Greengrass Grove

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While the original estate was destroyed in 1692, the seated matriarch of the family did what was expected: she rebuilt. To Prásino Grasídi had stuck out from its neighbors in near-every way-- open-air courtyards, intricate Corinthian columns, Caryatids, vivid friezes, and brightly-colored mosaic floors. The new manor still was extremely distinct from its Welsh (distant) neighbors, though the overall appearance fit in more with the homes of other wealthy magical families.

White marble walls enclosed a large courtyard, which all main windows and gardens faced. Pilasters replace former columns inside the walls, with engravings of fruits and vegetables. Mosaics are limited to the main rooms, and the only one of a deity is Demeter in resplendent gold and green tiles. Columns still line the courtyard garden, where stand many of the the greenhouses the Greengrasses are famed for. In the center stands a fountain large enough for several adults, the water charmed to always be of pleasant temperature.

Of the acres of land surrounding Greengrass Grove, many are bright with flora both local and exotic, carefully managed to not spill beyond the Muggle-repelling wards. Over the years what had once been planned and planted have grown into a true forest, and it's been often that young Greengrasses and their friends who cannot produce reliable magic might lose themselves for near a day. Still, as long as children have a reasonable knowledge of what can and cannot be consumed, it is safe to wander throughout, even undefended.

Occupants: , Daphne Greengrass
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