he hurt me but it felt like true love

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Post by Deleted on Dec 30, 2018 11:17:13 GMT -5

Cha Young-Jae
by Iane
blood status
sexual orientation
did he ever get to pick
epidemic x status
if i can have two immunes after sorting everyone (including Kastor who will come later) pls make him immune. if only one spot, leave him sick pls
hahahaha funny ☷ de Lis boy ☷ Paralegal student at Goshawk Technical College
general appearance
Young-Jae is...stuck in that interesting limbo where you are too pretty to be handsome but also too handsome to be pretty. his most particular feature is his strong jaw, that he sometimes softens with makeup for work. his eyes and eyebrows often make him look severe, something that is balanced by his soft lips, if he plays his cards right. he can look handsome and dangerous, if he wants. but work often demands that he look soft and breakable. in reality, he's none of those but he doesn't much care to know what, exactly, he is like. not enough time in the day for self reflection.

former school
Clan day school
former house
not a thing
dropped out??? is that an achievement

Goshawk Technical College
university major(s)
Paralegal Certification
years attended
Spring 2017 - Spring 2018 ☷ stopped for a while ☷ Fall 2018 - present

some that he doesn't talk about ☷ spatial awareness ☷ he's great at colour coordinating, which you wouldn't say because he only wears black in his spare time ☷ his voice isn't half bad ☷ sharp mind ☷ adaptability ☷ compartmentalising ☷ he's a great actor, which is a very sad thing
people ☷ his family ☷ his work, ha ☷ the sad, sad state of his life ☷ feelings ☷ has no self esteem or self love whatsoever ☷ candy ☷ people being nice to him
positive traits
adaptable ☷ idealistic ☷ perceptive ☷ intelligent ☷ polite ☷ practical ☷ kind ☷ charming ☷ quick witted ☷ reserved ☷ obedient ☷ hard working
negative traits
(self) destructive ☷ insecure ☷ passive ☷ pessimistic ☷ unstable ☷ hesitant ☷ masochistic ☷ dependent ☷ anxious ☷ disillusioned ☷ depressed 
doe he even have any ☷ maths, he supposes ☷ drawing ☷ he likes to walk around the city too when he has time ☷ reading sappy, happy ending romance novels ☷ he does like shopping even though he never has the money for it ☷ cooking, believe it or not
didn't die

character history
When he was born, there were already lots of expectations to be placed on Young-Jae's back. For such a tiny thing, people certainly expected a lot.

It shouldn't have been a surprise when they found themselves disappointed.

At first, nothing was wrong. Almost ten years after they married, Eun-Bin and Jae-Eun were delighted to have a child at last. And a son, at that. Nothing was too good for Young-Jae, not really, and he had everything a child could ever want. A loving family, material comfort, a bright future. At the first signs of magic, a tutor from the family was engaged to start his elementary lessons and as soon as he turned twelve, he was shuffled off to the clan's day school to learn more. He'd be the best and he brightest - if you asked his parents, that was.

For Jae himself, his interests were a lot more passive than that. He enjoyed cooking with his grandmother, building blocks with his younger cousins. His charms lessons too, he supposed, though algebra and geometry were nicer. He also used to enjoy walking about and seeing how the different styles blended into one another as far as the city's architecture was concerned. A simple, if structure, string of tastes. It would've been fine. Except- he met Park.

Whatever his first name, Jae never really learnt. But his cousins had gone out for the evening, for some dancing and fun. He'd been fifteen and wide eyed by the whole thing, awed that his cooler, older cousins wanted to hang out with him, of all people. One of them had a friend that they all called Park and left it at that and he seemed to take a liking to Jae. Never having paid attention to people all that much, he'd been overwhelmed from the start. Especially when Park kissed him.

No one saw anything and he could've forgotten it. It was wrong, his parents would never accept it, his duty was to marry and take care of his parents in their old age. That was all. But he kept coming back. And Park kept humouring him with languid kisses and far from innocent touches. Young-Jae found himself giddy to explore, to see what else could come from this. It seemed that the older wizard was taking his sweet time doing anything but kiss him breathless and Jae was impatient. He wanted more.

One of his cousins saw them. The next day, Jae's father backhanded him the moment he stepped into his house.

It was quite the shock, since he'd never been physically punished before. His parents had said they didn't believe in it. But, apparently, that had only held on to a certain point. His mother had cried, he remembers, but didn't do anything as Jae-Eun poured his anger into clueless, fifteen year old Young-Jae. Later, he'd learn the reason. Later, his father would spit on him the words that hurt to this day, that still make him feel dirty and scrub raw in scalding water every son often.

Those words, ironically, were what made Jae decide to leave. If he was to be a disgrace to his line, destined to be nothing but a- I won't repeat the words but it wasn't pretty- then he would follow his destiny. Now, he regrets it. Not...leaving. But choosing to sell himself as some sort of...penance? Need to prove his parents wrong/right? Desperation? But, at the time, he'd been young. Foolish.

Two weeks later, Jae sold his videogame, his phone and bought a ticket to Tokyo. It was such a big city, for someone that had never left the small town he was born in before. Bright and full of people, much like Seoul, but so different too. It wasn't hard, to find what he was looking for. He knew how to look pretty, if need be. A club, rather tight jeans and a look on his face that he'd only seen on TV before- it ended up in an alley, an American tourist, a lot of pain and more blood than he'd seen before in his life. But he had a hundred American dollars, enough to pay for a week in a room.

It never got better. But he got better at pretending, at acting. Jae was adaptable and the pain, at some point, stopped being so sharp. It never stopped hurting - well, fair, sometimes it didn't but it just meant he could pretend not to be there or something - but he stopped feeling it, if that make any sense. Carved, painstakingly, a life for himself. It wasn't much of one but he could be moderately content when he wasn't working.

Four years later, he managed to save enough to leave for Europe. Less repressed desires led to lesser violence, or so he'd heard, Besides, Paris was said to be beautiful and beauty was sorely lacking in his life. Working there was...easier. He was a bit lighter, less afraid. But it also wasn't what he'd been looking for.

At twenty one, Jae decided to move to London. He'd be back to visit Paris, he knew, it was the place where he felt something close to happy. But he knew there was no such a thing as happiness for himself. Which made grey, grey London rather perfect.

It was...moderately safe, working the streets in London and the years passed quickly.. He'd picked up all the little things about the trade already, knew how to keep himself safe and his bases covered. It was fine, really. But when the chance to work in the infamous Fleur de Lis came up - well, Jae has always been a sucker for stability.

Mother: Oh Eun-Bin ☷ Father: Cha Jae-Eun
none, part of the problem
that's a funny one
other family
eh, the clan but who cares
family history
It's not a particularly interesting or good story, honestly.

Eun-Bin, a halfblood from a halfblood family, worked hard and studied even harder to get herself a place in civil service. That was a lot more sure than a marriage, her parents had always told her, and she took that very seriously. As a teacher, her life was mostly assured and secure and she could finally focus on starting a family.

Enter Cha Jae-Eun, an upper middle class Auror from his clan, wasn't looking for a wife. He was focused on his career, determined to do well and rise the ranks quickly.

He and Eun-Bin met quite by accident, during an investigation that led him to her favourite lunch place next to the school. Fast forward a year and half and they married. Multiple tries for a child failed until Young-Jae was born.

face claim
Oh Se-Hun
status of application
have you read the rules?
rules are meant to be broken
how did you hear about us?
kpop lyrics
roleplay sample

Admin Morgan
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26 years old
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"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 8, 2019 0:51:52 GMT -5
