Your Magic White Rabbit

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Post by Deleted on Dec 22, 2018 23:58:37 GMT -5

Dr. Nova Jeanette Kostopoulos Ph.D.
AKA Jett Quinn
by Tori
blood status
sexual orientation
All of Them
epidemic x status
Greek National Intelligence Service Agent - Magical Intelligence Division | International Spy | Assassin | Sociologist | Psychologist - on Contract with M16
general appearance
Standing at only 5’5”, Jett is a whole lot shorter than you’d think. She makes herself appear bigger, and she acts bigger. Fit, and toned, she’s on top of her figure at all times. Which is ironic considering how much the girl eats, but she’s one of those people. She’s not a long, straight nose, tanned skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. She’s every bit Greek. “No matter what Alec tries to tell you, because he’s lying.”

former school
former house
Didn't kill anybody.

University of the Aegean

University of Cambridge
university major(s)
Sociology | Psychology (Five Year Masters Program) 

Sociology | Psychology (Doctoral Program)
years attended
Fall 2003 - Spring 2008

Fall 2012 - Spring 2016

Psychology - "I have a doctorate in this." You have a doctorate in Sociology. "Whatever, we tell people I have a doctorate in this too." 

Sociology - "I do have a doctorate in this." Yes, you do. "It makes understanding and manipulating people easier." I'm sure it does.

Eidetic Memory - "Shh, don't tell. Let Alec think that I'm just really that much smarter than him."

Hand-to-Hand Combat - "Obviously. I'm NIS, and we don't just sit around behind desks all the time." You're an undercover operative. "I know. That's what makes this all so fun." 

Marksmanship - "I. Do. Not. Miss."

Undercover Work - "I'm here, aren't I? And who am I? Just a run of the mill head shrink for one of the most secret branches of the British magical government." Liar. "Exactly." 

Lying - "Obviously..." This isn't something to be proud of Nova... "Jett..." You're both. See, more lies.

Coercion - "This can be quite fun. And makes a great stress reliever." 

Manipulation - "Equally as fun, and can be done to loved ones as well as marks." 

Charm - "I got Alec to marry me, didn't I?" I really don't think that was your charm, but okay...

Wandless Magic - This comes in handy. A lot. But don't let her fool you, she's just as deadly with or without access to her magic. 

Killing - "All part of the job." 
Alec - "Δεν έπρεπε να φροντίσω πραγματικά." I know, but you do. "It's a problem." 

Family - "I have one. A small one. But I have to keep my distance. Having a family and doing what I do, is impossible." 

Secrets - "You mean other than the big one?" The one where you're actually a Greek National Intelligence Service Agent, and your husband has no idea? "Yes..." 

Cooking - "Listen. Cooking is hard, okay. Food should just come already made. That is what restaurants, and chefs, are for." Alec can cook. "No, Alec can use a grill. Big difference."

Wine - "I will never turn down a good bottle of wine." 

Kinsley - "When your mark has a best friend, that's supposed to be dead, and you end up really liking the not dead best friend's wife, and then you're stuck in the middle of this mess, and you start to realize why they wanted to put a handler on your husband in the first place, you kind of realize liking her is a mistake." But you do like her. "Yes. It's a problem." 

Tommy - "If I didn't like Kinsley so much..." She swears the only reason that Tommy is still alive is because really killing him would be worse for Kinsley. Though she's not sold on the fact that she shouldn't just do it anyway, and save them all the trouble.

The Mission - We don't talk about The Mission. "For good reason. There is a reason that some things are Classified." But you're here, operating on foreign soil, at the behest of the Greek government. "Correct." And you won't let me say more. "That is also correct." 
positive traits
Active + Adventurous + Articulate + Calm  + Charming + Clever + Confident + Dedicated + Disciplined + Discreet + Independent + Intelligent + Intuitive + Persuasive + Reliable + Spontaneous + Stoic
negative traits
Aggressive - Amoral - Blunt - Calculating - Cold - Deceptive - Distrusting - Impatient - Impulsive - Insincere - Ruthless - Sarcastic - Uncooperative - Vindictive
Getting Doctorates out of Boredom. But really, that happened. Taking cooking classes, and promptly failing at them. Combative Magic. Combat in general. Irritating Tommy. "Trying really hard not to kill Tommy." Drinking wine with Kinsley in an attempt to make her be a person. Weapons. Wearing red dresses. Working out. Keeping secrets. Joining a 'book club'. 
Lists of Names Goes Here:

character history
"Once upon a time, a baby was born." Okay, are you really going to tell the story like that? "Yes, yes I am. Now hush. 

