Corey Broderick Fischer, Jr.

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Post by Deleted on Jun 21, 2015 0:41:04 GMT -5

Corey Broderick Fischer, Jr.
17 - Male - Halfblood - 05/02/1998


Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Standing at 5’10 and 160 lbs., Corey has thick dark hair with blue eyes and muscular physique. He generally walks confidently, a generally friendly and careless expression on his face.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Manipulation, flying, quidditch, deceit, making people laugh, fighting, potions, dark arts, pick pocketing, stealing
Weaknesses: Pointless classes such as divination or herbology, following rules
Positive Personality Traits: Athletic, charismatic, charming, observant, personable, resourceful, witty, humorous, laid back
Negative Personality Traits: Ambitious, amoral, arrogant, blunt, callous, cruel, greedy, selfish, insensitive, scheming
Hobbies and Interests: Flying, drinking, shagging, dark arts, pranking, running, working out
Character History:
May 02, 1998 saw to the birth of Corey Broderick Fischer II to his recently widowed mother, Melanie Rose on this fateful day. His mother had only been 32 weeks pregnant at the time, going into labor early due to the stress of the war that was breaking out. Upon hearing that her husband perished in the war, a Death Eater fighting bravely on the side of Lord Voldemort, Melanie went into labor, giving birth to Corey before perishing herself.

The custody of Corey was given to his godfather, Luis Nicholson, the best friend of his father. The man raised Corey as his own, ensuring that the boy knew everything about his father and his father’s beliefs as well as the way that this world needed to be going. From a young age, Luis ensured to put Corey into many different lessons, intending on allowing him to be knowledgeable in many subjects. To Luis, this was important to teach the boy so that the boy would learn to effectively communicate with many of his classmates, bringing them into the same knowledge. His guardian had been injured in the same war, losing his arm in battle, though he is working at a small shop in Knockturn Alley, that being the only place he is capable of obtaining work. Corey was brought up heavily in the dark arts, truly coming to the belief that magic was intended to stay within pure lines only. Luis and Corey live somewhat poorly, off of whatever it is that the Ministry even allows Luis to earn, though that hasn’t stopped them any in succeeding in life.

Since joining Hogwarts, Corey has become well versed in communication, befriending many, but hating most. Deception was something he was incredibly skilled at, finding it to be his favorite aspect of life, something that was completely necessary. Don’t be fooled by his seemingly friendly nature as there really aren’t many people that Corey can actually stand; he simply has a great front to put up in order to satisfy whatever needs he determines. His favorite activity is being the beater on the Quidditch team, finding that it increases his popularity tremendously, especially with the bints of the school. Classes hold very little importance to him, and he has a habit of being tardy to classes. There are clearly more important things for him to be doing, such as preparing for greatness that is bound to occur to those that are worthy.

Corey is actively seeking out revenge for whoever it was that had killed his father, deciding that it is the Ministry as a whole that is responsible for that fiasco. The Ministry are the ones that have allowed this mess to occur, making muggles and muggleborns actually think that they are worthy of the magic that wasn’t meant for them in the first place. If the Ministry hadn’t failed, his parents wouldn’t have died, simple as that. Regardless, his parents mean nothing to him as he hadn't known them; though, he does agree with the ideal that blood is meant to remain pure.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? The treatment of death eaters and their families is simply appalling and will not be stood for. It is important that the world is brought back to its former glory, the magic being restored to those that are worthy of it; muggles and muggleborns are certainly not worthy of the magic. The treatment of Death Eaters is uncalled for when the Death Eaters were in the right to begin with, merely doing their duty when the Ministry failed.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? His parents were in full support of Voldemort, so he has been taught. Corey hadn’t ever met his family, his father dying at the hands of a traitor in the war, fighting to defend the rights of this world, whereas his mother died during childbirth, her sorrow over losing her husband bringing about her untimely death. Now, with the death of Voldemort, there awakens a new power that will succeed where the Dark Lord failed.

Parents: Melanie Rose (deceased at 21); Corey Broderick Fischer (deceased at 30)
Siblings: Jason Paul (half-brother, father’s side, 21); Braden John (half-brother, father’s side, 23)
Children: Are you mad, bro?
Partner: Why stick with one?
Other Relevant Family: Luis Nicholson (47, godfather, custody of Corey since his birth), single, Death Eater
Family History:
Pureblooded Melanie was only 16 years old when she met 25 year old Corey Sr., betrothed to be married to the halfblood. He had proved himself worthy as he was an active Death Eater, serving Lord Voldemort in recreating this world. Corey Sr. courted Melanie until Melanie was old enough to wed, the pair marrying just a few months after her graduation from Hogwarts. At first, the relationship was purely because it was required, though Melanie quickly found herself falling in love with this man. After trying for a few years, the woman finally found herself to be impregnated, growing their son in her womb.

Corey Sr. had come from two halfblooded parents, though his mother had left his father with some bloke she had been cheating on him with. Following her departure, Corey Sr.’s father was constantly drinking, beating on Corey Sr. any chance he got, forcing him to study hard into the dark arts to make him proud. By the time Corey Sr. had married Melanie, he had done so only for her family’s wealth. He grew to care about her, in his own way, though that did not prevent him from his numerous affairs. However, he would argue that they weren’t affairs if his wife knew about them, clearly. Fighting at the Battle of Hogwarts, Corey Sr. met his unfortunate end, shortly followed by his lovesick wife after the birth of their son.

Other: Nah.

Liz, I s'pose, to keep it consistent.
Isabella DiTraverso and co.!

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?
Through it's inception.

Roleplay Sample
Must I, really?

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jun 22, 2015 20:16:17 GMT -5

Accepted as a 7th Year Slytherin
(since I derp-ed and sorted but forgot to post)