Andante, Andante // Zero

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Post by Deleted on Jul 5, 2019 10:27:06 GMT -5

Blackberry Farmhouse

Now that she and Zero had talked, things had definitely become so much easier for the blonde. She felt content now and enjoyed being in his company again without having the worries of slipping up or scaring him off. It hadn't been easy telling him how she felt, but the weight that had fallen off her shoulders now that everything was out in the open had changed the situation completely. She still wasn't sure what was going to happen next now that they'd had such a deep and meaningful talk, but she wanted to try and keep things between them as normal as possible.

She'd enjoyed herself in Diagon Alley today and now that she finally had a new wand, she was eager to find her packmate and tell him. She knew to most people they would find it odd that she wanted to show him her new wand, but Lyra had expressed her guilt for not being able to keep Honey calm and dry during the storm repeatedly because of her lack of wand, the fact that he'd had to do instead and if he hadn't found them, they would have both remained cold and in Honey's case scared. Now, she could look after the horse and soothe her, should anything like that happen again. 

Lyra knocked once on the door to Zero's bedroom and pushed it open, she wasn't even sure if he would be here or in the stables but she saw no harm in checking and after all they'd been hanging out a lot in both their rooms so that they could talk in private away from prying ears and eyes, not that it did much use what with the house being full of wolves. "I am no longer the worst person in the world if there's another storm." She announced to the room, scanning the room and her gaze falling on him. "I finally got a wand, I mean... I hope we don't get stuck in a storm again but just in case." She said with a little laugh, finally stepping inside the room. 

Word count: 351

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