Geraint's Plotter

Donald Leonardo Westwood
Donald Leonardo Westwood Avatar
280 posts
14 years old
5th Year
played by Geraint

Post by Donald Leonardo Westwood on Sept 14, 2017 15:32:13 GMT -5


[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#417eca;"]13. 3rd year.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#417eca;"]Mr. Donald Leonardo Westwood

<iframe width="7.240000000000009" height="7.860000000000014" style="position: absolute; width: 7.24px; height: 7.86px; z-index: -9999; border-style: none; left: 134px; top: 53px;" id="MoatPxIOPT0_98402277" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<iframe width="7.240000000000009" height="7.860000000000014" style="position: absolute; width: 7.24px; height: 7.86px; z-index: -9999; border-style: none; left: 438px; top: 53px;" id="MoatPxIOPT0_15751430" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<iframe width="7.240000000000009" height="7.860000000000014" style="position: absolute; width: 7.24px; height: 7.86px; z-index: -9999; border-style: none; left: 134px; top: 388px;" id="MoatPxIOPT0_17947101" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<iframe width="7.240000000000009" height="7.860000000000014" style="position: absolute; width: 7.24px; height: 7.86px; z-index: -9999; border-style: none; left: 438px; top: 388px;" id="MoatPxIOPT0_37054769" scrolling="no"></iframe>
-@nick [break]
-@murdina [break]
-@beathan [break]

-Tamera Holiday [break]
-Percival Higgins [break]
-Charlie Wexford [break]
-Kathrine "Kitty" [break]
- (sister) [break]
- (cousin) [break]
- [break]
-@dima Quidditch team mate [break]
-@lyla Quidditch team mate [break]
-@alisander Quidditch team mate [break]
-@olivette Quidditch team mate [break]
-@lj   former quidditch team mate [break]
-@caerus former quidditch team mate [break]
-@caerus  former quidditch team mate [break]
-@kasey  former quidditch team mate [break]
- second year, Dominic's friend, inquisitive but seems nice [break]
-Zachary River [break]

[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#e6e5a1;"]15. 4th Year.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#e6e5a1;"]Ms. Amy Lucy Westwood

Kitty [break]
-Tamera Holiday [break]
-Alexis Marshall [break]
-Draken Sphinx Weasley [break]
-Abigail Marshall [break]
-Guadalupe Ollivander Smith [[break]
- (brother) [break]
- (cousin) [break]

[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#d6c189;"]26. Welsh Quidditch Team Keeper.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#d6c189;"]Mr. Carwyn Gruffydd Owens

- (Friend and quidditch rival)
@natalya - old schoolmate

[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#ca4545;"]11. 1st Year.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#ca4545;"]Master.Dominic Hywel Evans

- [break]
-Kitty [break]
-@lizzy [break]
-Ichabod Stoneway [break]

- (cousin) [break]
- (cosuin) [break]
- - Hufflepuff who is friends with Henry and Liz, met at Valentine Dance.

[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#609a54;"]13. 3rd Year.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#609a54;"]Mr. Mordred Hands

-List friends here[break]
-List friends here[break]
- (father)[break]
-List family here[break]
- [break]
- [break]
-Zachary River [break]
-List lovers here[break]
-List lovers here[break]
- Pain in the neck Prefect[break]
-List misc. here

[attr="class","header1"][attr="style","background-color:#0e9880;"]51. Shop Owner.

[attr="class","name"][attr="style","background-color:#0e9880;"]Mr. Pendragon Hands

-List friends here[break]
-List friends here[break]
- (son)[break]
-List family here[break]
-List enemies here [break]
-List enemie here [break]
-Megan Hands[break]
-List lovers here[break]
-List misc. here[break]
-List misc. here

[attr="class","tempcredits"]CRAFTED BY ALISHA OF ADOXOGRAPHY

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Deleted Avatar
0 posts

Post by Deleted on Sept 25, 2017 0:00:46 GMT -5

hi hi!

so, i think a thread with @clio and would be fun! she's a bit of a grump but fiercely loyal to the gryffindors- i have an open thread in the common room that could be joined! 

as for i have @stargirl who is a few years younger than him and a squib, but if ever went to Opium she does work there. @bryce is a muggleborn, but he's an interesting kid as well... And there's also @lyall but that's a bit of a stretch unless you wanna just do a bumping into one another thread... Just let me know!! I have a bunch of other characters too, you could check out my plotter and see if you have any other ideas!!
Dominic Hywel Evans
Dominic Hywel Evans Avatar
132 posts
12 years old
3rd Year
played by Geraint

Post by Dominic Hywel Evans on Sept 25, 2017 12:45:47 GMT -5

I think a thread between and @cilo coulc be very interesting. It be inteesting to see how somoene who is a bit grumpy will react to someone excitable and full of energy as Dommie is.

and @stargirl could work and Carwyn would visist Opium looking for some lady he could hook up with. I think that could be good.

