where wolf? there wolf // kristina

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Post by Deleted on Feb 25, 2018 1:40:58 GMT -5

Where Wolf? There Wolf.
@kristina // OUTFIT


Concocting the complex potion was the ultimate bane of Alfie's existence. When he got it perfect(which was extremely rare), it was his saving grace. However, the potion was so complex he wasn't an advanced enough potioneer for it. Alfie had a lot of practice after living many years Lycan, but he would frequently poison himself from improperly brewing the potion - due to the plants toxic leaves. Potions had always been his weakest subject at Hogwarts, but after he got bitten he really had to kick his own ass into understanding correct measures and taking your time with things. He didn't want to live his entire life alone as a monster, so he practiced brewing the complex potion until he got it down.

Unfortunately, the former Gryffindor still didn't have it down, but he was fortunate enough to have people in his life that could successfully brew it for him. So, Alfie would make a monthly trip to Watsons Plants and Potions for a bundle of Aconitum. The main ingredient of Wolfsbane (or Monkshood) potion. The magical plant was grown in Scotland and was known to be very, very toxic if brewed improperly. And it made the potion taste like feet.

Alfies long legs quickly carried him down the crowded cobblestone walkways of Diagon Alley in the direction of Watons. The Full moon was only days away, so he didn't have much time. And the amount of slow walkers he continuously got stuck behind was beginning to make him a little irritable. Thank Merlin, he knew exactly where he was going and what he needed. Alfie stopped in front of the shop window that was displaying herbs lined up in a neat fashion with prices on them, he grabbed for the door and the bell chimed loudly behind him.

One reason why he enjoyed coming to Watsons was an old acquaintance from Hogwarts and fellow former Gryffindor -- Kristina Mackenzie. He always enjoyed chatting her up and she always had helpful advice when it came to the very specific herbs he needed. It was great having that kind of help when he was practically helpless in the subject. Alfie poked around silently as he waited for someone to pop out from the back to greet him.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 1, 2018 20:29:05 GMT -5

It lit me up and I burn from the inside out
Yeah, I burn like a witch in a Puritan town
Growing season was fast approaching, spring threatened to return sooner every day, and Kristina had found herself quite busy with her work. One wouldn't think that winter would be her busiest time, but it was when buyers placed their orders, Hogwarts being one of the largest consumers. All morning Kristina had been digging up Puffapod sprouts and relocating them to smaller pots for the third year herbology students spring projects. It was tedious, especially considering the fact that she had to be extremely careful lest she spill the beans, literally. If the pods were to hit any surface, or even feel a strong bump, they would flower instantly and spill shinning seeds all over the greenhouse floor. It was nerve racking, but Kristina loved the scent the tiny pink seed pods on the sprouts gave off, so she found joy in the work.

Along with her large orders for live plants Kristina also had the duty of harvesting fresh leaves for sale, as well as drying the leaves, stems, and flowers for potions. There was a lot to keep track of, but somehow it seemed to keep her anxiety at bay rather than attracting it. It kept her mind away from fearing the impending doom that was her life. She was still reeling from her anxiety attack nearly a month ago, the one that had pushed her to make some changes. 

The fear it had brought was the worst part. Her life was so mundane, so boring, and her anxiety brought in the immense fear that she was doomed to live in this never-any-excitement sort of hell forever. It felt worse than being dead. It felt like she WAS dead. Her heart had pounded so hard in her chest it had threatened to break her ribs, spit her sternum in half, and take off running. She wanted to run with it, run far, far away from the life she had created for herself.

Running wasn't an option, however, she could never bring herself to leave her career, or her mother. So she stayed, the fear like the grim reaper standing over her shoulder every moment of every day. That is, until she found the cure. Excitement. It started with getting shitfaced, two sheets into the wind she found that her grim follower was gone. And from there she began experimenting. Now, she felt like she had it under her control. But in order to keep the control, she needed to completely let go of all control once in a while. Let go, and let God. Or...let go, and let the drugs, alcohol and one night stands do their jobs. Not to mention her wonderful new life of crime, that helped her out a great deal while she was at work.

Kristina had been burying some of her cargo in the soil of a few plants which were to be sent out to France in the morning when she heard the door chime go off. The brunette jumped at the sound and quickly finished burying the items. "Just a minute," she called out into the store, scooping dirt in both hands to put into the planter. When she was satisfied it was buried well she patted the soil down with her hands before wiping them on her apron. The petite woman made her way up front with a smile, "Alfie, dear, whit like are ye(1)? Been a while since I seen yer pretty face." Kristina winked at him with a soft chuckle.

