Can I Get a Thank God Hallelujah?

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Post by Deleted on Jan 31, 2019 14:38:44 GMT -5

Natasha Bethany van der Hoosan, M.d.
by Tori
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
Magical Medicine Program Coordinator at University of Bangor
Head of the Cardiology Unit at Dubhe Merak Hospital
Owner of Puddlemere United
Medical Researcher
Trust Fund Baby
general appearance
Little. Feisty. Pretty. Blonde. "Someone insists on calling me the Bossy Blonde Witch. Which is amusing." Okay, that's enough of that.

"No it's not."


"Fine. Carry on."

Thank you. Natasha, or Nat, isn't the biggest person that you'll ever meet. She's only about 5'3, or 161.6 cm. But what she lacks in height Natasha makes up for in spirit. She's a feisty little thing, and perhaps you could say that she's a touch bossy. But she carries herself with the stature of a man about three times her size. Judged growing up for simply 'living on Daddy's money', Natasha set out to prove everyone wrong. She doesn't like being told what to do, and you can see that in the way that she carries her shoulders back, and her neck elongated. She's confident, and she's more often than not flashing a smile. "You can get a lot of things in life with galleons and a smile."

former school
former house
Charms: Fall 1978 - Spring 1986
Choir: Fall 1978 - Spring 1986
Dueling: Fall 1978 - Spring 1986

Prefect: Fall 1983 - Spring 1986

University of Copenhagen || University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
university major(s)
Pre-Med || Biomedical Science | Clinical Medicine - Cardiology Focus
years attended
Fall 1986 - Spring 1990 || Fall 1990 - Spring 1996

"Telling people to watch their blood pressure."

MEDICINE   When they told her that she was never going to be anything more than Daddy's Little Girl, Natasha said "Screw them." I'm not exaggerating either. People told her that she was nothing more than a rich, and pretty heiress, and that she didn't have to do anything with her life to be just fine. Some people would have thought that that was great. But Nat wanted more. She wanted to say that she had done something with her life. Something innately good. And yes, she did it for slightly selfish reasons at first, but she fell in love with it, and she ended up sort of having a knack for Cardiology. "Matters of the heart, right?" 

TEACHING  Medicine, really. That's all that she knows how to do professionally. She spent ten years in school learning how to be a Cardiologist. She can teach someone else to do it. But she wants them to learn. Natasha becomes genuinely invested in students' educations. "Unlike a certain someone that lulls classes to sleep with his lectures." 

CHARMS  "They were always my best subject." And while she doesn't practice medicine with spell work, she wasn't trained that way until much later on in her career, she is greatly feeling the loss of not having that ability around the house. Her household charm work would have put some pureblood witches to shame. For as much as she built her life around not being just a housewife, she latched on to some of those skills as a girl, and they were hard to shake. 

ECONOMICS  When your father is Emil van der Hoosan, you don't really get too far in life without understanding a little bit about economics. She doesn't know how to run the bank, and she doesn't want to know. But she does know that her father runs the largest, and most prestigious bank in Denmark. People come from other countries, England especially after what happened to Death Eater wealth in the aftermath of the last wars. And they trust the van der Hoosan name to look after it for them. 

ELEGANCE  While she may not be a pureblood herself, Natasha was raised by Clarisse van der Hoosan. And if there's one thing that you need to know about Clarisse van der Hoosan, it was that she was born Clarisse Finley. She is a pureblood Lady, through and through, and those charms and heirs were passed on to her daughters without any regard for their blood status. "We were van der Hoosans. It didn't matter that we were halfbloods. We were part of the elite."

DEBATE  Sometimes she'll do it for the sake of medical research. For progression. Sometimes she'll do it just for the sake of arguing with someone. Which can make for very interesting conversations at benefits and galas, and even sometimes in meetings. "If the right people are around to argue with." 

UNBIASED  Making decisions as a doctor takes a certain amount of being able to remove yourself from the situation. She can see the bigger picture of things, and she uses that to try and make the best decisions that she can. Being a van der Hoosan means that she remains perfectly neutral in all political matters as well. They do not make enemies of either side, in any country. You never know who might need to invest. 
"Brig says I'm 'over dramatic', whatever that means."

DRAMATIC  She's always had a flair for the dramatic, and no matter how many times people said that she would grow out of it, she never really did. But that's okay, being a bit dramatic every now and again, most of the time, this is the time for honesty... won't hurt anyone too much.

