Penelope Tennyson

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Post by Deleted on Jul 23, 2015 14:34:56 GMT -5

Penelope Jane Tennyson
10 - Female - Halfblood - 08/13/2004


Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Long, dark brown hair that's usually either down or up in a messy bun. Dark brown eyes set in a round face. Her skin's a little on the tan side, though still light, a sort of creamy beige. With a petite nose and a charming smile, she tends to capture the hearts of any who see her.
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Skills: Sneaking around, Keeping secrets, Lies (both spotting and telling them)
Weaknesses: Dark Chocolate truffles, Fire, Large crowds, Complete darkness
Positive Personality Traits: Unafraid of voicing her opinions, Trustworthy with a secret, Accepting
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant, Antisocial, Apathetic, Anger issues
Hobbies and Interests: Snakes, Learning everybody's secrets, Reading
Character History:
Penny arrived Friday, August 13, 2004. That alone should have been sign enough to her parents that she wasn't going to be the most agreeable of children. From the start she was fussy and demanding and loud at the most inconvenient of times, wearing her parents right to the bone and putting their marriage under a great deal of strain. Still, she had her rare moments of adorable giggles and broad smiles. Her parseltongue ability was revealed when she overheard her father muttering to himself and asked him why he was saying such mean things about his coworkers. From then on, the two of them held whispered conversations in the rare language--when Penny wasn't throwing a tantrum, that is.

When she was five, her parents divorced, and she never saw her father again. Her mother, good soul that she was, kept on. Even while Penny cried and flailed and demanded at the top of her lungs that 'Daddy had to come back' because, without her father, she had no-one to use her 'secret language' with. She would sometimes mutter phrases under her breath, much like her father used to do, and looked forward to the infrequent trips to the zoo where she could stop and chat with the snakes in the reptile hall for a time. 

When she was six, her powers showed themselves when she was terrified in the darkness of her room during a power outage and lit a candle. In her shock, she knocked the candle over and the small flame caught on the drapes. To this day, she can't go within two feet of an open flame. For her seventh birthday, her mother brought home a ball python. It wasn't a terribly large one, but Penny was thrilled to have something with which to speak Parseltongue. She talked with the snake nearly constantly, telling the slim reptile all her secrets and wishes, and while Lucy didn't really understand Penny's desires, she was more than happy to have a friend to talk to. The pair would go on walks about town, Lucy draped over Penny's shoulders, garnering more than a few odd looks from their neighborhood but Penny was either oblivious or uncaring of their stares.

The local kids never wanted to play with her, though, and Penny eventually learned that if the humans couldn't accept Lucy, then she simply wouldn't play with them. It was alright with her; her father had explained to her once that their ability was often viewed as something linked to the Dark Arts and most witches and wizards who knew likely wouldn't be very nice to her. Over time, she grew callous and antisocial towards any who tried to befriend her, knowing they would simply reject her if they ever learned of what she could do. She hates hiding part of who she is, but she's terrified of what could happen if anybody found out.

She received her Hogwarts letter just a few weeks after her eleventh birthday, and she is desperately awaiting the start of her first year at the school. Hoping beyond hope that there's at least one other like her at the school.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? She doesn't know much about what's going on, so she doesn't really have an opinion on it.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? She was born long after it ended, so she wasn't all that affected by the man. Her mother, however, was there and is immensely relieved that the devil is dead. Because of Voldemort's ability to talk with snakes, she and her father have to hide part of themselves. Penny thinks it's horribly unfair and completely ridiculous.

Parents: Hanna Tennyson ~ 35 ~ Halfblood, Fabian Tennyson ~ 37 ~ Halfblood
Siblings: None
Children: Nope
Partner: None
Other Relevant Family: Nope
Family History:
Hanna was a bright student, studying to be a Healer when she met Fabian. They didn't talk much, at first, a few coffee dates once a month or so until Hanna graduated and they started seeing each other more often. It was a slow thing, for them, but when Hanna was nineteen and Fabian twenty one, he proposed.

They agreed to wait a few years before having a child, preferring to have things settled and secure for their future offspring. So, five years after their marriage, they welcomed Penny into the world. It was clear from the start, that despite his the fact that they both spoke a unique language, Fabian just couldn't handle his daughter's explosive moods. He loves his daughter, truly, but he knew he would have done something drastic and regrettable had he stayed.

Fabian Tennyson was from a long line of Parselmouths, possibly descended from Salazar Slytherin himself, though no one was absolutely certain of the fact. It was discovered when he was four, during a trip to a Muggle zoo with his mother. He spoke briefly with a cobra until his mother dragged him away, fearful of what the other patrons would say. Growing up, he learned to hide the ability, never speaking of it in conversation and doing his best to ignore any snakes he came across. Of course, the stigma only got worse when Voldemort came back, and even his wife doubted him for a time. When his daughter presented with the ability, he was thrilled, hoping that maybe she could help break the stigma. 

Other: She's a Parselmouth, if that wasn't clear and she has a pet snake named Lucy

@tabby and the gang

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?
I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy...Or, the internet.

Roleplay Sample
I was desperate for a truly mean person, so she came out. And I checked; August 13, 2004 was actually on a Friday.

Admin Morgan
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Post by Admin Morgan on Jul 23, 2015 14:51:38 GMT -5

Hey Bekah! I know that birthdays are just so meh hahah but if she's born in 2005, then she'd actually only be 10 this year and would not be going to Hogwarts until next year! If you're trying to have her be a first year this coming September, then her birthday would need to be.... in 2004!

As far as Parseltongue is concerned.... since it is so so rare, if you really want your character to have that ability, it really needs to be fleshed out in her history and particularly in the father's history. Normally, according to the wiki, they are a descendent of Slytherin to have that skill. It's not always the case, but most commonly, so just if you really want, you'll need to give us more in the history for us to be able to accept it! :)

After that's dealt with, we can sort Penelope :D
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Post by Deleted on Jul 23, 2015 15:27:37 GMT -5

Okay, I hope it's enough! I'm sure I can come up with more if needed, though.
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Jul 23, 2015 15:33:44 GMT -5

Absolutely perfect!
And she'll be sorted at the feast in September :)