1.) whit like are ye- "how are you"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 9, 2018 20:10:18 GMT -5

Where Wolf? There Wolf.
@kristina // OUTFIT

It wasn't long until Alfie heard a voice from the back greet him; he recognized Kristina's familiar Scottish accent right off the bat and smiled to himself. She was always a kind girl back in his Hogwarts days, and very pretty too, so of course he'd go out of his way to go to Watsons only when she was working. It was a monthly affair, since ingredients for Wolfsbane only worked when fresh. In the past, Alfie had gone to other shops for special herbs for his Wolfsbane potion and shop workers would give him weird looks and/or snide remarks. It sucked having to live a lie all the time to refrain from prejudice treatment from others in the wizarding community. So, Watsons happened to be his saving grace. It didn't hurt that Kristina was easy on the eyes too, because people that were into plants and Herbology usually weren't so cute. So that was a major plus, in his book at least.

Alfie picked up a bundle of random herbs and inspected them curiously before setting them back down on the wooden counter. Kristina appeared from the back only after a couple of seconds with a soiled apron and a chipper face. "Well, hellooo gorgeous!" Alfie greeted in a sing song voice while offering the small woman a warm embrace. "Been better, honestly. Just here lookin' to get me hands on some Aconitum." he shared with a groan and shrugging with a weak smile. The young lady knew of his struggles with Aconitum and how frustrating getting proper ingredients for the potion could be.

"How've ye been, Kristina? Tell me somethin' good!" Alfie inquired with interest, looking to truly be curious. Since he was done with quidditch indefinitely, he had more time to himself and more time to actually chat up people. That part was nice, the not playing quidditch wasn't too nice, but he'd survive. Alfie leaned against one of the work counters casually, curious to how his friend had been.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 10, 2018 15:09:07 GMT -5

It wasn't very often that Kristina had the pleasure of having Alfie in her shop, but it seemed like she would see him at least once a month. And, let's face it, she always looked forward to it. He was gorgeous! And so, so sweet. She had always liked him, since the day she first saw him at Hogwarts. He had been older than her by a few years and the way he rode a broom, oh mama! It was a shame that he wasn't playing anymore. Kristina had always found the game interesting, and not just because of him, he was a great player.

Kristina hugged him, scoffing at his hello. "Oh please-" she chuckled, "-I'm a mess, look'it me." The small woman stood back, gesturing to her apron, which was once cream colored but now held the dark stains of soil.

"Oh, shite! I hope I dinnae get ye dirty!" Kristina looked him up and down, brushing a small bit of dirt from the leg of his pants. It might have been an excuse just to touch him, but she also felt a little bad to soil his clothes. Wait, when was the last time she touched a man she didn't sleep with? Oh lord, let's not even go there. As Alfie explained his cause for being there with a groan, she twisted her lips in sympathy. Finding ingredients for the type of potion he needed was not an easy task, it had taken her months of fighting with the Ministry just so that she could keep it in her store. With werewolves being such a targeted group, they tried to make it as difficult as possible for them to control it.

Luckily she always had some in stock, even secret stashes of the plant that the ministry wasn't aware of. With her new smuggling business, anything was possible! Kristina skirted around to the back side of the counter to where she had hidden the key to the cabinet full of highly classified herbs. "Well," she started, unable to keep herself from chuckling. "I've got no good news but I've got something rather funny if you'd like to hear my embarrassing tale." Kristina took the key from it's hiding place before leaning against the counter with a mischievous smirk. 

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Post by Deleted on Mar 10, 2018 21:49:12 GMT -5

Where Wolf? There Wolf.
@kristina // OUTFIT

Alfie noticed immediately as the small woman displayed concern about the dirt that had smeared on him but he wasn't really worried about that. She patted at his pant leg and he let out a laugh, while jumping slightly out of reflex. "Ohh no, no apologies needed! Yer a hardworkin' lass, aye!" Alfie chirped with a smile while gesturing to the soiled apron with a nod. That was respectable. Merlin, he understood having to work hard for a living these days. Making brooms from hand was a grueling task, and quite frankly, Alfie hated it. Things were entirely different when you were doing something for pleasure, or as a hobby. Alfie had to make brooms now to live. Which was very irritating because beating a bludger across a quidditch pitch was much more desirable to him. And ironically, less work. Everyone knew Alfie liked to waste money and enjoy the finer things in life, so now he had to bust his arse if he really wanted to enjoy life at its fullest extent. Especially to pay for Wolfsbane potion - monthly.

