On ne se souvient pas des jours, on se souvient des instants

Naël Étienne Bonaccord
Naël Étienne Bonaccord Avatar
24 posts
19 years old
Dragonologist Apprentice
Specialty Career
played by Steph
"I don't know if I'll make it, but watch how good I'll fake it"

Post by Naël Étienne Bonaccord on Sept 7, 2018 0:01:16 GMT -5

Naël Étienne Bonaccord
by Steph
he is a Grown Boy 
blood status
half-blood? most likely
sexual orientation
Dragonologist Apprentice! 
he's got @perenelle  as his mentor, and honestly he's still a little starstruck by it. 
general appearance
more pretty than handsome, Naël's got. . . well, he's got dark hair like his maman, and lighter skin somewhat similar to his papa. If you squint a little, and Naël doesn't spend too much time in the sun. He's got a faceful of freckles they claim probably belonged to some ancestor, because cousin Brigida also has a few, but Naël's certain it came from one of his biological parents, whoever they are.

Hazel eyes, strong eyebrows, a mouth made for grinning. It's when he hasn't had a smile on his face for about thirty seconds that things aren't good.  There's usually a good amount of excited energy around him when he's not fully concentrated, and he's kind of skinny because of all the energy he burns. 

former school
former house
"Look at where I am!"

It's being considered. He's heard great things about Bangor?
university major(s)
years attended

Patience! Surprisingly, according to some.
Improvising and Thinking on His Feet: "Look, so I know we've got six minutes left in this lesson and half the potion to finish, but I think if we mix it with this potion and add in some knotgrass, we should get the same result--" (they did, and it confused the professor too) (other times it hasn't turned out well, or nothing's happened.)
Experimenting-- Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 
genealogy, okay. "It's not that I'm bad at it, I just can't remember all of Maman's family and how it connects to other parts, or how she's related to Tante Gwenaëlle and Papa."
Daydreaming "But I only do it when we're not doing anything!"
Idealistic-- "I want to believe people are good! And can be." 
Experimenting-- Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
positive traits
Active, Adaptable, Adventurous, Agreeable, Caring, Cheerful, Earnest, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Flexible, Helpful, Honest, Imaginative, Loyal, Perceptive 
negative traits
Airy, Breezy, Complacent, Excitable, Guileless, Idealistic, Naive, Noncompetitive, Questioning, Transparent,  Unambitious
Okay, so-- DRAGONS. "I always wanted to be a dragon when I was younger, and so then I read a lot so that I could be one. it was considered kinda funny, so it was encouraged, but then I learned learning about them, and helping them seemed so much better than being one!"
Learning-- "You can go in so many different ways with learning! All the holes you can fall into-- doing stuff like that is awesome, isn't it? Like, last night I was trying to find out etymology of a supposed Catalan spell, but then I fell into others, and then I ended up reading about Sun Dances of North America. I'm still not sure of the route, but I remember what I learned!"
Collecting rocks-- "Okay, so I was supposed to stop this when I was younger, but it didn't happen. I've got a huge collection, but I'm guessing you don't want to see it?"
Alchemy-- "I mean I'm not studying it, but I still really like it! I'd never be able to be like, an actual Alchemist, but I like learning. And watching. And trying and failing! I didn't blow up my room too badly that time, so it's all good, right?"
Reading-- "I mean, I'm actually really good at being still and sitting down! I just need a book. I don't have to be reading it, but it's good."
Born into an important family, then adopted by another one.

"Look at my mentor. LOOK AT HER. I don't know how I got so lucky to get Perenelle Flamel, but that's so far one of the best sections of my life?"

character history
"It's not everyday you fake a pregnancy. Really, it's not. I'd hope so, at least. Not that there's anything wrong with adoption, it just doesn't work so easily when you're so close to the seat, and then relatives come crawling out of the woodwork when you die.

Anyway, I was born in June. My twin sister was born five months earlier. See, it wasn't just me that the pregnancy was faked for. It was Noémie too. Maman and Papa were away for ages to wait for us to grow up and look roughly the same age. Our biological parents were sworn to secrecy, because not only were Maman and Papa from important families, so were at least the women? or girls, I'm not sure, who gave birth to Noémie and I. At least one father too, though we think Noémie's might have been part-Veela. That's a tricky thing to play away. Noémie's also lucky because her name was almost Radegonde. By almost, I mean, it was on her original birth certificate which has since been Officially Lost. I think some strings were bribed to destroy it, same with mine.

