Hall of Fame | Kali

Titania Galadriel Buchanan
Titania Galadriel Buchanan Avatar
78 posts
44 years old
Coach of the Falmouth Falcons
Medical Leave on the Scottish National Team
played by Morgan
"Cause you burn with the brightest flame and the world's gonna know your name."

Post by Titania Galadriel Buchanan on May 7, 2019 22:57:43 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]Standing in the hall of fame
[attr="class","cscriptquidd"]the world's gonna know your name
[attr="class","clyrics"]'Cause you burn with the brightest flame[break]
And the world's gonna know your name

[attr="class","cbody"]The epidemic was something of a sensitive subject for her, for obvious reasons. They were all trying to do their best to get through it. They were trying to move forward without magic, and they were trying to figure out how to move the wizarding world forward as well. They were trying to keep everything from falling apart, at very level. In families, in the workplace, in the government. They were all doing everything that they could.
But what they were not aware of was who was behind the epidemic. Who was at fault for it. She had heard the same whispers going around in passing weeks, even months. She knew there were some people that believed the epidemic was not something that had been naturally occurring. There were people that had thought that it was attack. Of course, they had no proof. They had no evidence to support it or no idea just who was capable of doing such a thing—or why they would even want to. She had the answers to all of those questions. She knew exactly who was responsible for unleashing the epidemic, and she knew the reasons why. She held the guilt for it, even though she knew that it wasn’t her fault. Titania knew that she couldn’t have stopped him, that she hadn’t known what was going on or just how far Art and his sister had gone.
It was just hard for her not to feel like she should have seen it coming. That she should have pushed. That she should have asked questions about what he was doing and should have figured out a way to talk him out of it. There were ways she thought that this could have been avoided, all of which involved her knowing in time to stop it. But she hadn’t. She hadn’t known and she had not been able to stop any of it. She knew that she had to live with that but as of today, that had gotten a whole lot more complicated.
A foreign power coming into the Minister was not a secret that was going to be kept long, not that she thought it was necessarily meant to be a secret at all. She didn’t know why they were here, exactly, but she had to assume they were here to try to find a cure to the epidemic. Perhaps they finally had some kind of reasons to believe that it had been a biological attack. Maybe they would be looking for the culprits responsible. There was no way to know those details. She just knew that Art had made a surprise trip to the house this afternoon before she had left for practice. He was on edge that they were looking for someone responsible for the epidemic. And she was a loose end. Not that her estranged husband was going to kill her to keep her quiet, obviously. He hadn’t fallen that far. But she knew that it put him on edge that she knew the truth and that they had barely been on speaking terms for the past eight months.
If she thought that someone had fallen enough to tie up loose ends, however, it would be her sister-in-law. It put her on edge, admittedly. She wasn’t sure where the woman’s mind was when it came to the new additions to the country and if they were here to find out who to blame for the epidemic. Titania didn’t know if Wendy considered her knowing the truth a liability. She didn’t know if it was overly paranoid for her to even think like that, but it had certainly been on her mind since Art’s surprise appearance earlier in the day. It had definitely made her a little more distracted than normal at the start of the practice, though she was able to focus her energy on it more and more on it, thankfully. It had left her mind as much as it could as time had gone on.
But now practice was wrapping up, and the majority of the team had headed toward the locker rooms. She’d settled in at the front of the stands with her playbook and with her schedule. It was a nice enough day to spend a bit more time here, and something about the big empty space put her mind more at ease than she’d likely feel anywhere else.
[attr="class","cnotes"]734 ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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