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Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange
Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange Avatar
351 posts
69 years old
Head of the Auror Training Program
Member of the Wizengamot
Spell Inventor
Death Eater
played by Morgan
Unwelcome Reunions | Cissy

Post by Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange on Feb 28, 2016 17:52:49 GMT -5

After nearly eighteen years in Azkaban, his longest stint yet, it was taking some getting used to being back on the outside once again. He didn’t know what bloody fool had let his release go through, and he still didn’t know whom among them had put in the effort to get him and his brother released, and that was something of the utmost importance to deal with immediately. Rodolphus didn’t like owing people anything, even a fellow Death Eater, and he needed to figure out who had gotten them out and what they expected in return. No one did anything for free these days. He had been out for over a week now, and he was being subtle in trying to figure out which one of their own in the Ministry had gotten them out, as it would do him no good to get out and start asking too many questions.

People were well aware of their return, though—of course they were. Amongst Death Eaters, it was him, Rabastan and Bella alone that had been the most loyal… the most devoted. They were the most powerful, too, and in his mind, there was no contesting that. Now that he was back out with his ‘freedom,’ for lack of a better way to put it while still working in that miserable work camp, he was going to take advantage of it. He had heard whispers of a rebellion, and whispers of the person trying to plan it—Ares Wentzell. Not exactly who he would have expected, but he supposed they could do worse. He still had plans to talk to him today, but he had many plans… He had just gotten out of the work camp for the day, and now was taking a much needed trip into Diagon Alley. He had a visit to make, to a certain Black sister that he’d heard was working in some ridiculous shop around here.

It was amusing to him that Lucius couldn’t even support his own family anymore. That was yet another stop to make this evening, but first, he wanted to see his pretty little wife first. After all of these years, he was certainly curious to see if she was still worth looking at. She’d been quite the lay, way back when, and he wouldn’t mind a repeat performance, if it suited him. It didn’t much matter if it suited her, but he supposed now wasn’t the time to broach that particular idea. There were plenty of willing whores to spread their legs for him right now. He just wanted to see how she reacted to him being back… it was sure to give him at least a small bit of amusement before he continued with his day.

And so he pulled open the door to the ridiculous shop she was working in, scowling slightly at the sight. He never much cared for shops like this… even when he had all the wealth in the world with some to spare. Rodolphus took a disinterested glance around the shop, not yet seeing the woman he was seeking out, and so he began to walk slowly through the aisles, occasionally mindlessly flipping through some robes and not caring when they fell to the floor. She would be around here somewhere, he knew… and he would never cease to be amused by the fact that his brother-in-law could no longer support his wife. Even though he was a damn blood traitor now, he was glad his life was still up in flames with the rest of them. It was well deserved, he thought, with an amused chuckle, as he waited for the reason that he'd come in here to present herself.

Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange
Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange Avatar
351 posts
69 years old
Head of the Auror Training Program
Member of the Wizengamot
Spell Inventor
Death Eater
played by Morgan
Riot | Thomas

Post by Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange on Feb 28, 2016 17:52:07 GMT -5

He hadn’t even been at this blasted work camp for more than one week, and already, he was finding it so repulsive that it was almost amusing. Were these guards the ones that were meant to contain them? Rodolphus could admit that the pretty little thing that had tried to ‘teach him a lesson’ earlier had been… stronger than she looked, but that was hardly impressive when they were clearly trying to work everyone to death. It was easier to be momentarily more powerful than someone that they worked to the bone and gave barely any food to—but he would like to see how she’d fair outside of these walls. His wandless magic might be a bit rusty, but there were some curses that he would love to use on her sometime… it would certainly teach her her rightful place, and if she were lucky, that would be all he did. But a pretty little thing like her… well, he certainly wouldn’t mind getting her underneath him, that much was for certain.

Rodolphus wanted to see how tough she thought she was outside of the camp, but he figured that he shouldn’t do anything too rash too quickly. He had only just gotten out of prison, after all, and he rather liked being on the outside for the first time in nearly eighteen years. But that certainly didn’t mean that he was going to fall in line and do what he was told by these damn guards. No, he’d continue to press them at every turn, because it amused him. Besides, they were used to people who didn’t fight back… one look at all of these pathetic excuses for Death Eaters proved that to him. Had it really been this bad? That led them to all doing what they were told without question? He only hoped that they were fighting it behind the scenes, at the very least, or else this would just be embarrassing.

