I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

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Post by Deleted on Dec 17, 2018 13:06:07 GMT -5

Rose Adelaide Zeller
by Tori
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Sick - Which is really Messing with her Elemental Skills 
Year One Teacher at Peverell Children's Academy | Auror
general appearance
Rose is tall, not quite as tall as her father, but she's still tall. She's 5'10, which is really tall, actually, considering that she spends most of her time working with five year olds. She looks like a giant. But she's got a round face, long red hair, and she thinks that that's more of a Figg thing. Agnes had red hair, Clarissa has red hair. Red hair is easy to come by when you're a Figg. Her complexion is clear, and bright, and she does not have any freckles, thank you very much. 

former school
former house
Survived Umbridge in her First Year. Didn't get killed by the Carrows in her Third Year.

Lufkin University
university major(s)
years attended
Fall 2002 - Spring 2006

Protection Skills - "Maybe it's instinct, maybe it has everything to do with Agnes. I don't know. But I know that on those silly aptitude tests that they give you, I score in the 99th percentile for protective instincts." She's not lying, she really does. It's insane just how protective she is. "I think Clarissa has compared it to an orangutan a time or two. Which would be kind of insulting if I didn't know she meant it in the best way." 

Teaching - She has a natural knack for it. Children are a big part of Rose's life, and while she had gone straight into both the teaching program at Lufkin, and Auror Training, she had never really known how she was going to incorporate both into her life. Now, on this assignment, she has been learning what it takes to do both. 

Water - Okay, so she's an elemental, a water bending one. Which used to come in really handy for things, and now is just one more thing that she has trouble controlling. The skill is still there, she can still bend water to her will and such, but she has less control than she did before. And that's become a bit of a... Problem... 

Taking a Joke - Surprisingly she's actually pretty good at being the butt of a joke. Rose lets things roll off of her, and she doesn't get too bothered about what people say, as long as it's in jest. 

Getting People to Laugh - While she's just as good at taking a joke, she likes to think that she has what it takes to make people smile in return. 

Knowing the Time and Place - While she has been known to be a little silly at times, Rose is well aware of her timing. And she knows when she needs to be serious, and when it's okay to joke around. 

Being a Figg - She takes pride in the fact that her father is a Figg. Or that her grandmother is. "Funny the way that names work, really." But she's proud of coming from that family. She's proud of the fact that they have always believed in what is right in the world. Even if they've gone through some of the worst of it. 
Overly Protective Sometimes - Orangutan or not, sometimes there is such a thing as overly protective. And there have been plenty of times when Rose has been known to cross over into that territory. 

Puppy Dog Eyes - If someone gives her puppy dogs eyes, child or adult, she's going to have a hard time saying no. 

Children with Sticky Fingers - "Why do they have to always be so sticky??" 

Talking about Agnes - She doesn't like to talk about her sister. Especially considering who her uncle is, and the part that he had in the war. Talking about how Agnes died, who she died fighting against... It's a sore spot. 

Wanting to Prove She's Enough - She knows that she can't ever really make up for the fact that her sister died. She can't bring Agnes back. But she can try and prove that she's good enough to carry on, and to carry her sister's legacy. 

Being a Pettigrew - "It's a hard name to carry, traitor's names are always harder. Mum doesn't have to live with that name, but that doesn't change who her brother was..." 
positive traits
Brave + Calm + Caring + Compassionate + Dedicated + Disciplined + Discreet + Educated + Fierce + Gentle + (She's well aware of the fact that those are contradictory.) + Hardworking + Loyal + Modest + Observant + Organized + Patient + Punctual + Selfless + Sentimental 
negative traits
Argumentative - Blunt - Cautious - Intense - Irritable - Obsessive - Opinionated - Strong-Willed - Stubborn 
Spending time with children - Swimming - Now trying to control her water bending - Kickboxing - Running - Reading - Baking - International Magical Cooperation - Making sure her kid is protected, no matter what - Taking her mission very seriously
She can get glitter out of nearly anything. Which she thinks is an accomplishment worthy of mentioning. That has nothing to do with magically being able to control water, or anything.

Graduating Top of her Auror Class when it came to Undercover Work

character history
"My name is Rose. Yes, like the flower. Yes, I've probably heard whatever joke you're thinking of right now. But it's fine. I'm used to it. I was born the younger of two siblings, two girls, born to Jonah and Miriam Zeller. My older sister, Agnes, died when I was thirteen, but that's a story for later on. 

I was about four when it happened... We had gone to the beach, and my father had taken my sister out into the water with him. Mother and I had stayed on the beach, and I guess you could say I was jealous. I got mad, and I started digging my hands into the sand, and then all of a sudden there was water everywhere. I'm still not sure what happened, but I just know that we were soaking wet, and we left the beach as quickly as we could after that. 

