The Other [Eight] Brother[s]

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Post by Deleted on Nov 13, 2018 23:41:52 GMT -5

Jacob; Jasper and Jim; Jack; Jean; Jay; Jeremy; Jerrod
Whatever Suits Them
47; 45; 41; 39; 38; 37; 36 - Halfblood

They're JJ's older brothers, just as adventurous but more into books to various degrees.

Jacob is...kind of like an uncle to JJ, despite being her brother, as he is so much older.
Jasper and Jim are a team and rarely seen apart even now, though they're both married with kids (their kids probably don't even realize they're actually cousins, honestly).
Jack is a Quidditch aficionado, played it in Hogwarts (Chaser, and Keeper one year).
Jean is the family mediator, the fixer.
Jay is...Jay, he does his thing and is probably the most like JJ of all the brothers.
Jeremy has had issues with paying attention all his life, as a result, he didn't do so well in school, though you wouldn't know it now.
Jerrod loves animals, and JJ's not sure what else to say about that.

Additional Information:
They all know about JJ and Jesse's affliction

Play-By Preferred: Brownish hair, whatever eyes, about 6 feet