Leapling's Have Our Own Kind of Magic

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Post by Deleted on Dec 30, 2018 13:34:13 GMT -5

Aurora Regina Gregorovitch
by Tori
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
de Lis Girl | Assistant Manager at The Bacchae | First Year Journalism and Wandmaking Student at Lufkin | Wandmaker's Apprentice
general appearance
Skinny, shiny hair, and a pair of big, wide eyes that know exactly how to get their way. That is exactly what Aurora is made of. Her body is a combination of dangerous curves and elegant height. She has a thin, but feminine figure. She's pretty, and she knows it, and she's not afraid to use that to her every advantage. She knows that she can make one heck of an impression if she tries. She looks like her mother's side of the family, which is convenient, given that the Gregorovitch side of the family is made of a lot of rather built men... She's got a killer smile when she wants to throw it your way, but more often than not you're just going to get a quiet smirk.

former school
former house
Arithmancy Club: Fall 2013 - Spring 2018
Art Club: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
Astronomy Club: Fall 2013 - Spring 2018
Avalon Ballet Students: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
Charms Club: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
Dueling Club: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
Herbology Club: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
The Advocate: Fall 2012 - Spring 2018
Transfiguration Club: Fall 2011 - Spring 2018

HOME Intern: Fall 2016 - Spring 2018

Lufkin University
university major(s)
Journalism | Wandmaking
years attended
Fall 2018 - Present

Charms - Given her chosen career path, at least the long term one, that's important. 

Transfiguration - She thought about learning to be an animagus, but she'd rather focus on what it takes to make wands than putting her efforts into this. 

Dendrology - "Yes, that is the study of trees. Don't judge." She wants to be a better wandmaker, even than her grandfather was. Of course she's got a thing or two in her mind about trees. 

Herbology - You better bet that there are some Box Elder trees growing in the greenhouse at her parents' home. She's not a fool. She knows what that wand was made out of. 

Literary Skills - She is well-read in both magical and muggle classics. And she's studying journalism, just because she wants to.

Talking in Circles - She can talk circles around someone and never really get to the point, but by the time she is finished you will believe whatever it was she was trying to convince you of.

Dark Arts - Though she doesn't boast about it, she was actually really good at the Dark Arts when they started truly studying them.

Politics - She keeps up with the politics of the world, she knows that even being a halfblood may not always be a good thing, and she wants to be prepared for every potential situation.

Being Charming - She can charm the living daylights out of you if you listen to her talk for long enough. You won't even remember what your side of the argument was because she knows how to use those big eyes to her advantage.

Talking People Down - That was a really nice way of saying breaking up a fight. 

She says she has other skills, but I told her that those are not PG and her app has to be PG.
Family - She doesn't want to disappoint her family, especially her mum, and so she makes decisions based more on what her family sees for her future than what she actually wants.

Manners - Her manners are a bit lacking when she's not around her mum. Even with other members of the family she tends to be more relaxed than she is around Serenity.

Admitting Weakness - She's not good at admitting her own weaknesses either, she doesn't want to show weakness.

Nik - Her brother is a weakness because she does love him, dearly, but she wants to surpass him in every way, and that makes her both sad, and wary. 

Age and Gender - It makes it hard for her father to take her seriously, and she knows that she's better than Nikolai is. She's pretty sure that he knows it too. But she's the girl. And she's younger. And that's hard. 
positive traits
She's clever, ambitious and cunning. She can convince you of just about anything in a relatively short amount of time. She's incredibly intelligent, and studious and applies herself to her studies. She strives to succeed in everything that she does, and she won't back down from something without a fight.
negative traits
She's manipulative and that cleverness that can be seen as a good thing can get her in trouble. She's a bit arrogant and haughty at times and when she's quite cocky and she's not often quiet, and that can lead to her being in a bit of trouble in class, though her work proves that she's a really good student.
She's really good with words, and that doesn't come as a surprise with how often she can be found with her nose in a book. At least when no one is watching... She's good at Charms, and Transfiguration, and everything else that it takes to uphold her family's name. It's a name that people tend to know, and she knows that. She likes to draw, though she doesn't think that her designs are anything to look at. She's confident in her abilities when it comes to the things that her mother insisted that she learn. She dances, or she used to, at Avalon, though she was never professional ballerina status and she paints and all that jazz... She's also surprising really, really good at potions, but she doesn't want to claim to be good at it, so she's putting it as a hobby. Kind of like quidditch, which she says we don't need to tell her mother that she plays at all...
She's a little young for real accomplishments. And her ones at the hotel are not getting listed...

character history
"Okay, so, here's the scoop. My name is Rory. Not Aurora, not unless Mother is around. Then Aurora is fine. But when it's just us, it's Rory. I'm the second child. I have an older brother named Nikolai, and he's the boy, and he's the oldest. And he's the one that they are going to try and say that gets everything. Well guess what, I'm not having it. 

I was born on the twenty-ninth of February, which makes me a leapling. And there's something pretty special about being a Leapling. We have our own kind of magic. Born on a day that doesn't always exist. It's cool. Admit it. 