That wasn't the only incident, but it was one of them. They happened a lot when I was a girl. I couldn't really control it. I still have trouble controlling it, especially now. But that's just not a part of the story. Let's go back, let's try this again... 

I started Hogwarts four years after my sister did. Sorted into Hufflepuff, just like she had been. It wasn't until I was sorted, and had sat down that they introduced that devil woman. She was horrible. Everything about my first year at Hogwarts was horrible. I had hoped that I could find someone to talk to about what I was, and what was going on with my magic, but I didn't know who to talk to. I didn't dare leave the dorms without someone else around. And I didn't want to talk to anyone except Agnes about my little problem. 

I guess the worst thing was that Voldemort came back again at the end of the year. And everyone believed that he was back, and that meant that my uncle really was a traitor... I mean, I didn't know him. He had 'died' before I was born. But still. That wasn't the type of thing that you talked about. I didn't tell anyone that I was half Pettigrew. I don't think Agnes did either. But I know it got to her more than it did me. She was older. She wanted to do something about it. 

When Professor Dumbledore died the next year, and then everything fell into turmoil, I'm not sure what Agnes thought of all of it. But I know she was trying to protect me. She was always trying to protect me.
"Go Rose!" That was the last thing that I heard her say. The last thing that I would remember, her shoving me towards the line of younger students that were being shuffled out of the school, and her running in the other direction. Headed towards the fight... 

I went, I didn't argue with her, and now I can't help but wonder if I could have helped? Probably not. I probably would have accidentally drowned someone. But I'll never know. I'll never know if I could have done something that could have saved my sister's life. They wouldn't let me see her body. I don't know what happened to her. All I know is that they told me that it was better that I didn't look. It was better to let my father deal with it. That didn't make me feel any better. He's a Trauma Healer, after all. 

But I guess I learned from that. My sister died, and I went back to school, and I knew that there was only one option. I lived for both of us. I did everything that Agnes had ever talked about doing. I will prove that I'm good enough to be both, and I think I finally knew how Clarissa felt. Because she had lost Amara when we were all younger, and all of a sudden I understood that. I knew what it was like to lose my big sister, and she had lost her little sister... We sort of adopted one another. Sisters, instead of cousins... 

But it didn't stop there. I decided that I was going to do both. I had always wanted to be a teacher. That had been the thing that I had decided was going to be my future. But Agnes had always talked about being an auror. And so, in some attempt to prove that her spirit was going to live on, I enrolled in both. I was good too. My marks in my classes at Lufkin were always good. Not perfect, but good. And I was the best in our Auror class when it came to undercover work. I'd been pretending to be Agnes so long, I guess it just sort of became second nature to me. 

That was still when Shackelbolt was Minister though. And I guess that makes sense. That things were better then. But they started to go bad after that. First Durant, and then the Death Eaters. It took everything in me not to quit. Not to leave the Auror's for good. But I had to stay. I kept my head down, and I did my assignments. Even the ones that I hated. 

This last one though, this one I don't hate. 

I started at Peverell in the fall. Assigned to watch out for diplomatic children. I'm a body guard, in disguise. And I like that. 

I like being in the school. And protecting kids is great. It gives me a purpose. It gives me something to do that's not so much worrying about the politics of everything that is going on, and worrying more about what's right in front of me. That, and the fact that I got sick... You can't be around this many kids and not get sick really. But now that I have less control over my water magic than before, it's gotten more difficult to magic glitter out of things, let me tell you..."

Father: Jonah Zeller - 60 - Hufflepuff Alum - Trauma Doctor at Galway General

Mother: Miriam Zeller (née Pettigrew) - 56 - Ravenclaw Alum - Librarian at Gráinneog Institute - Gráinneog Institute Alum (History)
Older Sister: Agnes Zeller - Deceased in the Battle of Hogwarts - Would be 38
Not Currently
other family
There's a link

Grandfather: Francis Zeller - 82 - Gryffindor Alum - Retired Auror
Grandmother: Clementine Zeller (née Figg) - 81 - Ravenclaw Alum - Kneazel Breeder 

Aunt: Eden Bates (née Zeller) - 57 - Gryffindor Alum - Hit-Witch
Uncle: Noah Bates - 59 - Ravenclaw Alum - Apothecary

Cousin: Lenora Bates - 28 - Ravenclaw Alum - Columnist for Hazard 
Cousin: Conor Bates - 25 - Gryffindor Alum - Obliviator

Great Aunt: Arabella Figg - 92 - Squib - Order of the Phoenix
Great Uncle: Jasper Figg - Deceased 1980 (would be 94) - Gryffindor Alum - Order of the Phoenix 