HER CHILDREN  "The only good thing that came from that man. Well, them and the quidditch team." The thing is, she's kind of serious. She made a choice, and that choice got her a marriage, and three great kids, and... That was kind of it. She loves her children though, and while she could very literally buy them the world, she makes them earn what they get. No hand outs from Mum, that's what Dad is for. Just ask them. He tries to win their affection with presents, and she ends up having to be the one that says no to things like getting a kelpie as a pet. 

BOSSY  "It's not being bossy when you're the boss." Words to live by right there. But either way, she's just a tad bossy. It's because she's smarter than a lot of people. Or she believes that she's smarter than a lot of people. You don't become Head of Cardio without being a little bit smarter than everyone else, and a little bit bossier after all. 

LOVES A GOOD ARGUMENT  This is cute, every once in awhile. But sometimes arguing for the sake of arguing is pointless. And she has a hard time backing down from an argument. Even one that she's losing. She will concede defeat, if you actually prove her wrong. But the chances of that are really slim to none. 

MILDLY PETTY  Not in the way that's going to hurt anyone. But in the way that, if you do manage to out debate her, she's going to leave the door open as she sweeps out of the room so that you have to get up and shut it yourself. 

DANIEL MARRIOT  Her ex-husband. He was... Well he's actually a really good guy, most of the time. He's just, boring? To her anyway. Math is boring. And he had that annoying little affair with a student. That was never going to fly. There were a lot of things that Nat could have over looked, but sleeping with the girl that was younger than Sofia was something that they weren't going to come back from. 
positive traits
negative traits
Working  Spending time with the kids  Research  Arguing with people  She insists that I refer to the previous point as 'Debating'  Bossing around her students  Telling people that they should watch their blood pressure  Reading  Watching quidditch  Going for walks - "They are relaxing."  Wine - Drinking. Collecting. Either one. 
She has published 17 papers in Cardiothoracic and Cardiology Journals. 

She knows all of the account numbers for the family at the bank by heart. 

 Got the quidditch team from Daniel in the divorce. 

Raised three great kids. 

character history
“Okay, I’m leading this party. I’m Natasha, or Nat, or whatever else someone has decided to call me today. ‘Bossy Blonde Witch’ seems to be a favorite lately. Which is funny. But that’s off topic. I’m already off topic.

SO, here goes.

Natasha Bethany van der Hoosan, I was born on August the Thirtieth, Nineteen Sixty-Seven. I was the second of two daughters born to Emil and Clarisse van der Hoosan (née Finley). My mother is a pureblood, but that doesn’t mean quite as much as it does here.”
Are you going to add in opinions on things the entire time? “Yes, I am. It’s my application.” Fine.

“As I was saying…” Drama Queen “As I Was Saying, my mother was a Finley, which means that we have some English cousins. One. We have one English cousin. But Athena can’t stand us. Which is funny. Just ask her, she’ll tell you she can’t stand us. Why? I think it’s because we’re too perfect. And smiley. I’m willing to bet it’s the smile that does her in. She doesn’t smile. And when she does it looks like she’s about to murder someone. It’s a bit terrifying really, but here we are.

Okay, focus. Back to me.

I was the second daughter, and naturally I was treated like a princess. Just like Brig was. We were perfect, and we looked perfect. Two little dolls that Mother could dress up, and cart around, and we didn’t mind in the least. Or at least I didn’t. I don’t think that Brig did either. She would have probably done the same thing to Circe if she had had the chance. But now I’m getting ahead of myself again. Circling back around. We were raised in the elitist circles. We knew royals. We went to private tutors with people that would one day sit in parliament and on thrones.

That was just the kind of people that we were. And no one questioned it. No one ever worried about what it was that we were going to do with our lives either. Grow up, go to school, Durmstrang, of course. Nowhere else would do. And then we’d come home, and get married to someone in the circle, and we’d start the whole thing over again. Except, apparently, that wasn’t what the cards held for us.

Brig went off to school first, and I followed a few years later. I loved school. Being part of the social circles, we were in made school pretty much one large party. That wasn’t to say that I didn’t take it seriously. I did. I was very serious about my studies. I received top marks on my exams. I was a prefect. There wasn’t a whole lot more that I could have done. It was perfect. I was perfect. Of course I was, I was a van der Hoosan.

Up until then all that anyone had ever done was tell me what I could do with my future. No one had ever asked what it was that I wanted to do. I wanted to be a doctor.

A doctor??

