just a young gun with a quick fuse

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Post by Deleted on Dec 30, 2018 10:54:45 GMT -5

Fred Gideon Weasley II
by Iane
blood status
sexual orientation
anything goes
epidemic x status
History and Archaeology Student at Lufkin
general appearance
Fred says that describing himself is lame. so i'll do it for him.

see, my boy is cute. he says that it's one of the things he and Roxy can both claim - they are hella cute. he's taller than her, though, standing at 1.88m because he, apparently, decided that inheriting the towering Weasley genes were a good idea. he likes his eyes and his smile the best, if he were being honest, but his chin is also nice enough. keeps his hair mostly short, just enough not to be bald. Fred's wardrobe is a collection of different t-shirts, jeans, weird trainers and quidditch hoodies.

former school
former house
⋮ Reserve Chaser - 2012/13 - 2013/14
⋮ Chaser - 2014/15 - 2017/18
⋮ Captain - 2016/17 and then he found out it was too much work
⋮ Duelling club member : 2012/13 - 2017/18
⋮ Potions club member: 2012/13 - 2017/18
⋮ Runology club member: 2015/16 - 2017/18
⋮ Charms club member: 2012/13 - 2017/18
⋮ Quidditch Enthusiasts club member i know what a joke right: 2012/13 - 2017/18
    Leader: 2015/16 - 2017/18

didn't make prefect because of Bryan Bloody Shacklebolt, it's fine

Lufkin University
university major(s)
History ⋮ Archaeology
years attended
Fall 2018 - present

we don't need to say quidditch, do we? ⋮ like his mum, he could talk around anyone ⋮ memorising stuff ⋮ didn't sleep in the history of magic classes ⋮ being an amazing brother, just ask Roxy ⋮ not rolling his eyes at Mum and Dad being Mum and Dad ⋮ videogames are a guilty pleasure of his ⋮ charms for the win ⋮ coming up with weird and half useless pranks on his spare time even though he swears that the pranking genes went all to Roxy
his family ⋮ The Current State Of The World ⋮ Roxy too, you'll have to fight him to fight her ⋮ Bryan and The Prefect Saga ⋮ his parents' not-relationship ⋮ admitting defeat ⋮ delegating ⋮ nitpicking ⋮ Roxy's puppy eyes when she brings them out
positive traits
passionate ⋮ determined ⋮ peaceful ⋮ idealistic ⋮ sociable ⋮ insightful ⋮ energetic ⋮ kind ⋮ prudent unlike someone he knows, right Roxanne? ⋮ loyal ⋮ quick witted ⋮ relaxed ⋮ resourceful ⋮ friendly
negative traits
stubborn as a mule, trait shared by quite a few people in the Johnson-Weasley clan ⋮ temperamental ⋮ melodramatic ⋮ nosy leave shit well alone, Fred, for your own good damnit ⋮ self indulgent ⋮ has as much imagination as a dead flobberworm 
QUIDDITCH ⋮ reading ⋮ history ⋮ making his life more practical by inventing little things ⋮ teasing Roxanne ⋮ documenting the Epic Courtship, Marriage, Divorce and Courtship of Angelina Johnson and George Weasley In Their Natural Habitat he has quite a few notes and scrapbooks ⋮ flirting, when he finds time ⋮ keeping track of how many detentions Roxy can lend in a year
little too early for that don't you think

character history
"No, you see. People are born everyday. literally. There's probably some wrinkly kid coming into the world right at this second, screaming bloody murder - though not as much as Roxy, that's something that will never be surpassed.

"Technically, I shouldn't have been any different. Except that I'm a Weasley, son of George Weasley. That's right. Wanna hear more? My mum is Angelina Johnson. Talk about being born with a ton of expectations on your shoulders and all that.

"Even my name speaks of that, if you think about it. I'm Fred, for dad's twin brother who died in the war. I literally got his whole full name, to the point that I'm Fred the Second to just about everybody. Roxy got mum's sister's name, yeah, but she didn't get to be Roxanne the Second. To piss her off, I like to tell her it's because they love me best.

"Anyway, I dare you to point out more quidditch obsessed people. It was everywhere in our house. Mum's profession, for one. Me and Roxy would follow her about in every match and when we weren't with her, we were with dad in the shop. I admit that whilst Roxy is the prankster, I sort of got dad's inventor's drive. Not...as a profession or anything. Just to make life easier for myself and all that.

"Going to Hogwarts was nice- except that the Weasley name was even heavier than I thought it would be. Mum and dad were pretty chill but- I knew what was expected. And whether they talked about it or not, so did they. I did my best. Little hard to be the best when you have to share the spotlight with Bryan bloody Shacklebolt but that's fine. I never craved it, anyway, and Bryan's cool.