His little altercation with the guard hadn’t left him hurting too bad, obviously. She was a bit more skilled than he had anticipated, but nothing that he couldn’t brush off easily. She was just a woman wanting to play tough and act like she had some power to lord over them, but she would die just as easily as anyone else when the time came… and he would certainly be there to ensure it—and make it painful. There was a reason that he had graduated Hogwarts and immediately started inventing his own hexes and curses—sometimes, the torture curse just wasn’t as painful as he felt someone deserved.

Work was almost done for the day, and he was actually… doing some of it, because he wanted to be able to leave right the hell when he wanted to and not a second after. He’d still done barely any of the work that he needed to do and probably a quarter of what he’d seen other people do in their day, but it was better than bloody nothing. Rodolphus had quite the plans for this evening, after all, and it was going to be a hell of a lot more amusing than this day had been. Luckily, it was coming to an end bloody soon.

Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange
Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange Avatar
351 posts
69 years old
Head of the Auror Training Program
Member of the Wizengamot
Spell Inventor
Death Eater
played by Morgan
Lazy Sundays | Gracelyn

Post by Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange on Feb 28, 2016 17:10:41 GMT -5

Being in Azkaban for as long as he had, he had, of course, heard about the work camp and how bloody shitty it had gotten for those that hadn’t been sent to the prison. However, he didn’t really give a damn. He’d go to this camp and pretend to conform for perhaps two damn seconds, but all he cared about was the fact that he was out of Azkaban. He had his freedom, to an extent, and he could do whatever the hell he wanted when he left this ridiculous place. He’d only been out of Azkaban for a little over a week now, and already, he was taking advantage of his newfound freedom. He didn’t know what idiotic sod had actually let his release go through, but he wasn’t complaining. He got to go get a damn wand, and he was very literally back in society, in a way—which was dangerous for anyone around him, if they knew what was good for them. His wand may be gone when he was at the camp, but he hardly needed it at this point. He’d been practicing wandless magic for far too long to be impaired by something as asinine as his wand being taken away from him at the doors.

He barely went through the motions of even pretending to work… as if he would give the guards the satisfaction of actually giving a damn—it was amusing to even contemplate. They had all been hard at work all morning, with some absurd ‘break’ for lunch, which had consisted of bread and water, and now they were back at it for the afternoon. It was the damn weekend, but from what he had learned thus far, there were some weekends that they were expected to be there. They were lucky that he had shown up at all, as that was just bloody absurd, but better than Azkaban, he could admit. The sky was above him, and he would be able to walk out those doors and do whatever he pleased at the end of the day. For now, that was bloody worth it. Particularly since he wasn’t putting a bit of effort into the work he was meant to be doing anyways.

Chopping wood. It was a ridiculous Muggle thing to do, and he was having none of it. There was a pile of wood to be chopped behind him, and he had long since sat down and lounged against it as he looked up at the sky with an amused smirk. Whatever bloody idiot had let his release go through, they had done him quite the favor. He knew that a fellow Death Eater, hiding in the Ministry apparently, had gotten the release where he needed it to be, but some bloody idiot had let it happen. He wagered it wasn’t exactly by free will, but that wasn’t something he cared too much about. Vaguely, he heard someone approaching, though he didn’t pay them any mind. Around him, he did see that people were working, but he just found that fact to be ridiculous. He didn’t think there was a guard in this place that could take him, even while he only had his wandless magic to rely on.

Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange
Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange Avatar
351 posts
69 years old
Head of the Auror Training Program
Member of the Wizengamot
Spell Inventor
Death Eater
played by Morgan
Rodolphus Lestrange

Post by Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange on Feb 27, 2016 2:16:57 GMT -5

Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange
66 - Male - Pureblood - 12/13/1949

Worker at New Beginnings | Spell Inventor (But let’s be real, more like curse inventor)

