Ready To Potter


Post by River on Apr 30, 2020 16:55:03 GMT -5

Next-gen Harry Potter site with a twist.

25 years after the battle of Hogwarts and people would say there was a somber mood within the wizarding community. However, a group of young, Witches did not understand why they had to hide their magic from muggles. To try and make the muggles life better. This group of followers was called The Sisterhood. They wanted to share their gift with fellow beings in the world. As the group of likeminded followers grew and their presence was beginning to get onto the Ministry radar. Their mindset seemed to be turning. Darker and domineering. The Sisterhood is still, are a small group however they are growing by the day will they create another war?

However behind the safety of the school walls. It's another year of studying and molding the minds of the next generation of Wizards. Have some minds been tainted within the walls?

Just opened
come check us out

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