"After Roxy joined me the next year, suddenly I had a permanent headache in the form of my little sister being the literal Terror of Hogwarts. I should've seen it coming, of course, but Roxanne is unpredictable. I must admit to be proud of her and her antics, though I'll never admit it out loud. The fireworks were a nice touch. Whilst she settled herself as the bane of professors' existences, I focused on quidditch. Plan had been to play professionally after school, it had always been - but I sort of fell in love with history. I know. Lame. 

"At school, everything was fine. Perfect even. Which just made what happened at home hard. It hit Roxy harder than me, I think, when mum and dad divorced. Or maybe I tried to put up a brave face for her sake. People would ask, would point and gossip. Roxy, being the hot head she was, was always up in arms. Not that my temper was any better but I was better at pretending. So I pretended it didn't much affect me - just as I'd been pretending not to notice how strained things were before the divorce, how sad they looked. 

"If it wasn't enough to have some family drama, there was the political drama and the sickness drama. Okay, magic losing is shite but no quidditch? Someone went bloody too far.

"Started uni this Fall and I'm quite liking it. Mum and dad started dancing around each other, which would be hilarious if it wasn't gross. Roxy and her drinking games are a godsend at this time.

"As for the Order- I'll have to bring it up with my parents. My guess is that I'll be denied with vehemence but you never know."

@feorge  - pureblood, age 40, Gryffindor alum, Co-owner of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Order of the Phoenix

@angelina - halfblood, age 41, Gryffindor alum, Player Scout for the Holyhead Harpies, Owner and Editor-in-Chief of Which Broomstick?, Broom-Maker, Order of the Phoenix
@roxanne , the pain in his neck that he loves, 7th year Gryffindor, halfblood, crazy
other family
no i wont
family history

Da: (Courtesy of Seani) "I reckon it was love at first sight with my folks. Dad, with his quirky curiousness and Mum just being herself. Attracted like magnets I think. Certainly stuck together like it. Both were Gryffindors, both were in the original Order Of The Phoenix with Harry's folks and fought in the first wizarding war, and they stuck it out, no matter how hard things got. Merlin's most saggy- ahem, they brought a family up in that time for christ's sake! And never gave up on any of us, and never failed to pick us up and make us feel better. Struggled for money but were always ready to help anyone in need... like Harry.

And after we nearly lost Dad, nearly lost Harry, I lost my ear and we all lost Fred... they still didn't pack it all in like I very nearly did. They pulled through, pulled me through the darkest part of my life where I had all but given up and were the best damned parents anyone could ask for. Still are, in fact! And my siblings? They all did amazing things with their lives, and I couldn't be more bloody proud of them!!

Bloody hell I'm getting sappy. Cheers!"

Mum: (Courtesy of Celestina) Arlo Johnson was born into a Quidditch playing family. The Johnsons have been riddled across Quidditch teams in Great Britain and Ireland for generations, so much so that it’s practically a household name as far as the sport goes. Arlo was the oldest of two, growing up with a younger brother, Everett. His parents, Hartley Johnson and Starling Kennedy, had both been exceptional Quidditch players--his father for Puddlemere and his mother for the Harpies. At Hogwarts, Arlo was a Gryffindor, through and through, and he easily picked up the skill needed to be a Beater. Once graduated, Arlo was quickly drafted by the Tornadoes, and he stuck with the team for most of his life, as a Beater, Captain, and Coach. Until the war, that is.

Samira Shacklebolt was born in London, England, the second of four children, the other three being Ackerley, Caspian, and Juliette. They were a pureblood family, based in England for the last couple of centuries, but originally hailing from the Caribbean. They had been pureblood even well before their arrival to England, the name heavily entrenched in the tribal magic of the seas, although those traditions were watered down upon the move to the Isles. Pureblood tradition was not on their minds, though. Not as much as the need to go above and beyond, to become outstanding members of the magical society, and to be fair and ambitious. Most Shacklebolts are Ravenclaws, although you're sure to find some ambitious Slytherins in the mix. Samira, herself, attended Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw, after which she decided to become an Auror and worked for the British Ministry of Magic for a good portion of her life--until the end of the war.

Arlo and Samira met by chance. A family friend of a friend who had a cousin that was getting married--and they were both invited to the wedding shower. Both were busy people, Arlo with professional Quidditch and Samira with being an Auror, so they took their time. They finally married in 1971, and had their first child, Hartley Johnson, in 1975. Shortly after that, in 1977, Angelina was born, and then in 1980, Roxanne. They were, overall, a happy and rambunctious family, by all accounts. But with the death of Roxanne and Arlo’s permanent brain injury from the war, everything changed. Arlo has been residing in the Janus Thickey Ward since 1998, while Samira retired from the Auror Office immediately after the war and pursued a more academic route, now teaching Architecture at Grainneog.

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Admin Morgan
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26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 4, 2019 1:49:21 GMT -5