"Once upon a time, a baby was born, and her name was Nova."
Your name. "My name. My name, was Nova." Better. 

"I am the only child of Spiridon and Daphne Kostopoulos. I was born on May the 29th, of 1985. It was raining. Not that that really matters, but it was. It was raining. And my mother likes to tell everyone that she had to have me at home, because my father was too afraid to go out in the storm with his wife in labor. Whether or not that's true, well, that's still up for debate.

"Being the only child meant that I spent a lot of time with my parents, and around adults. It meant that I learned quickly that little girls were meant to be seen and not heard. Something that I believe is still the case. A girl should be seen, and not heard. Especially when they are the one that comes out of the shadows to slit your throat from behind. But that's me getting ahead of myself again. 

"I learned to read before my fourth birthday, I was doing advanced arithmetic by the time that I was six. The only daughter of a theologian and an archaeologist, I was destined to be scholarly. And an academic. Which, in a way, happened. But I was also beautiful. And sometimes beauty, and brains, can lead you to so much more..." 

That was vaguely intimidating, Jett.

"But it's true...

"I started Beauxbatons in the fall of 1996. The year that everything was heating up in the U.K. But I was eleven. I was from Greece. The last thing that I was paying any attention to were the political strifes going on in England. They would never concern me...

"How very wrong I was.

"At least, eventually. I graduated from Beauxbatons with high marks in every class that I took. I had impressive test scores. I was brilliant, and it showed. Over the years that I was in school I had gone back to Greece every summer, and taken lessons from the καμία μαγεία, or the kamía mageía. Here you call them muggles. Lessons in fencing, and archery, and boxing. Hand-to-hand combat. Martial arts. Anything that they could, or would, teach me. 

"And so I went to university with all of that training under my belt, with top marks in my classes. And for the most part, I thought that it would be as simple as deciding what I wanted to do. People had always been a strong suit of mine, and so it was people that I gravitated towards. Understanding them, helping them. 

"I wasn't even nineteen yet, when they knocked on the door. Two men in black suits. The kind of thing that you see in the movies. 'We've been watching you.' Enough to send a girl into fight or flight mode, and I chose fight. When they tried to take me with them, I fought back. I didn't believe that they were actually from the government. I didn't believe that they wanted me, a witch with no formal training, to come with them, and into their program. But they did. 

"And after I calmed down, after they explained to me exactly who they were, and what they wanted, I agreed. I took up training with them, and after two years of training, I started my fourth year at University carrying a badge. Greek National Intelligence Service. I had a go anywhere, do anything, get out of jail free card. But I knew better than to use it like that. I respected that badge. I respect my country. And it is my duty to protect both." 

Δασμός και τιμή πριν από όλους τους άλλους

"I graduated two years later. A five year program that gave me two masters degrees. But that wasn't it. Because I had been in school, but I had been a part of missions. I had been carrying out jobs that didn't require me to break my cover. Because that was what school had become. I lived a normal life. I looked like a normal girl. But I wasn't. Someone had taken Nova Kostopoulos, and they had turned her into Jett Quinn. A name that knew no nationality. A name that meant that she didn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else did. A name that would protect her, protect me, in the end.

"That was ten years ago. I was twenty-three years old. And the missions started getting more intense. There was more to them. More to get out of people, more blood on my hands. Because they didn't only use me to get information. They used me to protect it. I was, and still am, a tool. A machine. Part of something so much bigger than myself.

"Up until then I was working in Greece. My parents thought that I was floating between jobs, trying to settle down and figure out what I wanted to do next. But what they didn't, and still don't, know, was that I was doing so much more. People would go missing. There would be funny reports on the evening news. And they were me. Or us. There's more than just me. But we aren't the largest section of the government. What we are, is secret. No one really knows that we are there, because while the NIS is a recognized part of all of Greek government, the magical division? We're something all our own. 

"They handed me The Mission in secret. There was no war room. There were no meetings. It was a slip of an envelope, and a note to destroy it after I had read it. Not a problem of course, considering that I had an Eidetic Memory. But that's not the point. The point was, that I had been chosen for this mission. They had been looking for a way into the British government for years. For reasons unknown, they were seeking someone on the inside, to pass them information in light of something going catastrophically wrong again. That person, was me. 

"I was going in through back channels. I was going in through means that seemed a little less than sound. But it was going to work. And it did work."

Paris. 2009. 

"It was raining. Ironic right? I was born in a storm, and it was raining? Then again, I suppose, I was born again when I took that mission. When for the first time, Nova and Jett became the same person. There was a learning curve. Learning to be both of them at the same time was something that I hadn't expected. But here we are... Or really, there we were.

