Arabella Strauss

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Post by Deleted on Jun 6, 2015 20:23:28 GMT -5

Arabella Strauss
23 - Female - Halfblood - June 9

Assistant Teacher (5 years); Potions Teacher (Present)

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Black, pixie cut hair
5"3 feet tall
Dark blue eyes
Pale skin
Sexual Orientation: uhhh wut?
Skills: Drawing, Potion making
Weaknesses: Severus Snape, the dark
Positive Personality Traits: Gentle, Friendly, Understanding
Negative Personality Traits: Know-It-All, pushy
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, teaching, reading, singing, potion making
Character History:
Believed to be orphaned at 7 years of age. Arabella lived with the Weasley for a few years and left after seeing they were struggling with money. Lived in an orphanage till she was 18, and discovered a flyer for anyone looking to teach at Hogwarts. She was required to be an assistant teacher for Professor Snape before being allowed to be an official teacher.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Arabella doesn't have a good history with Death Eaters, but later had to be understanding of them after falling in love with Professor Snape, who was a Death Eater.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Arabella's mother was murdered by Voldemort, while her father thought Arabella and his wife were dead. Arabella chose to live in isolation with Snape after saving his life when Voldemort died.

Parents: Johannes and Elizabeth Strauss
Siblings: Annabeth (died at birth)
Children: Remus, Darcy, Annabeth Snape
Partner: Severus Snape
Other Relevant Family:
Family History:
Believed to be orphaned at 7 years of age. Arabella lived with the Weasley for a few years and left after seeing they were struggling with money. Lived in an orphanage till she was 18.

Other: Truly, madly, deeply in love with Professor Snape


Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

Roleplay Sample
Good day to all magical folk and muggles alike! My name is Arabella Strauss and I'm 23 years old. You'll find me either drawing, doing magic, or scolding Severus.

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Post by Deleted on Jun 6, 2015 22:36:37 GMT -5

Thank you for joining Insurrection!  
We are happy to have you with us, but there a few things that need to be corrected before your application can be sorted. 

-Your character’s birth date must include a year

-The position of Potions Professor is currently taken. You can find all site careers and their status HERE.

-Sexual orientation is an identity used to describe what gender your character is attracted to.
---Heterosexual: attraction to the opposite sex
---Homosexual: attraction to the same sex
---Bisexual: attraction to both sexes

- There needs to be clarification on what connection your character has to the Weasleys. How did she meet them? Did they have a connection to her birth family? What years were your character living with them? You can find site biographies for all canon characters currently living HERE.

-This site is canon up until the seventh book, meaning that Severus Snape died in 1998. Your character has an age of twenty-three, meaning she would have only been six years old when he died. He never married nor had any children. For more information on the chronological timeline of Severus Snape go HERE.

-Character history tells a condensed version of your character’s life up until present day and needs to be at least a couple of paragraphs long incorporating more detail. What house was she sorted into? Did she play quidditch? What did she do after graduating? What key points in her life have greatly shaped who she is now?

-Family history tells a short version of your character’s family history. What kind of family did her parents come from? What was her mother’s life like? What was her father’s life like? To see examples on how to fill out a better detailed character and family history visit this application HERE.

-The roleplay example you have provided just lists things about your character. To get a better understanding on how roleplaying works, as well as a proper roleplay example please go HERE .

-Please be sure to read over the Site Plot HERE and the Site Timeline HERE.

If you have any specific questions please feel free to PM one of the site Admins.