Kristina admitted that she didn't have anything good to share, but she had something else to mention. A smile danced at the corner of his lips, "It's good t'be embarrassed, Kris. It builds character!" Alfie jested, waggling his eyebrows before continuing, "I've had me fair share of misfortune lately too. I would be delighted to hear yours. We can exchange our most current tales." he laughed, cocking his head to the side out of interest. She gave him a rather mischievous look from the other side of the counter as she jingled the keys in her hands. A part of him perked up because he knew it would be something good with the way her demeanor had changed. The wolf in him always noticed those little things. And to be honest, for some reason jingling keys always got the inner dog in him triggered. It was a blessing and a curse to be so attune with his surroundings and peers.

"Please share." Alfie finally urged, brushing off a bit of dirt off the counter top before leaning against its surface. He was all ears for his friend and prepared to hear the worst, since she already warned him it involved a red-faced moment. Hopefully it was a good.

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Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2018 20:22:06 GMT -5

Kristina had always loved her work, both as a hobby and as a career, but at times work felt very much like work. She imagined it wasn't an easy transition for Alfie to take broom making on as a means of making a living. After her graduation from Hogwarts Kristina had traveled for a long time, living her dreams and researching herbology. Coming back from that and settling in to doing it as a career had been difficult for her in the beginning. It took her months to get used to the new groove, instead of researching and doing things on her own time, she now was expected to do it all day, every day. That had been years ago, of course, and she came to love her profession. Even with her recent...setbacks. 

"Aye, workin' hard indeed. If things dinnae slow down soon I'll likely bury myself in one of those pots and ship myself off to the Bahamas!" Kristina shook her head with a smile, blowing a strand of hair from her face. She knew that her busy season was soon coming to an end and she was both relieved and apprehensive. The constant list of things to do had been keeping her out of crisis mode- internally, that is. Once that came to and end she could only guess as to the new ways her anxiety would find to bring her crashing down. "Speakin o' hard work, how's the broom making business?" She inquired, shutting down her thoughts and focusing on Alfie. "Now that's hard work!"

Kristina scrunched her nose with a giggle as he waggled his eyebrows speaking of building character. "Aye, and I've built myself into quite the character!" She raised her brows with an embarrassed smirk. Kristina was not the kind of person to be embarrassed really, but she did enjoy poking fun at herself. She could feel the giggles building up, she tried to keep them contained as she told her tale.

"So, ye ken that I'm Scottish, so then ye ken that I fancy a drink or two after work sometimes," She rolled her eyes playfully. "Anyway, so last week I'm thinkin' maybe I'd try a place I've no been ta before." Kristina flicked her brow with a shrug. The small woman leaned further against the counter nearly laying her entire torso on it. She crossed her arms and continued. "So there I am, in muggle London, mind you. And I've been getting mad wae it all evening and suddenly they bring out this....." Her lips pursed as she tried to find the word, a small giggle managing to escape as she went on, "I cannae remember what they said it was. It's a machine, yeah?"

"They put this thing up on this stage, and they want people to come up and start singing. Make a dobber oot yerself wit everyone lookin at ye." Kristina brushed a strand of hair from her face, still smiling smugly. "Me, being as jaked as I was, was like I'm the dafty yer lookin fer!" The laughter she was trying to contain had bubbled over, and for a moment she couldn't stop giggling. She could still picture the scene in her memory, like some sort of out of body experience. Kristina was able to reel it in pretty quickly, wiping a tear from her laughter from the corner of her eye. "Oh lord, I dunno if I can even tell ye without bustin' up!"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 13, 2018 15:12:50 GMT -5

Where Wolf? There Wolf.
@kristina // OUTFIT

"Meh, it's goin'... Slow and steady, I s'pose." Alfie shrugged apathetically at her question and gave her a weak smile. That always seemed to be a touchy question lately since he was unsure on how to repsond. Alfie didn't enjoy talking about himself anymore because honestly he felt like there was nothing to talk about. He was too busy trying to hideout and be 'good' - which wasn't as easy as you would think for someone his age. His drunken shenanigans often got him into trouble, but he never hurt anyone, except himself. Recently he was learning from his mistakes and he was willing to admit it.

As Kristina started to tell her story, Alfie listened with genuine interest. It was going to be good, he could tell by the look on her face, and by how giddy she was getting. It was actually super cute. Alfie couldn't help but smile from her energy, and he nodded to show that he was listening to her points. She explained the details of Muggle London and what was definitely a karaoke machine of sorts. Alfie perked up, knowing exactly what she was talking about, being the music buff that he was. Especially Muggle music! He played many instruments and had a major interest anything involving the subject. Thanks to his mum being a Muggle music teacher he was exposed to the world of music at a very young age. Even the tackier parts, like karaoke, which was a guilty pleasure of his.