"I didn't have the details of his mission. I didn't need them. It was pretty obvious. The man was the mark. The wife the means to an end. I watched him. From the shadows, up until the moment that I wanted him to see me. And then? Well, a girl must be seen and not heard.

"That was all it took. The red dress. The rain. It was picture perfect. And I had his attention. Keeping it wasn't all that much of a challenge. Who was I? Nova Kostopoulos. I was undercover, as myself. A Greek social worker that was on vacation in Paris. Seeing the sites. And well, finding him. But he didn't need to know that. He still doesn't need to know that. All that Alec needed to know was that I was there for the taking, and he could have me. 

"I had done a lot worse things than let Alec Mallory court me. I moved to England, a move that was done purposefully, but that was drawn out enough to make it look like I moved for him. To be closer to him. Because I loved him. Or whatever story he had fashioned for himself by that point. The thing was, he had me. And I had my nails dug into him. He was the ticket in. And it was a long term mission. To infiltrate, and to make sure that no one caught on to the fact that I was more than just a social worker. 

"Of course, I couldn't actually be a social worker. So by the time that we married, and settled into this new life I had started convincing everyone that I was a housewife. Of course I was, I was perfect for it. Lies. They were all lies. But what I was doing without anyone knowing. The connections that I had made. The people that knew who I really was. They were minimal. Three. There were a grand total of three people that knew who I was, and what I was doing. And none of them are in England... 

"So, I went back to school. I was bored, and I needed something to do. And getting my Ph.D. seemed like the answer. So I did. Cambridge, this time. Since going back to Greece seemed pointless. But it wasn't too difficult. It's not like I don't know what I'm doing. I got my degrees, and the whole time I learned everything that I could from Alec. I learned all about M16, and the missions, and the life that he lived. Getting him to talk to me wasn't as difficult as it should have been. M16 should really look into their security breeches. But it doesn't matter. Because I got what I need. And I've been keeping track for years now. 

"Every move that he makes. Every time that he handles something. Every time that he almost dies. I write it down. I memorize it. And I burn it. I know everything about every mission that he's told me about. I know all of the details, almost as well as he does. I know that they watched Durant. I know that they are watching the Death Eaters. And I know that they will continue watching whomever comes next. 

"It's the disease that is worrying me now. We were trained for this sort of thing. A biological attack. I'm a shrink, and I'm an elite member of a team so covert even the Greek government doesn't know we exist. I don't need a healer to tell me that this was no accident. Something, or someone, has targeted Great Britain. And just as Alec is, I am a part of M16 now. I could be trusted, after all. My husband is a member of their task force. I, Dr. Nova Kostopoulos, had been vetted by all appropriate channels. There are no red flags. I even have dual citizenship. I'm completely qualified...

"Except for the part, where I'm the spy..." 

Father: Spiridon Kostopoulos - 63 - Monde Alum - Curator for the National Archaeological Museum, Athens | Archaeologist | Antiquities Collector 

Mother: Daphne Kostopoulos (née Apostolou) - 62 - Étoile Alum - Professor of Theology and Magical Theory | Theologian | University of Aegean Alum 
"Είμαι τελειότητα."
"Δεν αποτελεί μέρος της συμφωνίας."
Husband: @009
other family
"Είμαι Έλληνας."
family history
"My parents are both very normal people. My father, Spiridon, was the second son, and third child, born to his parents in a little village outside of Athens. My grandmother taught nursery school, and my grandfather was a mathematician. They were, are, humble people. They don't need much to get by, and my father and his brother and sister grew up poor, but not destitute. They were fine, and they still are fine.

It's not even some great, romantic love story, how he met my mother...

She was the son of an immigrant, and a dock worker. She's half British, half Greek. There's nothing special about either of them. Though my mother is an only child, and her own mother died when she was fifteen. There's nothing really extraordinary about us at all. 

My mother was working on the docks with her father in the summer while she was at school. My father had gone down to buy fresh fish. She sold it to him. It's not romantic. It's just another day in their lives. Though, compared to my own life, and my own choices, it's a whole lot more mundane. I'm not entirely sure if there's all that much to be said for the mundane though. 

They love one another, that much is clear just by looking at them. Though they only ever had me to show for it. Something tells me that was more of my mother's doing than my father's choice, but that's okay too. I don't think that she really even wanted me, though she loved me no less. Her children are her work, and she is dedicated to that, more so than anything else outside of my father." 

She really swears she's not Russian. Hence all of the Greek.
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Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Dec 30, 2018 14:35:53 GMT -5