(The following section is dependent upon Quinn's choices)

Great Uncle: Marshall Figg - 87 - Squib - Cat Breeder
Great Aunt: Margot Figg (née Riley) - 84 - Retired Auror

Cousin: Samuel Figg - 59 - Hufflepuff Alum - Owner of the Hogsmeade Post Office
Cousin: Claudia Figg (née Gill) - 58 - Hufflepuff Alum - Hogwarts Librarian

Cousin: Amelia Calytrix Gladen (nee Figg) - 57 - Ravenclaw Alum - Retired
Cousin: Wyatt Jasper Gladen - 58 - Ravenclaw Alum - Reitred

Second Cousin: @clarissa - 38 - Ravenclaw Alum - Magic Teacher at Peverell Children's Academy | Magizoologist
    Niece: Amara Jasper Knight - 13 - 3rd Year Gryffindor Student
    Niece: Clover Olivia Knight - 11 - 1st Year Hufflepuff Student

Second Cousin: Amara Gladen - deceased age 8

Grandfather William Pettigrew - 79 - Gryffindor Alum - Owner of Catchpole Coffeehouse
Grandmother: Lillian Pettigrew (née Elliot) - 77 - Hufflepuff Alum - Retired Nurse Manager at Galway General | Welcome Witch

Uncle: Peter Pettigrew - Deceased March 1998  (would be 58) - Gryffindor Alum - Traitor

Great Uncle: Myles Pettigrew - 73 - Ravenclaw Alum - Internal Revenue Service Employee
Great Aunt: Enid Pettigrew (née Chapman) - 70 - Gryffindor Alum - Centaur Liaison Office

Cousin: Chester Pettigrew - 49 - Ravenclaw Alum - Improper Use of Magic Employee
Cousin: Kiera Pettigrew (née Phillips) - 43 - Hufflepuff Alum - Advice Columnist at The Daily Prophet
    Cousin: Cole Pettigrew - 14 - Ravenclaw Student
    Cousin: Marissa Pettigrew - 14 - Gryffindor Student

Cousin: Arabella Willis (née Pettigrew) - 45 - Gryffindor Alum - Manager of The Orchard
Cousin: Nathaniel Willis - 47 - Gryffindor Alum - Magical Games and Sports Employee
family history
The Figgs: 

Maxwell Figg was born in 1900, the son of a muggle farmer and a wixen seamstress. He was the eldest of three, and his younger sisters both married, and went on to raise families of their own. Of the three of them, only he and his elder younger sister had magic. The baby had been a squib. But they had loved her just the same. No one worried too much about things like that in their family. His mother had been cast out by her magical family for marrying a muggle in the first place. 

Maxwell married Matilda Barnes in 1922, and their first child, a boy that they named Jasper, was born in 1924. Jasper went on to marry the Figg that most people know by name. Arabella. She was two years younger than he was, and a squib, just like Jasper's younger brother, Marshall. Maxwell and Matilda had a third, and final child, a girl that they named Clementine in 1937. 

Marshall and Clementine both went on to have families of their own. Marshall married Margot Riley in 1956 and had a son named Samuel in 1959. They had a daughter, Amelia, two years later, and their little family was completely. Clementine married a man by the name of Francis Zeller in 1956, just a couple of months after her brother married, and they had two children of their own, Jonah, the older of the two, and Eden. 

The Pettigrews: 

Rowan Pettigrew was born in 1906, into a family that had had magic for generations. They weren't purebloods, but they were as good as at that point. They had had magic forever, and they believed in things like duty, and honor, and justice. They were a proud family. But over the years that reputation has been clouded, and now almost forgotten, after what happened a couple of decades ago. 

Rowan had two sons, with his wife Aria. William and Miles. They were both well brought up boys, they married well, and started families of their own. William was the elder, and he and his wife, Lillian, had a son and a daughter respectively. Peter was the elder of the pair, a small boy, with round features, and mousy brown hair. And Miriam was his complete opposite in every way. Taller than her brother, she had red hair, and bright brown eyes. 

The pair were older than their cousins by several years, and Chester and Arabella went to Hogwarts after them. 

It was Peter that changed the face of the family dynamic though. A quiet boy, that never quite fit in with his loud, and bright family he made a group of friends that were equally as bright and loud. Something that was familiar to him at that point. But it was his deception, and his allegiance to Voldemort that tarnished the family's name and reputation. Something that they are still trying to make up for in some ways. Especially with families like the Potters, that were personally impacted by that choice. 

And there's no small part of Rose that lays blame for Agnes's death on her uncle. 

Her sister died, she got angry
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Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 3, 2019 23:16:31 GMT -5
