Taking the World for my Own

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Post by Deleted on Jan 15, 2019 15:45:54 GMT -5

Aneska adrianne Woźniak
by Leesee
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
general appearance
Aneska mostly took after her mother in appearance. She isn't quite gorgeous like her mother, but she has an innocently pretty face. She isn't as tall as her mother or father, but she's still growing. She currently reaches around 5"5'. She took her mother's petite build as well. She also got her mother's charming smile and a darker version of the woman's blue green eyes. Also like her mother, she has long, brown hair. Rather than the olive tone of her mother, Aneska's complexion is closer to her father's. She mostly dresses in what's comfortable and wears natural-looking makeup.

former school
former house

university major(s)
years attended

Multilingual: Aneska was raised peaking Serbian, her mother’s tongue, along with English.
Drawing: Aneska draws in her journal. She’d never show anybody, but she is quite good.
Potions: Aneska excels in potionmaking above all her other classes. She just has the patience and attention to detail for it.
Charms: Similarly to her parents, Aneska’s pretty good at charms. She learns them easily, although they aren’t as good as her potions.
Magizoology: Aneska wouldn’t know the first thing to do with any animal. She has a cat, but that animal takes care of her more than the other way around.
Domestic work: Aneska’s ability to clean or cook don’t exist. No matter how often she cleans, her area of the dorm is a mess.
Family: Aneska’s always be close to her family. She’d never hurt them, and their presence in a matter will skew her logic.
Festering Rage: Aneska can-and will-hold a grudge. Rather than loosing her cool in the moment someone does something wrong, she’ll keep it inside and allow it to grow.
positive traits
Ambitious, Clever, Mature, Patience, bold
negative traits
No Guilt, sarcastic, tactless, stubborn, condescending 
Reading, Learning, Getting stuff done, Family, Dark Arts
“My amazing potionwork? My family bonds? I haven’t really made anything of myself yet.”

character history
Aneska was born to Alan and Anya Woźniak, who were both born and raised as supporters to the dark lord. As such, she was influenced greatly by the dark arts growing up. As a child, she took to the ideology of her parents, never really knowing anything else.

In 2006, her brother Emil was born, and shortly after a new Minister of Magic was elected. She doesn’t remember much from the time, but she remembered her parents having to work harder and longer than before. Her aunt, Natalija, came around to help take care of the young children.

In 2009, Aneska’s mother was once again pregnant. She still had to work hard, and even as a child it worried Aneska. She admired her mother’s strength to get through it all.

Aneska remembered when it was time for her mother to give birth. She loved her little brother and was excited to have another sibling. The process was harsh and took a long time. When it was over, there was no baby.

Her parents explained to her that it had happened because the meanies in the Ministry liked mud bloods more than them. That the balance of favor was why her sister hadn’t made it. They also swore to her that they’d get revenge and, one day, they’d make the world right. They had kept that promise.

Aneska’s parents participated in the events that put an end to the work camp and took Durant out of office. Things were better for them after that. According to the purist ideals that her parents had raised her on, the world was right. They had fulfilled their promise.

When Aneska began attending Hogwarts in 2014, it was the first time she was really separated from her family and their purist ideals. There were students who’d been raised like her, of course, but there were also others. She met mudbloods and they didn’t seem to be doing anything that might start the third wizarding war. The first two were caused by the Death Eaters. While she still followed her parents ideals, the first threads of doubt weaved into her mind. Doubt that she wouldn’t show anybody.

When the epidemic that could destroy magic broke out, Aneska was scared. It hadn’t yet affected her, of course, but it eventually would. Such a powerful threat hanging over her made her want to take action. She was still young, but most everybody who still had magic was young. She swore that she would figure it out, and get her parents back their magic.

@alan (Father), @anyarahela (Mother)
Emil Woźniak (Brother)
other family
Natalija Woźniak (Aunt)
family history
Alan Woźniak’s mother died when he was young. After that, his dad brought him to Poland. His father supported the Dark Lord and never stopped believing he would come back. Alan and his sister, Natalija, were raised to join the Dark Lord one day. Alan followed that path, learning the dark arts in school and swearing himself to the Dark Lord in 1996. Natalija, however, didn’t support him. She excelled in potions and returned Poland.

Alan fought beside the Dark Lord in the Battle Of Hogwarts. In the battle, Alan lost his father and a friend from Hogwarts, Emil. When the lord fell, Alan was sentenced to time in Askaban. He was released on work release in 2001.

Anastasia Woźniak was born to the Milošević family in Belgrade, Serbia. Her family was also composed of dark wizards, and she was raised similarly to Alan Woźniak.

When Anya was 11, her family moved to the UK and enrolled in Hogwarts. She was sorted into Slytherin. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she was too young to fight on the front lines with her brother Emil. Anya and her mother were pardoned and Anya returned to school, graduating in 2001.

Anastasia and Alan reconnected the year he got out of Azkaban and they bonded over Emil. Soon they were married, and in 2003 Aneska was born.

face claim
Mackenzie foy
status of application
have you read the rules?
Every last one.
how did you hear about us?
roleplay sample
Aneska loved the night sky. The bright stars shone against their black backdrop in a twinkling arrangement. She had stayed in her common room late in the night to capture it in her journal. By the time she closed the book, the common room was empty.

Looking around, she noticed for the first time how large the common room was. Without all the other kids, the large space was filled with a heavy silence. A chill crawled over her, though she knew she was safe. Nothing could get into Hogwarts.

A noise, a sort of mewling, came from behind a large seat. Aneska stood and slowly advanced, cautiously peaking over the seat to see a small, black cat. She let out a breath. ”You scared me.” she muttered. The cat couldn’t understand her, but she didn’t really know how else to interact with animals. Her own white cat seemed to understand her.

Aneska shooed the cat away, but it didn’t go anywhere. How annoying. What was the point of having an animal if it didn’t listen to you.

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jan 18, 2019 21:22:39 GMT -5

Accepted as a 5th Year Slytherin

And welcome to Insurrection!!