I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down

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Post by Deleted on Jan 24, 2019 21:16:08 GMT -5

Phief Nazariy Remnikov
by Mya
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
Reserve Beater for Ballycastle Bats
Potionology & Alchemy Student at Lufkin University
general appearance
Phief can be quite intimidating. He stands at a hulking six-foot-five and has shoulders as broad as they come. It's typical in his family as all the Remnikov boys tend to be big. Phief has deep brown eyes which appear almost black when he is upset, though usually they are almost as gold as honey. Naturally he has dark brown hair. Usually his hair is slicked back, not quite long enough to be placed in a bun, or just a poof on top of his head. His brows are also dark, which can give him quite ominous features and sometimes he can be found with a scruffy five o'clock shadow. More often than not, though, he keeps his face clean shaven. Typically he wears jeans and a t-shirt and mostly dark colors. He has two full sleeve tattoos, they represent the stories of his family's heritage and bloodline (minus the muggle part).

former school
former house
Reserve Beater for Slytherin House (2013/14)
Beater for Slytherin House (2014/15 - 2016/17)

Dueling Club Leader (2016/17)
Dueling Club Member (2011/12 - 2016/17)
Potions Club Member (2014/15 - 2016/17
Alchemy Club Member (2015/16 & 2016/17)
Quidditch Enthusiasts Club Member (2010/11 - 2012/13)

Lufkin University
university major(s)
Alchemy & Potionology
years attended
2018 - Current

Quidditch - Phief has loved Quidditch since he was a just a tiny tot! He grew up watching the sport, learning the tactics, and practicing with his father and brothers in the back yard. Not only is he well versed in the strategy of the game but he is well built for what he does. Being a Beater just comes naturally to him!
Intimidation - The Remnikov Stare, it's a thing, look it up! Not really-- but Phief does have a very intense stare and coupled with his cold demeanor most of the time and the fact that he's a hulking six-foot-five he can be a pretty scary guy!
Potions - Was he really any good at this in school? No, not really. Phief doesn't like to follow the book for damn near anything but he does have a knack for potionology. He says it's all in the stir!
Alchemy - Aside from Quidditch this is his one true passion and he's bloody good at it! He enjoys the scientific side of this wixen art and his logical mind has made his skill in the subject flourish.
Dueling - He can make that wand work, baby! Ever the perfectionist, Phief has got the movement for quick casting down to a science and he is veryyy good at plotting his opponents next move. If he were a more boring man he might be good at chess, but why the heck would he want to play that dull old game when he can engage in magical combat!
Planning Ahead - Part-Pessimist and Part-Realist, Phief can plot every move ahead of him by ten paces. He has a tendency to look for every possible instance that could happen and plan accordingly. His goal? Always be ten steps ahead and two to their side!
Being Patient - Phief has three younger brothers. About to be five. He has been a teacher, a babysitter, a sibling, and practically a parent no really to the twins he is to this kids! He can cope well with most annoying situations and not bat an eyelash. Patience is his one true virtue. 
Multilingual - He speaks Russian, English, Irish Gaelic, Ukrainian and Kazakh.
Prone To Angry Outbursts - Patient as he might be Phief has a very low tolerance for two things: opposing beliefs, and moronic baffoons. Merlin forbid you have/are both.
His Younger Brothers - He has a sense of responsibility for these kids! Their father is a complete idiot so he has taken it upon himself to make sure they were raised properly and with the right frame of mind. It's a matter he takes very seriously! They are his closest allies and his strongest bond both in blood and, if he does his job correctly, wars to come.
His Blood - Phief holds strong beliefs that pure blood reigns surpreme. While his family hails from a long line of purebloods, he himself has muggle blood, and in his fair oppinion that makes him damn near as low as a mudblood.
Hatred- As low as he thinks he is on the totem pole of bloodlines, he has very stringent beliefs that mudbloods are the lowest of the low as far as wixen human life. He blames muggles (and therefore muggleborns) for the destruction of his family's name, and the death of many Death Eater friends, and he's not to happy about it. He despises all mudbloods, and even goes as far to think halfbloods (such as himself) are basically lesser beings. This boy has hate built up to the gills.
Was Never A Very Good Student - Phief has a hard time paying attention to things that do not interest him. Unless he was learning about something that he actually enjoyed he wouldn't do very good. Still graduated though! Boo-ya!
positive traits
Loyal - To his brothers, to the Death Eater's cause, to his family name (he WILL save it!), and to @bailey . If Phief pledges himself to something or someone there is no turning back.
Determined - Phief has a plan, albeit a disturbing plan, but he is going to make it work! No matter the cost. Because determination is in his nature!
Self-Motivated - "Проснись и начинай" From the moment his feet hit the floor in the morning Phief is going, man. He has things to accomplish and he'll be damned if he gets in his own way!
Patient - "Терпение не ждет, но отношение у вас во время ожидания"
Passionate - When Phief digs his nails into something he really digs them deep. He does things with his whole heart or not at all.
Proper - A proper Russian Wizard, perhaps, but Phief and his brothers do hold an air of sophistication in the correct crowds. He can be polite, worldly, and well spoken when he needs to be.
Charismatic - When it comes to the subject of Purity, Phief could sell it to damn near anyone. He is weirdly persuasive with getting people to agree with his point of view. 
negative traits
Aggressive - To mudbloods especially, but also toward anyone who dares take a side against him. He has his beliefs, and if you agree with them then great! If you don't, then you're just wrong and he's going to let you know. And not always in a pleasant manor!
Callous - Again down with mudbloods amiright?!
Cold - Purebloods are just about the only people who can get Genuine Niceness out of Phief, everyone else are lucky to even be acknowledged. He doesn't come across as very friendly-- likely to do the fact that unless he's with Bailey or his brothers he rarely smiles-- and he doesn't often seek out friendship. In his mind he doesn't see the need for frivolous things like small talk or the drama that comes with friends. He keeps to his small circle most of the time.
Manipulative - He knows how to find a persons weakness and twist it in his favor.
Sadistic - Emotionally or physically Phief can genuinely find pleasure in causing harm to others. Maybe why he's such a good beater? He would never dream of hurting anyone he loves or respects but there was once a whole Kolna building full of fun little targets.
Quidditch - He'll watch it, he'll play it, he'll talk about it-- anything to do with the sport he absolutely adores it!
Flying - Not just Quidditch, but the actual act of flying itself. He loves being in the air and there isn't a day, rain OR shine, that he goes without taking his broom for a ride!
Being With Family - While he avoids his parents like the plague Phief does enjoy spending time with his brother's, wife, and father-in-law.
Dark Arts - He's been interested in them since he was a little boy and he finds them an utterly fascinating practice. Of course he meddles with them whenever he can!
Cooking - I know right?! Whaaaaat? He is actually a very good cook, but he doesn't like to be just one person, alone, in the kitchen, whipping stuff up. If he's cooking it's usually because it's a family affair. Catch four Remnikov boys in the kitchen all day making stuff!
Reserve Beater for Ballycastle Bats: August 2017 - Current
Orchestrating the most awesome near-dead family name revival in Volgograd history