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Rodolphus is rather tall, standing at around six feet tall. From both of his stints in Azkaban, he's got plenty of tattoos as well as scars from battles and fights over the years as well. Upon his first release from Azkaban, back in 1996, Rodolphus had rather long hair, that once again continued to grow out when he returned to Azkaban in 1998. However, upon his recent release, he has cut it, though, if anything, this only makes him look more intimidating (at least in my opinion). He is rather muscular, and his green eyes are piercing, and he sees a bloody lot... he makes sure of that.
Sexual Orientation: Prefers women, but he'll take whomever is around.
Skills: The Dark Arts, any and all. He is particularly skilled in all three unforgiveable curses, of course, though he has a fondness for the torture curse. After all, he was apart of the torturing of Frank and Alice Longbottom, a fact that he still finds amusing to this day. As a spell inventor, he also is skilled in creating his own hexes and curses, and now that he is out of Azkaban, he looks forward to getting back to that, and in finding some pretty little Muggles to experiment on. Marital magic, of course. He’s a damn good duelist, and always has been. It’s something he was always incredibly focused on staying skilled in—his wandless magic helps this, giving him an edge up over his enemies that commonly works in his advantage.
Weaknesses: He doesn’t care about much, but he’s protective of his brother—though mostly, that just meant joining into some fights that his brother got into. Being in Azkaban as long as he has is definitely a weakness—like his brother, affects his life view, it also has unhinged him a bit more. For the most part, he’s in control, but occasionally, he’s acting on instinct and has a rather blank look in his eyes. He’s got a temper, but he’s a bit better at controlling it than his brother (emphasis on a bit), he’s sadistic, in all aspects. As the older son, he had more of the responsibility, and that is something that still is on his mind at times—though obviously he has more important shit to deal with.
Positive Personality Traits: Active, confident (okay arrogant, let's be real...), forceful, loyal (to the Dark Lord at one point, now to his ideals and to anyone who he believes has the ability to get back to the old ways), observant, powerful, persuasive, protective (of his brother, at least, though clearly Rab can take care of himself), resourceful
Negative Personality Traits: Aggressive, aloof, barbaric, blunt, brutal, calculating, crazy (let's be honest, he's actually insane), crude, cruel, deceptive, extreme, intense, obsessive, pompous, proud, possessive, predatory, prejudiced, pureblood supremacist, sadistic
Hobbies and Interests: The dark arts, inventing his own dark hexes and curses, plotting revenge, torturing/experimenting with his curses, and of course, figuring if this rebellion is worth his damn time—murder, and torment, are his two favorite activities
Character History:
Rodolphus Azazel Lestrange was born in the last month of December in 1949, to Ronan Lestrange, and his very young bridge, Galisto Lestrange, who had just turned of age before being married off in an arrangement between the Lestrange and Gamp families. From the start, views of the inferiority of those of lesser blood were drilled into his mind, as well as the ideals that Muggles were useless creatures that deserved nothing more than to be dead, or serving their masters. These ideals immediately made sense to Rodolphus, even from such a young age. It was only two years later when his younger brother was born, and as the older brother, the majority of the responsibilities fell on him over the years. He was expected to act a certain way, as he had to carry on the family name and reputation. This was something he knew was important from a young age as well, and while that made him the slightly more favored son, it also meant that he received his fair share of violence from his father any time he didn't do something he was meant to do, or behaved in a way that didn't suit the Lestrange name. Over the years, he learned to be what the family needed him to be, which wasn't all that difficult. He wanted to rid the world of those that didn't deserve to be there, he wanted to continue their pure line, and there was never a doubt in his mind that Muggles and those of lesser blood were entirely inferior. Growing up, he was always protective of his younger brother, and they were close, but both brothers have always been capable of taking care of themselves.

When he turned eleven years old, he was looking forward to getting his wand and eventually starting at Hogwarts, but the moment that they got back from Diagon Alley, Ronan took his wand away from him. If he wanted it, he would have to earn it. That was all that his father said to him about the matter for several days. It was early January when he was called into his father's office, and saw a woman he hadn't recognized. She was older than him, he recalled, but couldn't have been older than twenty. She looked terrified, but he didn't have to be confused by the situation for long before his father explained. She was nothing. She was a filthy Muggle that didn't deserve to even breathe the same air as them, and she needed to be eliminated. His wand was handed back to him, and his father's only instructions were to 'kill the beast.'