I’ll never forget the look on Father’s face the day that I said that I was going to medical school. He didn’t mind that it was in the muggle world. He had gone to school in the muggle world. But of all of the things that I could have said that I wanted to do, I think it was the fact that I wanted to be doctor that appalled him so much. Why couldn’t it have been economics? That at least would have made sense. But no, it was medical school. And I was leaving as soon as I could get my bags packed and moved over there.

I spent the next ten years in Copenhagen. And that was where I met Daniel. Summer 1994, he had come to Copenhagen on a trip. Just a vacation to see, something that I don’t even remember now. And we met in a café. It was boring. And so typical. But he didn’t know who I was when I gave him my name. At least not for a moment. Then it dawned on him where he had heard that name before. Just not with ‘Doctor’ in front of it. I was Doctor Natasha van der Hoosan by then, and for some reason, he decided to stay.

When his friends went back to England, he stayed in Copenhagen. He got a job working for Father, of course he did, at the banks, and he was happy. Content. We dated, and people seemed to like him. He wasn’t one of us. He wasn’t from our world. But no one seemed to mind. He was accepted well enough, he knew how to act like he had been there all along. And he learned Danish. That was helpful. Him learning Danish. But people let it go that he wasn’t from there. That he hadn’t been a part of the circle.

Girls like us, we didn’t marry outside of the circle all that often, and when we did, it drew attention. But there were merits to marrying someone that was good with numbers when Daddy hadn’t had any sons. Someone had to carry on the family business after all. And so, we stayed in Copenhagen, for a while. We were happy there, and we got married in the fall of 1995. The following spring, I graduated med school, and we were both Doctors.

He had his Ph.D. in Advanced Mathematical Concepts. And I was a Cardiologist. We were a good pair. And we fit into the elite world that I had grown up in. Doctors, and Lawyers, and Bankers. A scholar was acceptable, even if it wasn’t quite the same.

I was three months pregnant when I graduated from Medical School, and our eldest daughter was born on the last day of November 1996. Sofia. Blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was just as much a van der Hoosan, just as much a Finley, as I was. We spent the next few years in Copenhagen, and it was a job offer that brought us back, or Daniel back, for the children and I - Christian and Clara had come along in three-year intervals after Sofia – to the United Kingdom.

The job offer was mine though. I was offered a position on the Cardiology staff at the mixed muggle and magical institution in Dublin, and so it was to Ireland that we went. That was 2006, and the following fall Sofia started school at Hogwarts. Her father’s alma mater.

We were happy. That was all that mattered. Daniel got tenured at Gràinneog, and I quickly moved up the ranks at Dubhe Merak. The Cardiology Unit was mine in two years, and it’s been ten years since I took over the post. Christian and Clara both started school in that time, and both Sofia and Christian have since finished. And then, we weren’t happy anymore. And it seemed to come out of nowhere, at least to me.

And maybe it was my own fault. Maybe I worked too much. Maybe I should have been home more often. But what I never expected to find, coming home in the middle of the afternoon, was my husband in our bed, with one of his students. She was pretty, I’ll give her that, but she was also younger than our eldest daughter, and there was something about that that I found unforgivable. I didn’t want to listen to the ‘it was only the one time’ speech. I didn’t care how ‘sorry’ he was. I got a lawyer. A good one. And I got most everything that I wanted in the divorce.

Name, money, and clout will get you that.

So, I got the house, I got the quidditch team, and I kept the money. Because like any good trust fund baby would do, I had him sign a prenup when we got married all of those years ago. Daniel Marriott got nothing in our divorce. Nothing except the clothes that he was wearing when I threw him, and the slutty little student, out the front door.

Then, somehow, things got worse. I wasn’t really sure that they could at that point, but they did. As if the spring hadn’t been bad enough, the fall was a tragedy. People were getting sick left and right, and we didn’t have answers. I’m a cardiologist, I don’t know a whole lot about viruses, and diseases, but I do know that whatever is going on, is something that has to be stopped. We were all sick, me, Sofia, Christian. Luckily Clara seems to be spared, too young, I guess.

Their father was sick too. I know because they told me so. I sent food, it’s not like I didn’t want him to suffer through it, I did. But I also didn’t think that his little college girls were going to think about sending food. And so, I did. As I tried to be the bigger person for once. Not that I was all that good at it. But I tried.

Fall turned into winter, and winter turned into an offer to come down to Wales and visit the University of Bangor. It was an odd request to get, surely, but my son had chosen to attend classes there, and so I went. What I hadn’t been expecting was the job offer. Dubhe Merak was a teaching hospital, everyone knew that. But University of Bangor was trying something new. Something to stimulate research and development. Something that came from Epidemic X, as we’ve all taken to calling it.

