Won't Drag You Down [Vet]

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Post by Deleted on May 29, 2019 21:00:18 GMT -5

Ravenclaw Common Room
Saturday 25 May 2019
In and out, in and out. Girls in long dresses and boys trying their best to remember how bowties were tied. And then there was...him. Dima was sat lounging on the couch acting as though he had much better things to do than go to this dance. He didn't. Not really. He had his reasons for not going. And he knew that it might hurt his chances at becoming a prefect his final year, but he didn't care. The possibility of seeing Zoe at the dance dressed up....possibly with someone else. He didn't think she would do that. Then again he wasn't sure what either of them would do anymore.

A good portion of the younger years students had already left, eager as ever to attend the end of year ball. Dima looked up from his Runes book as he heard the door open to the girls dorm. White. She always looked good in white. Dima managed a smile at his fellow beater. "They've got you hooked into going as well?" He joked for the first time in what felt like ever, though even to his ears it sounded weak and mismanaged. "You look very nice, Vet."
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Post by Deleted on May 29, 2019 22:46:08 GMT -5

Dances weren’t her forte but she didn’t exactly shy away from either. It wasn’t that bad going on her own. The only person she really wanted to come along wasn’t coming along for his own reasons. Vet understood them but she still thought he could be mature about it. Still, she was going to try to convince him one last time before she finally went to the Great Hall for the dance. She knew he was upset at things ending with Zoe, it was understandable and it had been his first break up. Vet had never had a boyfriend and while her first kiss had been Dima, they had just remained friends. Her feelings for him had go up and down over the part few years but for the moment they remained the same. She just kept quiet about them.

With her now being of age, Vet had played with different options with her air but had chosen to just leave it down. The witch arrived in the common room and look over to him as she flattened parts of her dress. ”They didn’t hook me in per se, I just want to dress up, is that so bad?” she asked. ”You know the dance would be more fun than ancient Runes....”
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Post by Deleted on Jul 9, 2019 20:15:16 GMT -5

He hadn't really told anyone why they had broken up. He didn't want to. As far as he was concerned just knowing that they were should have been enough for most people and he thought that maybe Zoe was doing the same. Not that he really knew. He was supposed to be keeping his distance from her. Alfred wanted them apart. His brothers wanted them apart. And right now there wasn't a damn thing either of them could do about it aside from follow through. Even if he didn't want to, and even if he was dying to know if she was going to this end of year dance.

For now he was doing his best to feign disinterest and neutrality. He didn't want to go, dances were dumb anyhow, yes he would really rather read. These are the days and the lies of our lives. "Nothing bad about that," he shrugged. If she wanted to dress up he thought that she absolutely should. Vet was good at it, after all. He couldn't remember a single time of her not looking her best at an event. "Psh," he smirked as he turned his eyes back to his book, "I can't imagine anything being more fun than Runes." A bold face sarcastic lie, but one that solidified his stance of couch sitting through the remainder of the evening. 

"If you weren't already so dressed up I'd ask if you wanted to join me." Yes, because everyone knows sitting in a quiet common room would be five thousand times more fun than any dance could be. Given his own quiet nature as of late he didn't think that he would make a good sitting in partner anyhow. Though, Vet was a good enough friend to him that he didn't think he would mind sitting in silence with her. "You have someone you're going with? Or a group?"

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Post by Deleted on Jul 13, 2019 23:16:24 GMT -5

Vet had been looking forward to the dance. It was going to be different and she thought she had picked out the perfect outfit for the evening. She didn’t have a date but that didn’t matter in the end. She was going to try her best to have fun. Despite this, she knew that something had upset her best friend. She knew she had to get to the bottom of it. It was a matter of him telling her what it was. Sure they had exams to focus on but everyone, including Dima, should welcome a break, a night off to go out and have fun. They would soon be at home and they wouldn’t see each other as often as they did during school terms.

Vet was wondering how she ought to approach her best friend and the mood he was in and the fact he was spending it ont the sofa in their common room. She had considered if he wanted to go up to his dorm and change so they could go together as friends. She pissed the feeling that hurt her away as soon as she started to feel it. ”I don’t know if that is your way telling me I look good but I’ll take it” she replied, forcing a smile on her face.

The witch arched a brow at her best friend and shifted the weight from one foot to another as she folded her arms and tilted her head in his direction. ”You and I know there are more fun things than Runes and as Eagles we’re supposed to be academically driven” The last part was only partially true, even those in Ravenclaw knew how to have fun.

”I can delay my arrival for a bit” the girl shrugged and went to sit out the couch and leaned back in the seat. She didn’t mind hanging with him for a bit and she wasn’t looking to make any kind of big arrival. Vet was far from an attention seeker. She had been flattening out her dress when she heard his next question and she took some time to answer him. ”....no, I mean I’m going with others” she smiled. Why did he have to make it so damn hard? Maybe she ought to forget about her feelings for him and just try and be with someone else but everyone at school had someone or so it seemed.

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