At eleven years old, Rodolphus didn't know many spells, and certainly not ones that could be used to kill someone. Unforgiveables, sure he knew of them, but having basic knowledge of a spell in theory wasn't exactly going to help an eleven-year old perform a spell like that. But as the oldest brother, and the heir, he knew that his father expected a lot of him, and so he had been learning spells from textbooks in order to make sure he wouldn't disappoint his father when he finally went to Hogwarts. A few spells came to mind that might do the trick in such a situation, but one really struck him: Diffindo. The severing charm. Surely, that would be exactly the kind of spell that could kill the creature, and it was something that he was sure his father would approve of. So he cast it, and make the first cut, and the girl cried out. He hadn't ever truly harmed anything in his life before that moment, and he wasn't sure how long it would take... how much blood did a Muggle even have? He just repeated the spell until the woman fell to the ground.

He felt a flicker of remorse for perhaps a moment; but, really, he wasn't entirely sure that was what he felt. Like his father had said, she was nothing more than a beast... a Muggle. She deserved what she got, and he quite liked being the one to give her the only thing she deserved: death. His father's praise made the situation all the better. He was used to the man's anger, his strict words on what was expected of him, but it was rare for him to actually to something to earn the man's praise. And from that moment on, Rodolphus had a bit of a blood lust to him... he liked inflicted pain and he liked drawing blood... proof of the pain that he was causing.

He went off to Hogwarts nine months after that, and as was common for the Lestrange family, his sorting was one of the shortest of the year. The hat called out Slytherin before barely being lifted from its resting place and he went to the table that would be his for his time at Hogwarts. Throughout his time at Hogwarts, he spent his time bullying those that either didn't deserve to be there, were blood traitors, or just pissed him the hell off. He was a beater on the Slytherin Quidditch team, and over the years, was friends with the sort of people that his father would approve of: Bellatrix Black, and Lucius Malfoy, as well as other Slytherins that shared the same views as him. But at this point, he wasn't doing anything because his father expected it, as these were his beliefs as well. He didn't want to be friends or associate with anyone that didn't have the proper mindsets. He wanted to rid the world of the impure, practice the dark arts, and so of course he only associated with people that felt the same way.

Eventually, the idea of marriage came up between him and Bellatrix Black. She was in the school year younger than him, and came from a respectable pureblood family, and so it only made sense. He didn't love her, he didn't think, though he felt a certain amount of loyalty to her and knew that it was a match that their families would both approve of. They began. dating in his seventh year at Hogwarts. He graduated in 1968, and she followed soon after in 1969. Not wasting any time, the pair married in the summer of 1969.

After graduation, the brunt of family responsibility fell to him, such as dealing with finances and continuing on with the Lestrange good name. He worked, because it was expected of him to, and began working on creating his own hexes and curses as well, but the only thing that he truly cared about was when he finally joined the Dark Lord's service. It was a cause that he could get behind, as the Dark Lord stood for everything that he did. Rodolphus also would never turn down a chance to torture, to torment, and to kill, and did so at every given opportunity. He worked on his own curses in order to torture, worked on his wandless magic as a skill that he deemed necessary for his work. However, in 1981, the Dark Lord was defended. He and Bellatrix were sure that he wasn't gone for good, and refused to accept that as a possibility. After years of service to their Lord, they certainly weren't going to accept that a mere child, a child of a despicable mudblood, had been his downfall. The pair, along with his brother Rabastan, and Barty Crouch Jr., went to the home of Alice and Frank Longbottom. It was there that they tortured them into insanity, with the Curciatus Curse.

For this, they were captured, and put on trial for their crimes. They did not hide their allegiances to the Dark Lord, and they knew that he eventually would return. They would wait. They had patience. Azkaban was horrific, of course, but over time, he adjusted. As the Dark Lord's most loyal, it was easy for them to rise up amongst the prisoners of Azkaban. And throughout the years in Azkaban (fifteen, might I add), his loyalty to the Dark Lord never faded, nor did he even consider it a remote possibility that he wouldn't return. He would come back, and he, along with Bellatrix and Rabastan, would be praised for their continued devotion.