"Oohh, you did karaoke, Kris!" Alfie exclaimed with a laugh and nodding his head in approval. "I love karaoke! What did you sing? What happened!? Go on, go on.." Alfie pleaded, shaking her small body comically as he urged her to continue. "Karaoke fueled by heavy drinking...this must be good!" he returned to leaning against the counter top and waited patiently for her to get the words out without cracking up. Alfie smiled widely awaiting the best part.

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Post by Deleted on Mar 15, 2018 20:16:56 GMT -5

Kristina could tell Alfie wasn't keen on the subject of his new profession, and she couldn't help but feel for him. It brought back feelings for her of when she began at Watson's. Traveling had always been top priority for Kristina growing up. She had heard her mothers tales as a child of a world outside of Scotland, a lively wonderful world that was just calling her name. Her mother had been a gypsy soul and it had driven her to see the world, and see it she had. As a child, being shunned by her community, she lived vicariously through her mother's stories. Once Kristina graduated from Hogwarts she was gone, so, so gone. She traveled the world for years, studying herbology hands on, and when she had finally learned as much as she could she had returned home. And her return broke her heart into a million tiny pieces, but with any heart break, she got over it in time.

"Suppose it's not been easy ta be makin' the brooms instead of ridin' them," she gave a sympathetic half smile. Kristina had never been a rider of brooms, not since first year flying lessons really, but she did enjoy watching Quidditch. She imagined that his experience as a beater helped his broom making abilities. Knowing what's helpful and not in a broom, that sort of thing. Then again, it might be hard to make brooms for others when everyone has a different preference than yourself. "Have ye heard the saying doctors make the worst patients? I bet yer a terrible broom maker." Kristina joked, her smile beaming, she had never been able to be serious for too long.

Kristina knew that he might be interested in her terribly embarrassing tale, that is if she could keep herself from laughing enough to tell it. She had lived as a muggle for the first eleven years of her life, but once she got her letter to Hogwarts she never really looked back. The only reason she joined the muggle world was to have a drink, they really do have some wonderful taverns, or to see her mum. Still, she had never come across a karaoke machine until that night and she hoped to never see one again unless she was equally as drunk as she had been that night. 

Pushing her torso off the counter, she raised her brows and smiled excitedly. "Yes, exactly! Karaoke, that's what it was!" She waved her finger at him as to point out his correct guess. Kristina cupped the keys in her hand as she held the edge of the counter still smiling. "Oh I bet yer pure barry at it. I'd be tempted ta take ya, but listen here..." The giggling was starting to boil up again and she did her best to hold it in. "They get me up on the stage, and, aye, I'm a wee bit wobbly and maybe a wee bit more confident than I should be fer someone who's naw sang a note in her life!"

There was a brightness in her eyes as she spoke, but the pressure of the keys against her hand subtly reminded her that she had a task she needed to attend to. It was so easy to chat with Alfie, and it's not like she got the chance everyday. Shifting the keys in her hand she took a few steps from behind the counter while she continued. "I tell the lass at the machine ta pick me a belter, I'm all in. Hen says the song is 'Call Me Maybe'-" Making her way from behind the counter she tosses the keys back and forth merrily in her hands, grinning ear to ear, she peers at him from under her brow with a chuckle."-Have ye heard that muggle song?"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 17, 2018 20:40:47 GMT -5

Where Wolf? There Wolf.

"Have ye heard the saying doctors make the worst patients? I bet yer a terrible broom maker." All Alfie could do was roll her eyes at that comment. Kristina was just too adorable sometimes. Like a bundle o' kittens. Her personality and good attitude was always infectious, he already felt himself perking up since entering Watsons. That was nice. "I s'pose yer right, Kris. I must admit, building them isn't anywhere near as fun as ridin' 'em, but hey, I reckon I could always be doin' much worse. I get to do what I want still despite not playin' but that me own fault there." Alfie shrugged his shoulders again, trying to appear nonchalant, even though he wasn't as cool about it as he may tried to play it off to be.

When Kristina finally shared the song that was selected for her karaoke performance, Alfie couldn't hold back a snort. He shook his head, oh, yes he had heard that song. Unfortunately. There were times when he was browsing Muggle shops and that song would come on quite frequently. Alfie could probably recite the chorus if it played, funnily enough. "Aye. That tune is a real banger...a true belter, I must say." Alfie couldn't contain the laughter any longer. The mental image of his mate sloshed in Muggle London singing her heart out was just too good. It sounded like a really good time actually! "-And how did ye handle the song, Kris? Did you slay it or make a total stook1 of yerself?" he inquired with interest, a wide smile tugging the corners of his mouth upwards showing that he was very amused by the story. Alfie had his fair share of nights where he was belligerently high and drunk, sometimes it collaborated snorting funny powders and/or smoking herbs, but heavy drinking was always involved. He was truly the King of Bolloxology2. Hell, he couldn't help that he couldn't resist a good time. Ever. That was partially why he was in all of this mess, but things would blow over eventually. They always did.

