There You'll Be

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Post by Deleted on May 4, 2015 18:22:08 GMT -5

It wasn’t possible in the slightest for this day to drag by any slower. She had skipped her last class of the day as Sutton wasn’t signed up for that class…or so she thought, anyways. Perhaps Sutton was and she simply never showed up. Either way, it was a beautiful day outside and she’d be damned if she was sitting inside a stuffy classroom. Though, she was certain she’d hear a mouthful from the Head of Gryffinfor. Really, what did it matter if they showed up for class or not as long as they were able to successfully pass? The professors at this school treated everyone as if they were still children. Now, it would only be a few days before her and Sutton’s birthdays…and Aubrey’s too, she supposed. Their birthdays could be bittersweet, not much to celebrate anymore. Though, she always did love a good party…to which she and Sutton would attend many of throughout the summer. For now, the school was filled with too many dull people to even contemplate attending one of their parties unless boredom was settling in. It was their birthday in a few days’ time, and it was another day older and another day that their sister despised them for something outside of their bloody control.

No, it really didn’t matter anymore, she supposed. It was her and Sutton now, as it had always been and as it always will be. Sighing in contentment, she picked up a nearby rock, skipping it into the water and watching it poorly fail. Rolling her eyes, she attempted it again with a flatter rock, watching it successfully skip across the water. With the sun bearing down upon her skin, she sat cross-legged on the ground, throwing her beautiful brown hair up into a pony tail to get it off of the back of her neck. Soon, school would be over…finally…and she and Sutton could enjoy their summers, knowing that it wasn’t like they would actually be with any family then, either. Before she got too stuck in her thoughts, she heard someone coming up behind her, tilting her head to the side to see who the intruder was. Upon seeing the very familiar face, she grinned widely before turning back to the lake, tossing in another rock.


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Post by Deleted on May 6, 2015 2:50:45 GMT -5

This school was more boring today than it had the right to be. In fact, Sutton couldn’t recall a time that it had been duller than it had been today. Although she had tried to amuse herself with a random Gryffindor bloke the night before, and this morning, that bit of entertainment was now over, leaving her with nothing to do once again. Something had to be done to shake things up at this school, she mused, as she headed outside. She’d skipped nearly all of her classes that day, finding herself trapped in a relatively depilating hangover from the amusements of the night before. Class was not worth her time in the first place, but certainly not with a headache the size of the entire country of Scotland. But finally, she’d dragged herself out of bed, threw her unbrushed hair into a ponytail—which still managed to look perfect, clearly, and headed out of her dorm room in an outfit of questionable dress code standards. If the irritating drones of professors at this school thought she was going to follow the dress code to the letter, especially when it was this bloody hot outside, then they were fooling themselves.

As she walked through the grounds and down to the lake, thinking that it would be relatively deserted and a nice break from the noisiness of the common room, she noticed a rather familiar figure sitting on the ground. Great minds think alike, she mused, wondering if she’d somehow read her triplet’s mind to find her down here, “Skipping stones? How absolutely poetic,” she stated, breezily, dropping down to sit next to Tinsley. Sutton wondered if her sister had gone to any of their shared classes today, though she didn’t really even recall what lessons were on the docket today.
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Post by Deleted on May 10, 2015 20:36:09 GMT -5

It seemed like no one that was worth it was even at this school, though Tinsley was hopeful. It wasn’t that she hated people. She could get along with people for the most part. It was just that she had a low tolerance for stupidity, and there was just so much for it. Sutton was the one who seemed to dislike people the most, which was more than fine, obviously. As long as Sutton still adored her, she was fine with whatever her viewpoints had been. Tinsley had been sitting outside for longer than she thought before her sister finally arrived. It was definitely good that her sister had magical talent as well as being in this school by her lonesome would have been disappointing. Though, she was quite certain she wouldn’t have turned into their other sister and hated them for bonding. That was just simply ridiculous and she really didn’t understand it even in the slightest. Seeing her sister, she shook her head in amusement, knowing immediately that she was hung over.

“Good night?” she asked, raising her eyebrows in amusement. “How’s the sun working for you?” she laughed, shaking her head slightly. “Don’t judge my boredom, sis,” Tinsley replied, rolling her eyes. She really did hate being bored out of her mind. Senioritis already hit and they weren’t even seventh years yet. “Didn’t see you all day. Don’t tell me you’re having fun without me,” the brunette stated, sighing dramatically.
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Post by Deleted on May 11, 2015 3:19:09 GMT -5

Sutton would certainly consider the previous night’s activities a success, temporarily relieving the boredom that seemed to follow her around at this damn school. Nothing and no one could keep her entertained for more than a few hours, it seemed. If her sister wasn’t at this school, she had no clue what she would do. Life would just be so incredibly boring, as she knew that Tinsley was the only reason that Hogwarts even was interesting at all… they did have a talent of making entertainment out of nothing, “I was in the lion’s den—contemplated stopping in to say hi to you, but I was a bit preoccupied,” she stated, smiling innocently. At this point, she’d been in all of the house common rooms, feeling as though she was certainly able to judge the best one at this point, “It’s a lot more comfortable than the Ravenclaw dormitories, I’ll have to admit,” Sutton continued. The Slytherin dormitories had been as expected, obviously, for being in the dungeons—but she didn’t find it too bad. It was better than the Hufflepuff dormitories—that much she could determine for certain.