But I was a good baby. I was strong, and happy, and playful. And then I learned to talk, and I became a hellion. Or at least that's how Nik puts it. Mother just claims that she groomed me into something else, but hellion is good. I could raise hell. And even as a little kid I was good at getting people to see things my way. My side of the story is always true, after all. Even Nik can testify to that, he got in so much trouble over the years because of me. And anything he can do, I can do better. Let's get that straight right now. 

My parents had moved to England right before I was born, I was the only one that was born here, and that's okay. We were both sorted into Slytherin. Me two years after Nik. But that's okay. I was always the one that people remember. I'm the one that makes an impression, after all. I still make a good impression. One of two impressions, anyway. There's the one for when I'm around people that my mother has picked out. Serenity Gregorovitch is something else, after all. I'm very polished, and sophisticated, and I'm going to die of laughter the first time some big shot at one of her parties takes one looks at me and realizes that he paid to shag me the week before on the way home to his wife.

Get me away from people like that though, and I turn into someone else completely. I turn into the girl that you want me to be." Do not say- "You can pay me to be just about anyone, really." 

Okay this is the part where I jump in for a second. Once you really get to know her away from her mother however she can be a tad arrogant and cocky, and there aren't really all that many people that can get around her to put her in her place. Aurora often feels like she is the one that is over looked and so to try and draw her family's attention she has high ambitions to be one of the top students in her year and excel in everything that she does. While also making sure that they don't really realize what she acts like when they aren't around. She carries the what feels like the weight of the entire world on her shoulders under all that arrogance though, so that she doesn't come up short and disappoint her family and disgrace the family name.

"Yeah, what she said. Anyway, I graduated last spring, and of course I enrolled in Lufkin, wandmaking. And journalism, though that was more for me than it was for them. Wandmaking was to prove a point. I'm going to be better at it than Nik. He doesn't have the patience, or really the skill. But I do. And we're going to make sure that I am the one that walks away with the Gregorovitch reputation. In the end. I'm playing the long game though. 

Right now school. And making ends meet. Which is what we tell my parents that I'm doing. 'Making ends meet.' They don't need to know that it's by helping Di run the club, and spending a good deal of time on my back. Or on top. Or on my knees."
And you're done talking. Right now. Stop talking. PG Ror...

Father: Aleksandar Gregorovitch - 46 - Tempestas Alum - Wandmaker

Mother: Serenity Gregorovitch (née Machiavelli) - 42 - Mother - Epée Alum - Housewife | Socialite 
Brother: Nikolai Gregorovitch - 20- Slytherin Alum - Wandmaker's Apprentice
No, Thank You
See Occupation
other family
Mykew Gregorovitch - Grandfather - Deceased
family history
Mykew Gregorovitch was born and raised in the Eastern part of Europe, he attended Durmstrang Institute, and it was after that that he started to become interested in wand making. Something that he passed on to his son, and that his grandson is still learning. He married a Bulgarian witch named Mariska Dragomir and had one son, Aleksandar.

At some point many years ago, Gregorovitch came into the possession of the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows and the most powerful wand in existence, and upon realising its true nature, he began experimenting to try and duplicate its powers. Gregorovitch, somewhat foolish by nature and hoping it would improve business, started a rumour about him possessing a powerful wand and his efforts to replicate its properties. The result occurred one night when Gregorovitch heard someone break into his workshop. He promptly ran inside and saw a blonde-haired young man had taken the wand, who then promptly shot a Stunning Spell at Gregorovitch, before leaping out the window. Gregorovitch never found out who stole the wand.

Despite the loss of the Elder Wand, Gregorovitch continued his work, and many years later retired, with one of his last wands being sold to Viktor Krum. Lord Voldemort, who sought a way to bypass the unique nature of his and Harry Potter's wands, interrogated and tortured Ollivander (who had been a prisoner of the Death Eaters for some time) for information. Eventually, Ollivander revealed he had heard of the rumour of Gregorovitch possessing the wand. Intrigued, Voldemort resolved to track the wand down and gain possession of it, not only to use it to defeat Harry, but also to possess the most powerful wand in the world.

Over the course of the next few months, Voldemort hunted Gregorovitch down, murdering a family that lived in his former residence. Voldemort inevitably found Gregorovitch, keeping him from escaping by using Levicorpus and a Full Body-Bind Curse. Voldemort demanded he give him the wand, but Gregorovitch said it had been stolen from him many years ago. Enraged to have exhausted months of effort to find Gregorovitch and to find out he was not any closer to the wand, Voldemort believed he was lying, and as such performed Legilimency to confirm it. During his search through Gregorovitch's memories, Voldemort found the memory of the incident when he lost the wand. Finishing his search of Gregorovitch's mind, Voldemort immediately demanded to know who the thief was, but when Gregorovitch admitted he never found out, Voldemort, recognising he had all the information he required, ignored Gregorovitch's pleas for mercy and cast the Killing Curse on him. Gregorovitch's death was witnessed by Harry Potter through his unique link to Voldemort's mind.

She had an Internship at HOME and she loved it.
face claim
Sarah Hyland
status of application
have you read the rules?
Nope, not a chance
how did you hear about us?
From a Box Elder tree
roleplay sample

Admin Morgan
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"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 4, 2019 21:51:39 GMT -5

Remake Accepted!