Alfie laughed again, the mental image of Kristina on stage still haunting him. "That sounds like a gas3, Kris. If ya wanna get right sloshed, we should totally go out.. I'm not gon' lie though, I would probably whoop yer arse at karaoke, because I'm the master." he challenged while jabbing her softly with his elbow teasingly, giving her a goofy eye brow waggle. Alfie had always been a very fierce competitor, at basically everything, even if he wasn't the best at the said subject. Competition had always coursed through his veins. That's why he was always so open to rivalry all the damn time. Quidditch had always been an excellent outlet at channeling that competitive energy through the game. Now he was finding other ways to release that competitive energy.

1. Stook - Dickhead/Idiot
2. Bolloxology - The art of of goofing off, time wasting, messing around.
3. Gas - Fun(ny) or amusing
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Post by Deleted on Mar 19, 2018 19:40:01 GMT -5

"Aye, Alfie, could be worse. Lots worse. Could be a gardener," Kristina crinkled her nose with a smile. She loved her job, but it wasn't one that many people wanted. Sure, there were lots of folks who enjoyed having their own garden, and there were lots of folks who enjoyed herbology, but she had been the sole gardener at Watson's for three years, and not one other person had applied since. There had been a position open, but not one resume had been sent in. She liked to think it wouldn't, being the only gardener had its perks. The silence and solitude was nice, and whenever it became too much she'd come up and run the register. Not to mention she wasn't sure how her new 'business' would fare if another gardener was ever hired on. "I've always wondered-" she began, narrowing her eyes facetiously , "-you fly them brooms in the shop when yer done or do ye go outside? Cannae think o' anythin' funnier than ye flying around knocking over shelves 'n' whit nae."

The small brunette made her way a few steps at a time toward the cabinet, looking back and Aflie and chuckling as he spoke. "Aye, tis a damn good song!" Kristina looped her finger in the key ring swirling it around her finger. The sound of his laughter sparked up her own and she could tell he was picturing the ordeal. Honestly, she was sure some muggle out there had put it on YouTube or whatever form of social media they had. If she had a computer she might have looked it up just to laugh at herself. "Alfie, na, babe, let me tell you," she chimed through giggles. Oh lord, could she contain herself to keep on with the story? Holding back her bubbling laughs was getting harder and harder. 

"I'm blooteret as ten men up thare, singing, hauf of which wis in Scots I believe, n'all'o sudden I hear this chanting. I think tae maself, 'aye Kris you're doing a stoatin job they love it.' So I'm singing like I been paid tae sing up there!" Kristina explains excitedly as she starts dancing a little bit. "And I'm up there makin' a dobber out meself, dancin', belting it out, I start tae question: What are they chanting? It doesnae go with the song at all." Her dancing stops, her face twists into an amused mimic of her confusion. Kristina had managed her way to the cabinet during her dancing. She turned for a moment to open the door of it before moving on with her embarassing tale.

The cabinet was quite old, made of false wood. It's doors squeaking as she opened them, inside  were quite a few containers of different substances. She hardly needed to look at what she was doing, knowing the cabinet all too well. Kristina smile still burned brightly on her face as she continued, her laughter bubbling up again as she spoke. "Alfie, babe, I wouldane lie to ye. They were booing me off the stage. And here I am singin' me wee heart out and I'm hearin' booooooo and 'get off' 'get off' 'get off'. " Still laughing she waved her arms, imitating the crowd shooing her from the stage. Anyone else would have likely been embarrassed to death, but Kristina only found the humor in it. "So at this point me pished brain kicks on and says, hey lass, you can take advantage 'ere. So I start singin', 'Hey I'm up here and im sing-ing! You want me off stage? Buy my drinks baby!' Cannae say I remember much after tha', but I do ken I got quite a few pints!"

Kristina guffawed, finally letting the laughter boil over completely. Recounting her experience, she had wished Alfie had been there. He was a fun person, and the prospect of him singing karaoke sounded just as fun. "The master, eh?" She chuckled, her laughter finally coming down. "I bet if I wisnae so blasted they'd have worshiped me. Lucky for meself that wisnae the case, or I'd still be signing autographs." Kristina challenged back jokingly. "If ye'd like we could have a go of it. An' if I get booed maybe I can get the whole pub buyin' our drinks!