Program Coordinator.

They needed a Program Coordinator, and somehow my name had made the short list. I accepted, and found myself in meetings with the Dean, Assistant Dean, and the Directors of the Hospitals across the country. The ones that were going to have staff and students alike, working in the new medical program. It was research based, and intensive. Two things that my own career had prepared me for. And while the program has only officially begun within the last couple of weeks, I think we’re off to a rather good start.”

Father: Emil Johan van der Hoosan - 77, Halfblood, Tempestas Alum, Owner of van der Hoosan Financial, University of Copenhagen - Economics  

Mother: Clarisse Agnes van der Hoosan (née Finley) - 76, Pureblood, Floresco Alum, Society Matron
Sister: @brigitte - 55, Halfblood, Tempestas Alum, "Something extremely feminine." Fashion Designer
Daughter: Sofia Caroline Marriott - 22, Halfblood, Hufflepuff Alum, Designer for KA Desgins, Lufkin University - Business

Son: Christian Alexander Marriott - 19, Halfblood, Slytherin Alum, Astronomy Student at University of Bangor

Daughter: Clara Victoria Marriott - 16, Halfblood, 5th Year Slytherin
Ex-Husband: Daniel David Marriott - 56, Halfblood, Gryffindor Alum, "Snooze worthy" Professor of Mathematics at Gráinneog, Gráinneogg Institute - Mathematics
other family
Almost Brother-in-Law: Tobias James Gellhart - "Yes we're putting him Brig." - 56, Halfblood, Gryffindor Alum, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Employee, Lufkin University - Business

    Niece: Circe Gellhart - age, Halfblood, xx Alum, xx

Uncle: Hans Finley - 78 - Pureblood, Tempestas Alum, Wizengamot Member, Danish Business Owner 
    Aunt: Katrine Finley - 74 - Pureblood, Slytherin Alum, Owner of KA Designs 
        Cousin: - 51 - Pureblood, Slytherin Alum, Unspeakable
                Cousin: @sabine - 21 - Halfblood, Slytherin Alum, CEO of Larsen Economic Holdings, Lufkin University Student
family history
The name van der Hoosan rings a bell to anyone with enough money that they look for places to store it. Emil van der Hoosan was born into old money. And it wasn’t a small amount of money either. Halfbloods though they might have been, Johan and Freja van der Hoosan ran in circles with the elite. They were high society at its finest in Denmark, and everyone knew that the van der Hoosan heir and his wife had all of the right connections.

When their only child, a son named Emil, was born they were overjoyed. It was something to celebrate and celebrate they did. An elaborate party was thrown, and people came bearing gifts like no other. One such person was Valdemar Finley. Johan and Valdemar became fast friends, as did their wives. And it came to no one’s surprise that the two Finley children took to the van der Hoosan boy. He became ones of them.

All through school, and even when the boys were off to University, they were a part of the same group. Parties and meetings, and anything else that involved groups often included both Hans Finley and Emil van der Hoosan. That was why it came to no one’s surprise when the official engagement of Emil van der Hoosan and Hans’s younger sister, Clarisse, was announced during the holiday season of 1961.

They married the following June in what was largely considered the wedding of the year. It was in every Danish wixen magazine, and there were even reporters there covering the event live on the radio. It was truly something to have been seen. And they became the elite. The leading couple of the generation. Rubbing elbows with the likes of those that had been of the ruling families for centuries. They were the type of aristocrats that everyone seemed to either love or hate.

The van der Hoosan world got a little bigger when the couple had their first child, a daughter, Brigitte, in 1963. Blonde haired, and blue eyed, she looked every bit like Clarisse’s side of the family. A Finley in nature. The little family was happy, and seemingly perfect in every way when Clarisse informed Emil that they would once again be welcoming a child into their lives, over Christmas, 1966. A second daughter, Natasha, was born in the summer of 1967. And their picture-perfect family had grown by one more blonde haired, blue eyed, beauty.

As the girls grew, Emil’s father died, and he took over the family business. The van der Hoosan name gaining even more traction, and international attention as he stepped in to take the reins. Picking up where his father left off, Emil lead them into the end of the millennia with a grace, and an analytical mind that made them one of the largest wixen financial institutions in Europe.

So loud for someone so small.
face claim
Kelly Ripa
status of application
have you read the rules?
We make the rules.
how did you hear about us?
It was in the lines of the EKG...
roleplay sample
No, thank you

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
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"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Feb 2, 2019 21:59:06 GMT -5