character history
Phief was born under terrible and damning circumstances, the likes of which he has never forgotten. His father, Alexi was the heir of a pureblood line in Russia. A long and proud line of Durmstrang alumni, his father was the only child born to carry on the Remnikov name. But the burden was clearly not held with high standards, his father craved the attention of a local muggle girl, Irene. Shortly after his father's graduation he found out that Irene was pregnant, news that was not well welcomed by anyone except Alexi. He was absolutely thrilled with the prospect of being a father, to the point that he even felt pride in bringing his pregnant girlfriend to his family home to express the news.

He was lucky that he and Irene even made it out alive on that fateful night, his mother had gathered quite the heard of family from near and far to hear the surprise that Alexi had in store. And as all the family sat around the dinning table, chatting merrily Phief's father stood to propose a toast to good health. All others chinked their glasses merrily before he added that he also wished good health upon his unborn child. At first the family seemed happy, but as the dinner continued they hounded poor Irene about her schooling, her bloodline, and she tried her best to conceal her secret- but it had slipped. The room's joy and chatter quickly turned to anger and disgust. How could Alexi taint such a pure bloodline, and with this muggle girl?! Alexi never spoke much else of what happened to his son Phief, but from what he could gather his grandfather had nearly killed them both in such anger.

Yes, Phief was the first, the original damned son. His mother and father fled from their homes in Russia and started anew in London, England, where Irene had distant relatives. Though the two never married, they stayed together for many years and produced three more sons. They taught the boys to live in secrecy about their magic, as their closest relatives were all muggles with no clue of the existence of magic. But as Phief grew he found that he differed from his father and brothers. They were kind-hearted, they were understanding and had no qualms about non-magical people. Something in Phief was different, and unrelenting.

Maybe it was that he was too much like his grandfather, a powerful man whom of which he had never met. Phief was drawn toward the magic, especially dark magic, and found himself resenting his mother more and more for tearing him away from the family he never got to know. He was supposed to be the next heir to their bloodline, instead here he sat with these muggles pretending magic didn't exist.