“The sun needs to piss off. A well timed thunderstorm would be appreciated right about now,” she groaned, irritated that her head was still pounding. At least she wasn’t nauseous, as that was never a symptom of a hangover she ever received. That would be absolutely embarrassing. Sutton raised an eyebrow at Tinsley, her lips quirking into an amused smile. No, she certainly would judge her in doing just about anything to relieve boredom, when this school was just so damn dull, “No judgment, skip away,” Sutton said, waving her hand toward the lake in a dramatic gesture. Lifting her shoulder in a shrug in response to her statement, Sutton took a long look around the grounds. Skipping class was always a perk if it meant that there were less irritating classmates around, “I’ve had a lovely day with my bed, if that’s what you’re wondering. Seemed like as good a time as any to catch up on sleep,” she replied, shooting her sister a devious look, “After all, I knew I could count on you to give me what little notes you took.”
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Post by Deleted on May 16, 2015 6:11:32 GMT -5

They were sixth years, so hopefully that meant that the next year or so would pass through quickly. They had a little over a year left and then they would be graduating and probably getting an apartment together somewhere. Whether they stayed in the magical world where shit was falling apart or they returned back to the muggle world, which was guaranteed to be even more boring, it hadn’t yet been decided. Though, they would certainly most likely enjoy it somehow. It had to be better than staying supervised at all times of the day. Tinsley shook her head at her sister, the corners of her lips twitching up. “Mother would be ashamed,” she stated, rolling her eyes.

“You can’t always get what you want, sweetheart,” Tinsley grinned at her twin, knowing that her sister would certainly look at it as her needing to get her way every time. “Did your Head of House stop by to see where you were?” the brunette asked curiously, knowing that the Heads were supposed to check in on the students that didn’t show up for classes. It was an annoying rule that had happened, making less students want to skip on the basis of not wanting the Head of House to scold them while they were trying to catch up on some sleep. “I don’t know why you did such a silly thing as counting on me for that task. You should know I don’t take notes by now. You’re the claw. That’s YOUR bloody job.”
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Post by Deleted on May 18, 2015 16:20:03 GMT -5

Sutton had mixed feeling about returning home for the summer. On one hand, this school did get dreadfully dull, and there were far more options for entertainment out in the real world. However, the Muggle world was incredibly boring, perhaps more so than even the castle at times, though she and Tinsley did manage to find themselves some fun. There was always the option of spending a hell of a lot of time in the magical world anyhow—as long as she could go to bars and clubs and see what London had to offer as far as attractive blokes went, Sutton wouldn’t complain…much. After all, their mother was too busy moping about to care much about what they did. “Oh, please—that would require her coming out of her room long enough to know what was going on,” she replied, smirking slightly. The woman was so bloody depressed still over Aubrey being gone, and Andrew as well… since clearly she had no reason to call him her father anymore. But that was all the better for them, as it meant far less supervision and far more intriguing locations to spend their time.

She quirked an eyebrow at her sister, amused by the concept of not getting her way, “I’ll believe that if it ever happens,” she stated, smiling sweetly. Her sister knew as well as she did how to get her way, and it was something they both did excel at. Sutton looked lazily around at their surroundings, noting that there was a cloud that looked as though it wanted her to have her way, before turning her gaze back to Tinsley, “No visit to report. Perhaps I managed to slip under the radar, though I still haven't met Lowry,” Sutton said. After all, she got good enough grades hardly trying, so she doubted the head of Ravenclaw could possibly have much to say to her about it. It probably wouldn’t stop her from trying, but she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. The woman was new and it would be smarter for her to just focus her attention on something other than bothering her. “You’re the one that wastes your time with classes, sweetheart,” she countered, glaring at her dramatically, “I thought that meant you got the memo on note taking.”
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Post by Deleted on May 20, 2015 17:01:38 GMT -5

Summer couldn’t occur any faster. Finally, they would be able to wear whatever they wanted and they would have no rules to stick by. Well, there was the law, but really, who even concerned themselves with that? Their mother certainly wasn’t about to give them rules and stick by them, long ago giving up on them actually listening to her. It was really quite difficult to listen to someone if they were just going to go back on their word anyways. Honestly, if one was even going to bother giving any direction, they should at least have a backbone to stick by their decision. Their mother, however, was simply too engrossed in her own depression, or whatever, to actually care what she or her sister ever did. That was fine for them as they learned how to take care of themselves a long time ago, feeling as if they lost their family the moment they received their letters to come here. Tinsley nodded in agreement with Sutton, her eyebrows raising briefly as her eyes rolled in response. Their mother was rather pathetic, losing herself to whatever depression she was in over the separation. “I don’t know how she survives without us, to be honest,” the Gryffindor stated, honestly wondering how it was even possible.

