Donovan Keswick

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Post by Deleted on May 12, 2015 6:49:59 GMT -5

Donovan Scott Keswick
25 - Male - Muggleborn - 06/04/1989

Manager at Quality Quidditch

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: He is 6'2" tall and well built, which comes from all the working out he does. He has brown hair which he sometimes grows out and blue eyes. If he ever gets nervous he scratches his chin and has a pondering look on his face. But he's so confident that he's firm footed when he walks. He is sometimes clean-shaven and other times he has a little stubble.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Flying, Quidditch, Transfiguration, Charms, Cooking, Astronomy, well spoken
Weaknesses: Doing before thinking, easily irritated when people talk themselves up
Positive Personality Traits: Kind, compassionate, selfless, nuturing, Athletic, Helpful, Spontaneous
Negative Personality Traits: Secretive, Superstitious, Pedantic, Foolish
Hobbies and Interests: Quidditch, Flying, Quidditch equipment, Cooking, Exercising, Gym, Travelling
Character History:
Donovan is the only son of Derrick and Janice Keswick he was born in the early summer of 1989 in Oxford, England, when he was three he and the family moved to London for his father’s job. At the age of 6 he worked out he was different from his friends at the Muggle primary school he attended. Though he didn’t know what it was exactly. At the age of 8 he accidentally set the dining table on fire one afternoon. When the fire brigade arrived, his parents couldn't explain how that had happened, Donovan slinked away to his bedroom and never told them or anyone else what he had done.

At the age of 11, everything was explained when he received his Hogwarts letter. His parents were reluctant to let him go, but eventually gave in. He attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff. During his years at the school Donovan was on the house team as a chaser before he became captain in his final year. Because of his accidental magic incident as a child he wanted to work in the squad when he graduated. After working there for just over a year he gave his ministry role and started working at Quality Quidditch, slowly rising to his managerial role.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Having attended Hogwarts after the war and having learnt about what had happened before he started at school, Donovan does feel sorry for the families of Death eaters and to some extent the Death eaters themselves, he believed that they were led astray by Voldemort and they do have it in them to reform and as such need better treatment, hence he is a member of Dimitte

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Having lived in the muggle world and only being aware of the one world until Donovan received his letter, they were not affected by the battle or Voldemort's reign. However after they were told of what had gone on both Derrick and Janice were glad that their children were safe in the magical world.

Parents: Derrick Keswick - 52 - retired government worker, Janice Keswick (nee O'Sullivan) - 51 - part-time high school teacher
Siblings: Elisa Keswick - 22
Children: n/a
Partner: n/a
Other Relevant Family: n/a
Family History:
Derrick grew up on a farm just north of the City of Oxford, as the youngest of four boys he loved to spend time with animals and generally loved life on the farm but as he grew up he saw that it wasn’t easy being a farmer and so got a job on the city council when he finished school. It was at this time he moved to Oxford. A few months later a nearby village fair he met Janice who herself was from Oxford.

Janice as the only child of two Doctors vowed never to work in that field when she grew up as she saw what toll it took on her parents who had to deal with some tragic cases from time to time. Instead once she finished High School she went on to study education at university and started working as a High School teacher teaching Maths and Social sciences.

Shortly before Elisa could turn 1, the family moved to London as Derrick gained a new job and that is where they remain to this day, even after Derrick Retired

Other: Member of Dimitte

@caleb and the squad.

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

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Post by Deleted on May 12, 2015 8:44:51 GMT -5