So we're both Bonaccords, born the Fifteenth of March, and we don't know anything different. After all, we look a bit like each parent-- that's one reason we were picked. Hopeful resemblance, at least shallowly to both of them. It was thought I was going to get darker, except that didn't happen. Noémie turned out great, though, and I definitely wouldn't've known in her case. Neither of us knew we were adopted for years, until we got our Beauxbatons letters-- but at different times. Noémie got hers two months and a half months before our birthday, and I got mine two and a half months later. Maman and Papa then told us everything, and how we had to keep it secret. Apparently only grandpere, grandmere, and Oncle David know. Maybe Tante Gwenaëlle, and while Maman's parents might suspect, they think it's more likely that we're papa's with different women. Me more specifically, I think. But who are they to complain when Maman accepts us so easily?

School went well. I made some friends, a few rivals, but I'd say I was more liked than not. I've got a fairly large family-- on one side, at least, so I had to learn to get along with others fast. And remember names--for all that French has thousands of options, people seem to like sticking to only about seventy or so there. And then I graduated-- high marks in nearly everything! And I sent out papers nearly everywhere, and Papa and Maman went asking, and I was writing a lot, begging really. I wanted to see the world, I wanted more than just France. They were concerned about me going to Romania, and even though the Ministry here hasn't been the most stable, I think I should be fine, as long as I keep out of trouble. I mean, I'm the grandson of the Head of International Cooperation in France, and my aunt's sister is the French Seat. Also, my mentors? They're amazing, and if they've been okay, I can be too! 

Besides, mentoring under Perenelle Flamel? Don't you know how much any sane-minded people would give for that opportunity? Crossing borders was a no-brainer."

Noah Bonaccord, Aceline Devereux. They're the important ones.
Noémie Bonaccord
he really really hopes not
there's a few possible engagements, but it's not solidified
Also possibly his cousin if things work out. (so he really hopes they do. Brigida's great but she's his cousin.)
He's a Bonaccord, after all, and more or less the main line.

And if he's found someone here, they'll accept that. As long as they're from a good family, and preferably a woman. 
other family
Anyone named Bonaccord. Quite a few named Devereux. de Pensées-Profondes, Millefueille, LaFarge, and a . . lot of others. De Lapin, sort of.
Even some amount of the English, thanks to Great Aunt Vittoria who married into the Rosiers-- hey, meeting them in the sick ward should be fun, should they decide to check themselves in once he gets there.
family history

The Bonaccords and Devereuxs are both well-known and important families, especially in France. They've got Reputations and Achievements and gold and some titles, and influence and power, all those sorts of things that are seen as good. That's technically important to this, really. Because reputations and heirs and alliances.

Naël's father was a second son, but of an important enough family that things like that wouldn't really matter. And things were going great! Really. His dad was something first cousins with the heirs of three other important French families through his mother, and his mother was from a different branch of the family that married outward more, and his aunt had married into another important family.  David had a half-standing engagement with a cousin from that family, because his mother's family liked to intermarry a lot, and the cousin's mother was a Devereux of de Trefle-Picques, with ties to Chevalier and Toubeau. So the connections would be solidified and carried on. It was his brother's engagement that was more important, after all, and so by having the second son tied away, people would offer more for the heir.

And this was all very beautiful until. . . well, Noah got older, and it was somewhat realized that he couldn't have children. Alliances through him, while important, had little chances to have blood carry on through the next generation. The half-standing engagement was suddenly turned into a standing engagement, because cousins should be thought to be trusted with that, and it could be carried out that way.

Except. 1998, and people died in England and that changed marriage alliances in France because of people over there, and resettling, and having to polish up reputations because there were people on both sides. And then Julianna wanted to marry a different cousin who was similarly ranking but of a different name and line, and then it was thought to be a good idea to have the heirs of Devereux and Bonaccord as brothers, and a way to make up for Julianna. And then Noah had to find a new engagement because the infertility had to be kept on the down-low to preserve the reputation. People like alliances to bear fruit, after all, and keep them in line. 

Thankfully, there was a whisper of a scandal in another great family, and parents swooped in. A new engagement was speedily arranged, and a date set. It would save the girl's reputation, and it was still a high enough match. So then things were set, right?
Except no, because the pair became friends and decided they didn't want this, so they had to find a whole new way to get out of it, as the girl involved didn't like men, or physicality-- not to mention having already had a very bad experience. They planned their own scandal very quietly, careful to make it so that they could walk away, the girl with a new choice of spouse, and neither name shamed.

Somehow, they mostly succeeded, and the girl married a best friend of hers.

But then Noah still had to find a wife, and by sheer luck, he managed to find out he had a cousin who was similarly unlikely to ever have kids. A relatively short engagement followed, he and Aceline left France for some time, and came back with two similar-looking children they said were theirs.

Timeline-wise, most of this happened in a year and a half. Far too rushed for most appropriate things.

sick at some point, please!
face claim
Cameron Boyce
status of application
have you read the rules?
do you double-dog dare me
how did you hear about us?
mind-wiping implanted this. called a mesmer.
roleplay sample

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Sept 8, 2018 20:20:55 GMT -5
