Life Gets in the Way (Open)

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Post by Deleted on Jul 26, 2015 16:00:13 GMT -5

Katherin entered the shop with a relieved sigh. She was using the summer vacation to think of job options and search for possible places to live. Most flats she was interested in were on the pricey side, which meant either waiting until she had a well paying job or getting a roommate. She was rather more interested in being out on her own and thus didn't like either option, though the roommate option was the more independent of the two. So, she had to consider how she wanted to go on. She could intern someplace or find a part-time gig here at Hogsmeade during the school year, which might actually be pretty nice. Except for the fact that having a job would cut back on her already sparse Animagus training time. There was little help for it, though, since she was struggling with finding her center and needed some way to earn money before she graduated if she hoped to afford a flat in decent condition. She slumped into a booth seat and ordered a chilled butterbeer, trying to work out a way to gain freedom without postponing her ultimate dream.