Ace of Hearts {{ Hesper}}

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Post by Deleted on Feb 16, 2018 22:01:09 GMT -5

Is what we hold one is new, one is old. 
It is a truth universally acknowledged that spanx are a god send. Xiomara had learned to appreciate and hate them all at the same time. She had had the triplets one month prior and she knew it would still be a while yet before her body put itself back to rights. After all she had carried three babies for eight months. She had a right to be hurting and still look a hot mess. The maid helped her loads and she was as kind to the woman as she could be with all things considered. Margret was helping to take care of her children, she was helping to make the life of herself and Peter easier, so some kindness seemed appropriate.

Work waited for no one though and her shop manager needed a day off so Xiomara was back at work. She was taking it easy and she would be called to the house if she was really needed. The floo was connected so she could pop home to feed the babies every now and again, but for the part she was fine and could work loads. It was that time of year that events and things were about to get back into full swing so she needed to get new order forms together and the look books. She had different ones for different things. She knew that this year and every year after would be hard but she knew that using the mudblood as a nanny would only work for so long.

She was walking slowly, putting a centerpiece example on the top of a round display when the door opened. ”Hello, and welcome to sweet stems.” She said while her back was still to them. Turning around she smiled brightly and nodded her head to one of her favorite customers. ”Hesper! Hello!” She said with a grin, greeting the woman that she was familiar with.

Hesper Elladora Gamp
Hesper Elladora Gamp Avatar
53 posts
60 years old
Head of the Department of Health and Human Services
Adviser to the Minister
Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot

Avalon School of Ballet Endowment Foundation President
played by Jade
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."

Post by Hesper Elladora Gamp on Mar 1, 2018 20:14:04 GMT -5

ace of heartS
Lady Gamp grew too claustrophobic if she remained at Hogwarts at all times. As Head of Slytherin, there were limited opportunities for her to get away--but she took every single one of them. The seer was truly questioning her decision to join the academic staff. She had longed to be surrounded by children in years past, but now she found herself driven rather mad by the noisy younglings. There were beasts in that castle--even with it purged of those born of the non-magical--she was appalled by what Flint tolerated.  Hesper was half tempted to go to the Minister and make a number of recommendations about changes that needed to take place at the school. The children could benefit tremendously from etiquette classes.  Too few, even of the purebloods, had been raised in proper society. They had no clue how to behave. There were a few that needed to be re-indoctrinated to behave as was intended by the powers that be.

Putting that unpleasantness from her mind, the witch apparated to Ottery St. Catchpole. She was in the midst of preparations for a fundraiser for Avalon and required floral arrangements. There was only one witch she would trust with such an engagement--that being the lovely Xiomara Shafiq, now known as Lady Crabbe. An unfortunate shift of names in Hesper's opinion, but she was again carrying the mantle of the family she had born into. Her late husband had not been a first son--but her father had...and now, her son championed the title. She was THE Lady Gamp, though. She held the seat on the court. She would do so until she could no longer before allowed Orion, now Alastor, to take over. 

As she entered the flower shop, the seer was uncertain if she would find Lady Crabbe at work. The young woman had very recently brought three purebloods into the world. But Hesper hoped that by now Xiomara had returned to Sweet Stems. The voice that greeted her confirmed that her wish was granted and the ginger gracefully glided over to the florist. A cordial embrace was given, kisses applied to each of the other woman's cheeks, as Hesper returned the friendly greeting.

"Xiomara, hello, you look lovely as always--I'm delighted to find you well." A dazzling smile was gifted to the young woman--one that reached the eyes that saw more than what was before them. "I do believe that the same can be said for your young ones, yes?"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 28, 2018 16:49:22 GMT -5

Work had always been something great for Xiomara, something to put her focus in. Before her marriage to Peter it had been her way of getting back into society after her humiliation. It hadn’t been something she had wanted, but her Jidd knew that it was what she had needed. He knew that she needed something that she could call her own, and that she could remember she would always have. Nothing would ever take this away from her. Too many pureblood divorces had happened as of late and she refused to be a part of it. No matter what happened she would hang on to her husband as tightly as she could. Even if it made her look insane.

Her children were one of the reasons that she was determined, because raising three children alone was not something that she wanted to do, and she really didn’t want to raise three infants alone. She cared for Peter, if it was love, or if it wasn’t, she had no idea. They had children together and so they would stay together. If he strayed that would be his business, and she knew better than to ask his habits, even if her family was better off than his, even if she came from an older family. He was her husband, and she his wife. She had to trust in that bond, and hope that it meant something to someone else besides her.

Returning Hester’s embrace she couldn’t help but smile. The ginger pureblood was a lovely woman that XIomara was happy to count into her acquaintance, she knew she could rarely hide things from Hesper so she never tried and she couldn’t help but sigh. ”As well as can be expected, more tired than anything else.” She tried to refrain from taking potions since she was breastfeeding. ”They are still small, but they were multiples so they will be for a while yet.”