"I painted you a picture full of light."

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Post by Deleted on Dec 5, 2018 15:42:58 GMT -5

Miriam Felice Knox
by Fai
blood status
sexual orientation
Moronsexual-- JK. Pansexual
general appearance
To put it simply, she's blonde & bubbly. Miriam is often seen with a smile on her face and a brightness in her eyes. She is definitely an optimist, and it shows. She likes wearing sweaters and skirts, and she's been told that she dresses a bit immature for her age. When she was younger, she had to wear glasses, but has since had corrective surgery. She sometimes misses her glasses. She sews her own clothes, and she's actually pretty good at it. She has a few scars on her face from former stints with acne, as well as some from her failed attempts at making friends with some cats, dogs, and dragons. She wears a lot of necklaces, and she fiddles with them a great deal. While not one to take pride in her appearance, Miriam generally looks very put together-- especially now that she's not coming off of the dragon reserve.

former school
former house
Charms club member 2001 - 2004
Duelling club member 2003 only
Gobstones club member 2002 - 2004

Lig-na-Paiste Institute of Dragons
university major(s)
years attended
FALL 2007 - SPRING 2011

✗ POSITIVE THINKING - Despite everything, Miriam has always managed to be optimistic. When her brother died when she was fourteen, she stayed positive. When her father lost his job, she stayed positive. And when the Muggleborn registration came around, she packed up her stuff, and she stayed optimistic. Even when Gavin dumped her-- and told the Ministry where she was-- Miriam thought that she would be fine. She could handle everything! Why not this? And now, as she navigates her life, she's still positive that she'll make it through. 

✗ SEWING - She's always been gifted with sewing. She was a gangly kid; things just didn't fit her right. So it made sense to fix things up instead of just... giving up. Besides, it was cheaper to hem things by hand than magically, and her mum couldn't do it for her. Now, she can use patterns to make up whatever she wants to wear, and it's a lot cheaper that way. 

✗ DRAGONS - She! Loves! Dragons! Basically everything about dragons. She loved learning about them, she loved studying them... It was basically the highlight of her week whenever she could check something new out about them from the library. To be able to study dragons, as a job, was her absolute favorite thing.  

✗ WRITING GRANTS - She was good-- when she was doing it, of course-- at convincing people to give more money to the dragon reserve. It had everything to do with academic writing and persuasion, both of which she was average it. And, of course, her absolute obsession with dragons. 

✗ ACADEMICS - She was pretty good in school! A bit of a teacher's pet. Okay, a bit more than a bit. But she loved her time at Hogwarts. And then at uni. She just really, really likes learning. 

✗ PUTTING ON A SMILE - That goes with the positive thinking thing. She'll beam at just about everyone. 
✗ GULLIBLE - She's accidentally taken home plenty of straight girls who made out with her just for fun. She believes just about everything that she's told, really. She believed Gavin when he said he loved her. She believed the Ministry when they said she wasn't in too much trouble for running. Green beans is written on the ceiling? Totally.

✗ SOCIALIZATION - She had about four friends (total) in school because of how weird she was. No regrets, of course, but... Well, she still sticks her foot in her mouth more often than not. She's just not good at talking to people. Thankfully, there are some who find it charming. Okay, there's just @alek and the rest of her roommates. But still. 

✗ SHUTTING HER DAMN MOUTH - Downside: it's how a lot of people came to dislike her. Upside: it's what inevitably brought her to live with Alek. She just went on and on and on and on about her ex, and the boys were over it, but they were totally willing to let her stay there. It was probably her boobs. 

✗ BOOKS - If she could build a castle of books, she would. She spends all the money she doesn't have on them. How was she even a Hufflepuff? Oh, yeah. See the next point. 

✗ CHARITY CASES - If you're 'broken', she'll fix you. Anyone who has less, Miriam is on that. She'll make them feel happier, she'll drop absolutely everything to take care of them. She has a heart that is willing to die for strangers. And she's gullible, so you can see how this is a weakness. 

✗ THE NEED TO 'FIX' PEOPLE - Gavin practically fell into her lap, emotionally scarred and broken. He claimed to have been cheated on, and she wanted to be the one to help his life go right. She does that for everyone. If they hurt, she'll fix them up-- and she puts them before her own mental health, too. 
positive traits
Bubbly, optimistic, enthusiastic, brave, intelligent, helpful
negative traits
Awkward, childish, gullible, naive, immature, one-track minded

character history
Before we begin, let's go over a few important facts about Miriam Knox:
She's a classic people-pleaser. 
She didn't taste alcohol until she was twenty-two.
She had a girlfriend for a month before she realized she was in a relationship. 