I will totally check your plotter :)
Deleted Avatar
0 posts

Post by Deleted on Sept 26, 2017 10:13:09 GMT -5

yay! i can start and Astrid in a bit, lemme know if you want any other threads!
Donald Leonardo Westwood
Donald Leonardo Westwood Avatar
280 posts
14 years old
5th Year
played by Geraint

Post by Donald Leonardo Westwood on Sept 26, 2017 12:11:11 GMT -5

Awesome and I will do. Maybe there could be a plot between and @althea too but I can discuss that on your plotter :)
Amelia Aziza Travers
Amelia Aziza Travers Avatar
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Eighteen years old
Assistant to the Head of the Department of International Cooperation
First Year Alchemy Student
First Year Political Science Student at Lufkin University
played by Steph
"you should see me in a crown"

Post by Amelia Aziza Travers on May 24, 2018 15:07:16 GMT -5

Hi! just realized i haven't posted on here yet. . .

For --
Nari Song now isn't Hogwars, and wouldn't have been for that flying scene-- I'm sorry! her new thing is that after the lockdown, she was sent to Singapore and stayed there. She'd been attending a Singaporean school. It's possible it happened a previous year-- just saw on your plotter you had her, and thought to let you know!
Zachary Rivers might be friends/friendly, though? he's a Very Nervous Kid, and his mother's a Muggle with two of his siblings muggleborns. he's got severe hearing loss, and while he can communicate in spoken English, it's difficult for him to keep up in conversations unless the speaker takes care to remember that Zachary needs the speaker to slow down speech and not block his mouth! he probably would have learned some combination some BSL for a handful of words?

I saw you had Giovanna Ollivander on there! however it's Giovanna's first year at Hogwarts and she sticks mostly with her cousins. she probably wouldn't have really noticed a Hufflepuff a year younger.
there is, however Guadalupe Ollivander Smith who you might have meant? Guadalupe's new this year as well, but she and Amy are in the same dorm, which would make it harder to stick to being with family when there's no one there.

he and @natalya were same year and House? she Captained Slytherin her last three years. they might not have been too friendly since their Politics Are Very Different.
he and are both Quidditch players, and while she does Captain a Welsh Quidditch Team, her national team's England which maybe he might see as Not Great? they've likely played against each other a fair amount of times as well

with there's
who probably is one of the better Prefects at catching him and holding him accountable?
there's also NPC Zachary Rivers in his year he could make fun of
Donald Leonardo Westwood
Donald Leonardo Westwood Avatar
280 posts
14 years old
5th Year
played by Geraint

Post by Donald Leonardo Westwood on May 24, 2018 17:17:32 GMT -5

Yea, I notice people don't seem to want to post in my plotter....

Thanks for pointing out some tidying up that was needed, I didn't know Nari had been retro-cannoned to not being at Hogwarts so assumed that their friendship continued in NPC form. And you are right I got the characters for Amy mixed up in regards to Giovanna and Guadalapue.

@natayla is now down as an old schoolmate as Carwyn and I think and would be friends, despite representing different nations. Most professional sports players won't let that get in the way of things really, I don't think. Might be interesting to post between the pair of them too?

It might be interesting to RP being caught causing mischief by @amelia? If you are up for that
Max Dwyer
Max Dwyer Avatar
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35 years old
Owner of Markus Scarrs Indelible Tattoos
played by Tyra

Post by Max Dwyer on Jun 13, 2018 6:50:56 GMT -5

Hey G!
We have no threads together and feel that has to be fixed! How about a thread with @logan and ? Both play on national teams and I think it will be fun.

Max here also used to be a Ravenclaw back at Hogwarts, so he could run into Donald anywhere now that he's out for Summer Holidays?
Amelia Aziza Travers
Amelia Aziza Travers Avatar
780 posts
Eighteen years old
Assistant to the Head of the Department of International Cooperation
First Year Alchemy Student
First Year Political Science Student at Lufkin University
played by Steph
"you should see me in a crown"

Post by Amelia Aziza Travers on Jun 14, 2018 16:02:17 GMT -5

Plotter scarcities happen, G-- mine wasn't commented on for like nine months, and i think there's been a few months since people were really doing them!

Yes, sounds good with Melza and Carwyn-- either way, they do still play for Welsh teams, even though she does English national. Though she still takes Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalries seriously (pains of her Hogwarts years) he's not for Puddlemore United (it flips which she has more of a rivalry with-- though she can and does work with both)

Natalya's working in the Quidditch department at this time! could definitely be a thing to hit her up or whatever
Donald Leonardo Westwood
Donald Leonardo Westwood Avatar
280 posts
14 years old
5th Year
played by Geraint

Post by Donald Leonardo Westwood on Jun 15, 2018 16:13:13 GMT -5

Max Dwyer Avatar
Hey G!
We have no threads together and feel that has to be fixed! How about a thread with @logan and ? Both play on national teams and I think it will be fun.

Max here also used to be a Ravenclaw back at Hogwarts, so he could run into Donald anywhere now that he's out for Summer Holidays?

@logan and would be an interesting thread, I will be totally up for them doing something

Given the age difference, I am not sure how @maxdwyr would he would know Donald, but I be up for having some threads with my younger characters during the summer recess.