And finally, the time came. In 1996, the dementors revolved in Azkaban, and Rodolphus escaped, along with Bellatrix and other prisoners. They went to rejoin Voldemort, sure that this time, the man that they had put their faith into would be successful. The time that he was free was brief, but he spent much of that time doing the Dark Lord's biding, and causing as much torment as possible. For a while, he spent his time living at Malfoy Manor, while Voldemort was staying there as well. Although the Malfoys were out of favor, Rodolphus certainly wasn't and refused to be. He spent his time doing whatever the Dark Lord needed to be done, and got to spend some time with @torib as well, which he found to be... particularly enjoyable. Lucius had made ridiculously disgraceful errors, and he needed to be taught a lesson and brought to his knees. It was clear to Rodolphus that they weren't happy with the Dark Lord's presence there, which was ridiculous to him.

He was present at the Battle of Hogwarts, fighting viciously as always, using Unforgiveables and his own creations to cause as much pain and havoc as possible. It was there that he lost his wife, a fact that angered him and gave him quite the grudge toward the Weasley family as a whole. When the Dark Lord was defeated, he was put on trial once more. He was described by all present as eerily calm, and he was. He had every faith that he wouldn't be spending his life in Azkaban, as they claimed. He would get out again, surely. Someone someday would see the need to get him out of the prison, as he was sure that someone would rise again. And so he has spent another nearly 18 years in Azkaban. Although the prison is something he is used to at this point, and he has only a gripping hold on his sanity anyhow, it has affected him, but really, it's only made him ready to cause more mayhem. Sometimes, in his eyes, you can see that he is fully there, and sometimes, there is that blank stare once again.

In February of 2016, he was finally released from Azkaban as well as his brother. He isn't entirely sure who in the Ministry got him released down to the work camp, but he's certainly going to take advantage of his 'freedom' this time around, particularly now that he has heard whispers of a new rebellion.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? He’s bloody against it, obviously. He has been in Azkaban twice and now he is out and seeing how it is at the work camp. He’s not happy at all, and he’s not going to bend the knee and act as though the scum that works there are in charge of what he does. But now that he is out and he has his freedom, he’ll be making the most of that… (And trust me, we don’t even want to know the half of what that means…).

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? His first ‘death’ had Rodolphus put in Azkaban, though not immediately. He had time to go to the Longbottoms with his brother, with Bellatrix, and with Barty Crouch Jr., in order to try to figure out what the hell had happened. They had time to torture the couple into insanity, but eventually, he was put into Azkaban. When he was broken out and the Dark Lord was reigning, Rodolphus was sure that everyone would be put into their place, and he enjoyed ensuring that and making sure everyone knew their damn place in the world. Then, of course, he was back in Azkaban, though really, he was used to it by then. Now, he’s back out, starting up at the work camp, and he’s not about to take that shit lying down.

Parents: Ronan Lestrange – deceased, Calisto Lestrange (née Gamp) – deceased
Children: None that he knows of, but let’s be honest… they are out there. He’s the type of person where you don’t want to know the number—and you certainly don’t want to know about some… dubious consent situations (that was me being polite).
Partner: Bellatrix Lestrange (dead as a doornail… sorry, that was rude of me).
Other Relevant Family: @andi (sister-in-law), @torib (sister-in-law), @lucius (brother-in-law), (nephew)
Family History:
As part of the infamous Twenty-Eight pureblood families, the Lestrange line has long embraced its political and social standing above the rest of the wizarding and non-magical world. Vulgarly rich and shamelessly entitled, generation after generation has done its part to keep the little man down. The family tree is sprinkled with powerful wizards who used their wealth and connection to secure a wide variety of political positions. Former Minister Radolphus Lestrange, for example. The family, also, holds a seat on the Wizengamot.

There are very few of the other Twenty-Eight families that cannot be found married into the Lestrange line. Truly, only the Weasleys, Longbottoms, and Macmillians have been excluded--something about vanity and not wanting any ginger mucking up their brunet perfection.

Rabastan's parents were like many of purist couples, arranged to be married. His father was over forty by the time he took a wife...and when he did, she was such a young lithe thing. A Gamp--pretty and proper. The girl never saw twenty, but gave her husband two sons fulfilling the duty of a wife. He did not remarry as he had two heirs. (Family history taken from the lovely Jade's app for )

Other: the Lestrange boyz in the house, here to be super rowdy and eff everything up.

I just wanted another one okay... I just wanted him to exist...

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?
Idk. I forget.

Viggo Mortensen

Roleplay Sample
Crucio is Rod's favorite word. Am I being serious? Nah, actually, he says there's worse out there... he's invented them.