Miriam Felice Knox was born as the second child, a happy and free young girl who had a great deal of confidence in who she was, and what she was about. From a young age, she had the certainty of nearly four other five-year-olds, and she took great pride in being able to get what she wanted. Not that she was manipulative-- no, she just had pretty low standards for what she assumed she should get. Her family wasn't well off, so when she asked for chocolate as her surprise, she thought the world of her parents for getting it for her. She adored her family more than anything, and she cherished her elder brother. Ruben was her life, the person that she looked up to more than anything. He was six years older than her, so she didn't see him as often once she could remember things-- he had school, and friends, and a whole other life. While she was jealous, it just inspired her to get into the things that he liked. She played football with him, she learned how to box... She made him teach her Hebrew before it was her turn to start sunday school. 

When she was seven, she began showing signs of magic in the weirdest ways. She floated during her favorite songs at her brother's bar mitzvah, and she accidentally summoned a slice of pizza to her room at night. After the third exploded lightbulb, her parents began to suspect something was wrong. There was someone at her synagogue who suggested that she had magic, and that was confirmed when she got her Hogwarts letter. The trip to Diagon Alley had been amazing, and the ride to Hogwarts even more. When she was sorted into Hufflepuff, she immediately began writing a letter to her brother and parents. She corresponded with them on the daily, and she knew her parents likely found it to be extremely annoying. 

In her second year, her brother was hit by a driver when he was walking home from work. Miriam was absolutely crushed-- they had a funeral instead of her Bat Mitzvah, and she was gone from school for a bit to sit shiva and mourn. When she got back, she felt less certain of herself. Mourning allowed her some distance from the magical world, and it also forced her to look a bit differently at life. She had always been a more positive person, but now she was forcing herself to be one. Optimism was better than anything, right? 

It felt weird to write her parents and not her brother, but that's what she had to do. She sunk into school and dragons, and she joined and quit clubs when it pleased her. After graduating, she attended Lig-na-Paiste to continue to study dragons. She was able to bloom more into her personality, and she finally felt comfortable in her skin (even if she started rubbing people the wrong way). 

When she was twenty-six, she started dating Gavin Richards. It was a blind date one of her coworkers set up, and he started off the date by apologizing. He had just been broken up with, and his ex had cheated on him for years. He claimed that he didn't want commitment because he didn't want to hurt her. Of course, Miriam was hooked. The way that he just almost paid attention to her was addicting, and she was in love the moment that they went on their third date. After three months, they moved in together, and Miriam was ecstatic. 

It took him cheating on her for Miriam to realize that he might not have been the best news. Okay, it took her walking in on him, three whole conversations, and then a second time of catching him before she realized that they should break up. By that time, she had already fled her job due to the registration, and had been sleeping in shitty hotels until people thought she was in France. It was when she went back to their apartment that she caught him in the act-- and he tried to convince her to stay. When she fiercely told him she couldn't do that, he immediately went to the Ministry, and her three month long attempt to hide was broken. 

She then spent time in Kolna with her 'brand new job', hating her life, being miserable. She tried to keep up a smile, but it was so much harder there. And then they were allowed to live in their own places again... But she didn't have one. So she looked at the wanted ads, found a large flat, and waltzed right in to tell the boys her entire life story. 

She still has the shitty job, but they own a bar now, so... Well, she's a lot happier. 

Isabel Knox & Samuel Knox
Ruben Knox (deceased)
... formerly Gavin Richards. She's so not hug up on him.
other family
family history
Isabel's family is from Scotland-- they all spoke Yiddish with a brilliant accent, and Isabel was one of them as well. They could trace ancestry to somewhere in the Middle East, but it had been some time since any of them had been there. Samuel's family is more diverse, from nearly every Eastern European country. Because of this, Miriam has a strange genetic blend, though she proudly declares herself as British as not to hurt either part of her family... She does wish she has a good accent like her mum, though. 

IMMUNE (since odelia was, and odelia's gone?)
face claim
Teresa Palmer
status of application
have you read the rules?    
i can't read
how did you hear about us?
steph & i have mind-powers and she telepathically told me.
roleplay sample
no thanks

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 29, 2019 1:01:21 GMT -5


Hi so, she would have graduated in 2007, so her Lig-na-Paiste years just need pushed back one year!

That is it though!
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Post by Deleted on Jan 29, 2019 6:20:17 GMT -5

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 30, 2019 17:42:23 GMT -5