On his eleventh birthday it became very clear that magic did exist, as he received his letter to Hogwarts school. He had heard a thing or two about it from his father, heard of the houses and he was more than sure he would be sorted to Slytherin. In his heart he was pure, the sorting hat would surely see that! He was cunning, resourceful and ambitious, just as his father had described. Phief wanted nothing more than to join their house, his father, however, pointed out to him how he would also be well suited for Hufflepuff. Phief was loyal, hard-working, and dedicated. Phief was sorted and so commenced his schooling. As he got older he found himself developing a dark hatred for his mother. He hated her, hated her for what she had made his life become and he hated her for taking away the life he was supposed to have.

As the years went on Phief's other three brothers were brought their letters and sorted into various houses, he grew very close with them, the ever minding shadow that guided them through their schooling. He felt a sense of duty, since his mother couldn't possibly be of any help to them, then he needed to step up and guide them. They needed it, especially when his father preached to them about tolerance and understanding, Phief made sure to counter every one of those speeches with his own- detailing how they should be a proud family and work towards a better future than what they were given.

Phief's dreams slowly geared to eventually joining the death eaters ranks, though he knew the resistance he would receive. He was, after all, half-blooded. As his schooling continued he found that there were only two things he could have ever really wanted, to play quidditch professionally and to be accepted into the death eaters ranks. At the Halloween Feast when the fire had burned many students in his house he was almost prideful to have been burned himself. The scars of it are something he treasures and instead of a threat he took it as a sign he was heading in the right direction.

He graduated after the Ministry was overtaken and he was excited to be entering into a world like that. Better yet he had been offered a position as a reserve beater for the Bats which he took happily. He has been working as well as aiding the death eaters ever since in the hopes of one day joining their ranks.

Alexi Remnikov - Father
Irene Felbottom - Mother (Muggle)
@alekr - Second Born 
@dima - Third Born
Rurik Remnikov - Fourth Born
Maksim Ellis Remnikov - Fifth Born (Twin)
Nikolai Matvey Remnikov - Sixth Born (Twin)
Maksim Ellis Remnikov - Step-Son; Born March 2019
Nikolai Matvey Remnikov - Step-Son; Born March 2019
@bailey  - Wife; Married October 20, 2018
other family

Maksim Vadim Remnikov - Paternal Grandfather
Verochka Galina Remnikov (Baryshnikov) - Paternal Grandmother
Yana Anichka Kuzenetsov (Remnikov) - Paternal Aunt
Fedor Gavriil Kuzenetsov - Paternal Uncle Through Marriage
Izak Matvey Kuzenetsov - Paternal Cousin(M)
Kvenika Aliz Kuzenetsov - Paternal Cousin(F)
Mativa Galina Kuzenetsov - Paternal Cousin(F)
Aniya Lyubov Chertok (Remnikov) - Paternal Aunt
Oleg Efim Chertok - Paternal Uncle Through Marriage
Jasha Maksim Chertok - Paternal Cousin(M)
Pushka Evgen Chertok - Paternal Cousin(M)

Kellen Brady Fellbottom - Maternal Grandfather (Muggle)
Aileen Fae Fellbottom (Walsh) - Maternal Grandmother (Muggle)
Mael Gerard Fellbottom - Maternal Uncle(Muggle)
family history
In Volgograd, Russia there is an pureblood family who has lived and held power in the area for hundreds of years. As far back as anyone can remember the Remnikov's have held a seat in power within their Oblast, a seat that is gifted down from generation to generation. A gift that passes from father to son. Maksim Remnikov, the single heir to a slowly dwindling line had high hopes to eventually pass his seat to his son, Alexi. As a boy Alexi was well mannered, well read, and above all he was a dutiful son. He attended Koldovstoretz, like many others, and scored high marks. He was the type of son that made his father proud in every way. Alexi excelled in dueling, potions, and alchemy. He had a thirst for knowledge that, upon graduating, brought him stumbling into the non-magical world. Volgograd had always shared it's Oblast with muggles but they had kept their magical cities hidden. Alexi did not wish to be hidden any longer, so he began to immerse himself slowly with the muggles. It was a secret of his, one that he kept hidden from his family. In doing this he met a beautiful Irishwoman by the name of Irene.

Irene Fellbottom was a muggle woman. She had gone to school in Cork, Ireland where she was born and raised. She was not held to any duties, not expected to do much, really, with her life. Her parents held mundane jobs and encouraged their children, Irene and Mael, to find what they loved in life and let it take them as far as they could go. Both children took their advice very strongly and Irene worked hard to graduate from school early so that she might travel to Russia as she had always wanted to do. She spent a year there, hardly seventeen, and learned the language and dove deep into the culture there. The beginning of the following summer Irene found herself smitten with a local boy that she had met by the name of Alexi. He was different than anyone else she had met and something about him captivated her. Not soon after they began seeing one another did she become pregnant with their first son.