“Well, maybe the Head of smartasses is far too concerned with the next book to be concerned with her claws that might actually not have their pretty little heads nestled about in some book,” Tinsley suggested, smirking slightly. It wasn’t that she was disrespectful…not really, anyways. It just seemed like many of the professors seemed incompetent or uncaring, really. “Darling, I go to class so that I can scope up potential dates…not so I can actually put nonsense into my head.”
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Post by Deleted on May 23, 2015 1:44:01 GMT -5

Sutton already had a lot of brilliant ideas in store for this summer, knowing that they would need to take advantage of their freedom before being stuck in the confides of this castle again in the fall. Yes, she did love being there, technically, simply because the magical world was far more intriguing than the Muggle one—and she was glad to have an excuse to leave their mother and their ridiculous situation at home. To Sutton, graduating was the final step in forgetting about their father and sister, though she was very nearly there already. She did think about them from time to time, but really it was only about how much she didn’t miss them. If they didn’t give a damn about her or Tinsley, she didn’t care about them either. There was simply no point in it. As for their mother, well, she supposed she cared about her, but not enough to stick around. After all, the woman just sat around depressed all of the time. All she needed to do was get over her shitty husband and find a new one, and as for children, she still had the two of them. Since apparently that wasn’t enough, Sutton was counting down the days until they could be off on their own. Until then, they would just have to have a hell of a summer, which wouldn’t be all that difficult. “All she does is sit in bed and order takeaway—that’s how,” she stated, laughing under her breath. Sutton was pretty sure the further their mother walked was to the front door to get food and back from the deliveryman and back.

She smiled widely at her sister’s comment, shaking her head slowly as she thought it over, “The sorting hat had to have been playing a joke on me putting me in arguably the most boring house in Hogwarts,” she replied, as Tinsley was certainly right that they all just had their head in the books. There were the occasional exceptions, but they were still dull in their own rights. “I anticipate she’ll be in for quite the reality check if we ever do meet,” Sutton added, wondering if it was possible for that to be avoided. Perhaps the woman really just knew better. “Well at least I know I never have to worry about your priorities,” she said, grinning. All they needed in life were fit blokes, money, and entertainment, after all. And each other, but that went without saying.
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Post by Deleted on May 24, 2015 7:35:03 GMT -5

It was a mystery why they even still lived with their mother; they would do far better off on their own. Getting an apartment really wouldn’t be that hard, would it? Just a bit of tampering with paperwork and they could handle it, she supposed. It really wasn’t like their mother did anything for them, leaving them to actually take care of things. Whenever they got home from the summer, it looked like the house hadn’t been cleaned since they left, dust bunnies bloody everywhere. Old food boxes would be lying about and the blinds would all be shut, shutting out the light from the house making it appear darker than it should be. She supposed a part of her had felt bad for her mother, but a part of her really didn’t understand the depression. They needed her too…well, at least they thought they did until they were forced to only need each other. They were magical, not bloody diseased, which is how their family apparently looked at it. Staying with their mother was only a reminder of that thought about them, as if they could bloody help that they were magical. Tinsley snorted at her sister’s response, nodding in agreement. “Pathetic,” she mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes. Their mother was so pathetic.

“Gryffindor is fun,” Tinsley shrugged, laughing lightly. It was a house filled with overconfident prats who thought that acting recklessly was the way to go; things always seemed to be interesting, if not a tad annoying. “Maybe you pissed the hat off with your thoughts, sweetheart,” she laughed, amused.
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Post by Deleted on May 25, 2015 23:59:38 GMT -5

Their father had abandoned them, hating the idea of magic and all of its eccentricities. He wanted normal children, not witches. Aubrey, though she had stuck it out and despised it secretly, seemed just as displeased with them. And Sutton didn’t have time to waste on people who didn’t give a damn about her either. Really, she didn’t give a damn about most people, but in particular, she didn’t care about the two of them. She had no idea why that was so hard for their mother to understand. The pair had left them. There was no use being depressed over it when there was nothing to be done. It was over with, and lying about in bed was just pathetic. If she wanted to be pathetic, that was on her. But Sutton wouldn’t be dragged down with her, and neither would Tinsley. They would get out of there soon enough, going their own way and becoming rich, famous, or both in the wizarding world. Preferably just rich, as she would rather marry rich and do nothing than have to work to become famous. That seemed reasonable to her. “One more year and we’re out of there,” she stated, knowing that her sister was just as anxious to leave that horribly depressing house. Tinsley had been a bit more upset about their sister leaving, where Sutotn had just said good riddance to the bitch. But she knew that her triplet was now on the same page about getting out of the ridiculously boring Muggle world.

“Gryffindor blokes are much more attractive, as well. I’ve realized that,” she said, nodding. Apparently her sister had sweet-talked the Hat whereas she’d made it mad. “Lucky bitch,” Sutton added, grinning. “Maybe the absurd hat got its Odells confused—care to switch houses?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Gods, Ravenclaw was ridiculously boring, and it wasn’t everyday that something was so dull that even she couldn’t liven it up.