Berlin Strengler

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Post by Deleted on Apr 29, 2015 21:02:37 GMT -5

Berlin Strengler
46 - Male - Squib - 01/21/1969

Three Broomsticks Bartender/Innkeeper

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Large, burly man, gifted with thick red hair on his head, face and, well, everywhere else. He's built like a brick - large, but never fat. This comes from the giant in their family.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Skills: Talking, Swordplay, and games.
Weaknesses: While he hides it, he is still disappointed he doesn't have magical abilities.
Positive Personality Traits: Friendly - can get along with anyone. Brave, and empathetic when he wants to be.
Negative Personality Traits: Brash. Very brash. He oftentimes acts without thinking.
Hobbies and Interests: He loves his job, but he also practices swordplay and is an avid gambler.
Character History:
He was born in Norway, in the shadow of Durmstrang. His parents were avid supports of Durmstrang and were eager to have a child attend there, but, of course, he couldn't without magical abilities. While his parents always loved him and defended him from those who looked down on him, Berlin always felt like he disappointed his parents.

Eventually, he left his hometown, thinking a change of scenery would make him feel better. He traveled across magical Europe, when he eventually found himself in an inn's bar for the better part of a month, just talking to a guest. That is when he decided he wanted to be an innkeeper and, since he still loved the magical world, where better than in Hogsmeade?

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? He is always for harsh and swift punishments, but would probably ask for the same on those who treat the families in the same way as the Death Eaters.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? They were never affected by Voldemort directly, but his parents did have to defend Berlin from supporters. They always did, but this still put Berlin down, feeling like a burden.

Parents: Sia and Vartun Strengler
Siblings: None
Children: None
Partner: None
Other Relevant Family: None
Family History:
They were always a "live off the land" sort of family, despite their magical abilities. His father liked to say this came from the giant in their family. His father and mother were always involved with Durmstrang, and while he always hoped Berlin would become a great student like he did, his family always loved him regardless and never pressured him.

Other: He got into swordplay as a child to intimidate those that teased him.


Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

Roleplay Sample
The walk between his practice grounds and home was always a long one, and the foot of snow didn’t help either. The cold wind bit into his skin, the snow drifted lightly through the air, and Berlin was never more grateful for the fur around the hood of his coat. Now that he wasn’t moving and exercising, the cold was beginning to get to him.

He was just about to turn the corner of the Three Broomsticks when a boy fell into his path. At first, he thought he slipped on the ice, then he saw the group of boys chasing after him, pelting the boy with snowballs.

“Muggle-born!” one of the boys shouted.

“No wonder he’s so bad at magic!” Another said.

Berlin’s already red cheeks grew redder. “Oy! You lads leave him alone!” His voice bellowed.

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Apr 29, 2015 22:46:55 GMT -5
