt to different situations, does have a sensitive side somewhere deep down,
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant, snobby, a massive bully, looks down on people, lacks empathy, doesn’t care about anyone else but himself, mean-spirited, thinks he is more clever than he is, selfish, thinks he is better than muggle borns and muggles, believes he is better than anyone who is different than him, full of his own importance, a bully, lacks honour, easily jealous sadistic
Hobbies and Interests: Pull mean pranking, looking after himself, making money, duelling, football, sports in general, dominating those weaker than he is, likes making people cry as it makes him feel better than himself.
Character History:
Mordred was the second child born to the Hands family who live in Monmouthshire on the Wales/England border. Mordred was born to a relatively rich family and was brought up by his parent’s nanny. To Mordred his parents always seemed to spend more time with other people, especially his older sister and, when he was born, his little brother. This made Mordred very resentful of the situation, jealous and lowered his self-esteem.

It was not helped that both his parents where hard people and demanded the absolute best from their children while they home schooled them. Mordred was especially mistreated for whatever mistake he made, or didn’t make, and was frequently grounded for what his parents saw as his lack of effort. He started to learn how to take his frustration out on his little brother, house elves and pets. .

However he soon learnt how to actually manipulate his siblings and the house elves to protect him from his parents. His parents were more aware of this than he thought but they approved of it. Unbeknown to Mordred his parents were attempting to, what they believe, was toughen him up. As the first-born son they saw him as the sole inheritor of the Hands estate and all that comes with it.

As his parents started to treat him better, he started to get on more and more with his siblings and started to learn a few things from his big sister about the importance of manipulation and cunning rather than brute strength and intimidation.

He slowly came to the realisation, in his mind, that he was actually better than most people. Especially mudbloods and muggles. He started to do some extra-curricular reading about the death eaters as news started to come in about what they did and how the ministry was treating them. His parents were more disappointed in him over this. They didn’t think there was any profit in discrimination and getting involved with the death eaters did not suit their business practices very well. They tried, without success, to divert Mordred’s attention away from this.

Mordred did not really miss his sister when she was sent to Hogwarts. He was happy to be the oldest child in the family house and not under the boot of his big sister. Although he was just annoyed that she would be back soon and jealous she could learn magic.

When he got accepted to Hogwarts he was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to start.

Plots and Politics
What is your character’s stance on the recent takeover of the Ministry by Death Eaters? He is glad that the death eaters have taken over the Ministry and hopes that those dirty little mudbloods get what is coming to them. As well as the blood traitors who support them. He celebrates the return of sense and sanity to the order of things. He hopes that all those who are weak, feeble and useless are gone. He hopes all those who are a drain on magical society, who pollute the wizarding world, who hold back wizards achieving greatness and being in their natural place in the world

Where did your character stand in the treatment of Death Eaters and their families under the late Minister Durant's rule? They strongly opposed what happened to the death eaters and their families. Especially as many of the friends of the Hands family although the Hands family itself kept out of the death eaters. They didn’t think it would be good for their business. They decided to not make their opposition to the treatment public though, instead keeping a natural appearance throughout.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? The Hands did every well under Voldermort. They were, secretly, supporters of Voldermort and his rule. Megan used the rule of Voldermort to make new contacts and network in the criminal underworld and to make sure that the Hands family gained influence and wealth and the family did their best to help the death eaters without actively joining them. Argureing that they were better off helping them are outside contacts. Keeping tabs on what some none believers were up too and the like. It seemed to work out well for them

One the death eaters fell, the Hands family quickly started to cover their tracks.

Parents: Pendragon Hands and Megan Hands (nee Knight)
Siblings: Avalon Hands (sister 16) and Oberon Hands (Brother 10)
Children: Nope
Partner: Nope
Other Relevant Family: No-one important
Family History:
The Hands family have a long and proud tradition and are very wealthy. The Hands family acquired its wealth throughout the ages through means both fair and foul. Both from various legitimate business enterprises and through more criminal and nefarious means. There have been more than a few members of the extended Hands family that have ended up in Azkaban for criminal actions, such as theft, extorsion and fraud.

Pendragon Hands was born to Urther Hands and Gina Hands (nee King) and lived in a wealthy mansion which he inherited after their death. Pendragong grew up knowing his family were powerful. He was proud when he got accepted into Hogwarts and into Slytherin house. It was in Slytherin where he started to see the inferiority of the mudblood and met people who helped shaped his views of wizarding society. It was also in Slytherin where he met his future wife, Megan, who was a few years below him.

Pendragon passed his exams with flying colours. However, his parents were disappointed that their son had such poor views of muggle and muggleborn that they were going to write him out of their will and disown him. Upon learning this Pendragon murdered his parents and made it look like they died in an accident. He got away with it.

As he grew older he started to understand his parents point of view in not publicly hating on muggles and mudbloods, after all sometimes the family had to do business with non-pure bloods, with mudbloods with muggle borns. It was not something he really enjoyed doing but he slowly started to gain an appreciation for them and started, to an extent, to moderate his views on them.

He inherited his family’s estate. He had also learnt a few tricks from his father’s criminal activities and sought to take over as him as a fraudster. He also kept in touch with Megan and the pair started dating and soon got wed. Megan had contacts with the death eaters during this time however both Pendragon and Megan, while supportive of their goals, declined to join, fearing that it would interfere with their business.

The pair wedded and eventually had a baby girl, Avalon, followed by Mordred and then Oberon. Naming children after Arthurian legend was a tradition of the Hands family. Although it is unknown where this tradition comes from.

The family was investigated but they had done a good job of covering up their involvement of helping the death eaters with false invoices, front businesses and excuses that they were false into doing it through various acts of extortion, intimidation, violence, spells and potions. It seemed to pass mustard for them as they were not hauled off to a work camp.

Pendragon and Megan were delighted when their daughter got her Hogwarts letter and equally delighted when Mordred did. They current looking after this youngster son while keeping up with their criminal actives.

Other: Nope

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What is the status of this application?

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?
Pretty sure it was Joyce come to think of it.

Gabriel Thomson

Roleplay Sample
My friend got fired from the calander making factory recently. All he did was take a day off.

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 6, 2017 20:34:54 GMT -5

[attr="class","staffupdatedstemp"]Accepted as a 3rd Year Slytherin!