Alexi knew that Irene was a muggle and he thought that it was only right that he divulge his true self since she was carrying his child. He admitted that he was a wizard and told her of his pureblood heritage and how there were expectations set for him. But the love he carried for her was strong and he believed that if his father could just see how he felt for this woman that, maybe, he would change his mind. Maybe he would allow them to be a family. One evening Alexi gathered Irene and his family for a dinner to meet her for the first time, and to announce their pregnancy. The dinner seemed to go well enough until it was discovered that Irene was, not only not a pureblood, but a muggle as well. What had been a happy occasion moments ago turned into a near blood bath and the two narrowly escaped with their lives. Maksim, Alexi's father, sought to have the muggle woman killed and put a high price on her head. His son, however, he wanted kept alive. He needed an heir, after all. The search was ineffective as Alexi and Irene had left Russia entirely. The two fled to London where they began their new life together and started their family.

The two never married on the insistence that she not carry such a powerful name. The way they saw it they did not need a piece of paper to prove their love anyway, their very existence was enough proof as it was. The couple were young and new to London but they had one another. They welcomed their first son to the world in March of 1999, following promptly with their second in June of 2000. Phief and Alek were very close in age, raised tightly together and mostly by their father. Alexi kept in hiding for much of their childhood afraid that his own father may have sent mercenaries to find him, or possibly people to drag him back to Russia. He taught his sons all the things his father had taught him, trying to alter it slightly to be more accepting of the area they were in. Still, he missed Russia and his family. He missed the way things were and trying to fit this new, more accepting mold, was difficult for him. On Alek's second birthday Alexi wrote to his father in Russia begging for acceptance. Begging to honor he and Irene and to try and do as he was doing, trying to build a more accepting family. Together, he thought, they could share in the necessary burden.

For quite some time he heard nothing, and then one day it came. Boxes upon boxes filled with ancient leather bound books. The records of their ancestry. The only sentiment he received from his father was a note with a message that very clearly told him just how he felt about his sons proposal. Maksim believed that his son had ruined their line and, what was worse, would see the very end of it without a pureblood heir to take his place in the family's seat. Alexi took the news hard but stood strong in his resolve. He refused to go back to Russia and refused to produce any heir for their line. Instead, he showed the books to his sons, the only two he had at the time, and explained to them the history of their family. The bloodshed and oppression it took to maintain this line for hundreds of years. What was meant to be a warning, a plea to change their ways, was received quite the opposite for his young sons. They saw generations and generations of work squandered away by their father, and for what? Love? From an early age the two eldest sons began to separate themselves from their father, seeing him more as a monster than a hero.

In the summer of 2002 the couple welcomed yet another son, Dima. He was not as close to his brothers as they were to one another but they set out to teach him the truth. That their father was no honorable man and that they were products of bad blood, a mistake on both the family's name and on the wizarding world itself. They took Dima under their young little wings and tried to make him see things their way. For the longest time it worked. Alexi began to see this and found solace in a good friend of his, JR Parker. The man had children of a similar age, his son and daughter sharing in age with his own sons. JR had always spoke out against the purist ways, something Alexi hoped would make a good impression on his children. They began spending quite a bit of time with the Parker family, but once again his attempts at a more peaceful offspring were thwarted. His friend JR's parents were close to the family, extremely close to their grandchildren, and were Death Eaters. They influenced the children, all it seemed but Ezra, to follow in their ways and taught them the true way the world ought to be. The Remnikov boys took every word to heart, following it almost as gospel. It only solidified what they thought they already knew about the world and about their father.

In 2006 Rurik was born. He was born with a larger age gap between himself and his brothers than any of them had with one another. He was left behind, often viewed as too young for most things. They attempted to teach him in the ways that they taught Dima but it wasn't soon before Phief was sent off to Hogwarts and the rest of them followed quickly after that. Rurik was different than them, more accepting and raised with a stronger maternal influence. While he is still young his mind is not made up, and Phief and Alek hope to sway him to their side-- to the side of truth. Their father was a monster, a man who's selfish beliefs had ended a once ancient and powerful line. Or had it...?

Immediately following Phief's graduation he and his mentor, @ellis , formulated a plan to correct Alexi's mistakes. By the following Spring the duo believed that their plan was suited well enough to take action and by the end of April they had set it into motion. Their efforts were successful and @bailey became pregnant with twin boys: the heirs of the Remnikov line. Long live the Remnikovs!

Updated Application
face claim
Diego Barrueco
status of application
have you read the rules?
how did you hear about us?
Bludger came through my window with a hand written note.
roleplay sample