Caleb Ryan Swanson

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Post by Deleted on Apr 23, 2015 8:04:42 GMT -5

Caleb Ryan Swanson
17 - Male - Muggleborn - 01/30/1998

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Caleb inherited the blonde locks from his mother and the sparkling blue eyes from his father. He stands at 6'0" and is 160 pounds. He has light sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of his nose.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Organised, Observant, Charms,
Weaknesses: Lack of confidence, tends to procrastinate if not pushed,
Positive Personality Traits: Friendly once his shell is broken, charming, witty and funny
Negative Personality Traits: untrusting, indecisive, nervous
Hobbies and Interests: Muggle sports including basketball and cricket. Even though he discovered flying late he enjoys it. Music and sketching.
Character History:
Following his birth in late January 1998, Caleb grew up like any young boy having come along when earlier than his parents had expected to have children. It wasn't until he was six that he noticed strange things happening like his dog changing colours or things at home catching fire mysteriously. Attending primary muggle school at the time, Caleb and his parents tried to keep things under wraps, luckily with some work he could manage his emotions and whatever was happening with him to cause these strange occurrences.
It wasn’t until he got his acceptance letter from Hogwarts did things start to make sense (well a little sense) he started his first year and learnt many wonderful things about the whole magical world. It was just after he started his second year that tragedy struck when his mum was hit and killed in a car accident. Since that day he’s basically kept to himself unless he’s approached by someone.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Caled was unaware of death eaters until he started at Hogwarts and it's because of this that he doesn't pay much attention to him, thinking it is the business of others, those that grew up in the magical world.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Living in the muggle world until he started his magical education, Caleb knew nothing of Voldemort or his reign or what he did. Being muggleborns his parents knew very little even after Caleb started at Hogwarts, however they were relived to know that their son was safer in the magical world with Voldemort gone.

Parents: Zachary Swanson - 41, Emily Swanson(nee Carter) - deceased
Siblings: none
Children: n/a
Partner: n/a
Other Relevant Family:
Family History:
Graduating from high school in Scotland, Emily was accepted into the Nursing program at the University of Southampton, this took her to the southern end of the UK. It was here during her first few months at university that she met Zachary who was two years ahead of her, studying architecture. They started as friends but soon that moved into dating. Two years down the track they got engaged and it was during this time they found out they were expecting. Brining the wedding forward, they got married when Emily was 4 months pregnant. Caleb was soon in their lives and Emily finished off her course.

They noticed strange happenings with Caleb but didn't think much of it since he was a happy child until he received his Hogwarts letter. When Emily was killed, Zachary was heartbroken and still has trouble coming to terms with his son being a wizard and his words he himself being a a mere muggle. It was during this time that he quit his job as a well paid architect to move into a new field of lecturing at the same university where he and Emily met.

Now with Caleb in his later years of schooling, he's trying to reach out to his son but the barrier of distance and magic still stand.


Not at the moment

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

Roleplay Sample
Not needed unless you'll need to be reminded of how I rp???