Calandra Olivia Ayers

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Post by Deleted on Apr 26, 2015 0:52:00 GMT -5

Calandra Olivia Ayers
25 - Female - Muggleborn - 4/21/1990

Hogwarts Healer

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Callie is 5'3" and 105lbs. She is athletic, with dark hair and hazel eyes.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Healing, making the most out of any situation, she is able to really wrap her mind around situations and figure them out. She can make a quip out of anything, and is very fast on her feet when it comes to humorous conversation.
Weaknesses: Jumping into situations commonly gets her into a lot of trouble. She gets incredibly in her head sometimes, especially when something important is going on. However, if a situation like that isn't occurring, she has no verbal filter and will say anything that comes to mind. She is sometimes passionate about issues to the point of getting her into trouble.
Positive Personality Traits: Active, captivating, clever, dedicated, mature, observant, passionate, resourceful, ambitious, determined, intense, tough
Negative Personality Traits: Impulsive, difficult, fiery, secretive, vicious, stubborn
Hobbies and Interests: Dueling, potions, researching potions, researching the Second Wizarding World and Death Eaters, her work with Demitte. Fighting for equality is very important to her.
Character History:
Callie did not fit in growing up. Her parents, from the elite Muggle circle they were apart of, expected certain behavior from her and expected her to hang out with particular people. Namely, the children of their friends. However, those kids in her opinion were practically already mini-me's of their parents. It was not at all the kind of life that she wanted for herself, but she didn't see a way out of it at least until she got through school and moved out. That didn't make her tolerate it any more, and she still rebelled against what was expected of her growing up. Her brother was the 'perfect' child, that made her look bad at every opportunity, and got away with everything, while she seemingly got away with nothing.

But then, an 'out' appeared in the way of her Hogwarts letter. She had never even contemplated that magic was real, even if the occasional odd thing did happen around her. It was the best way she could think of to get away from her parents, her brother, and the life that they were already setting up for her. Convincing her parents to let her go was the hard part, as magic was certainly never in the plan. In fact, for a while it seemed as though she was not going to be able to convince them at all. Finally, they agreed, but with strict stipulations of the type of behavior they expected when she was home.

Instantly she realized why she had never fit in in the Muggle world, immediately finding that she did belong here. She was sorted into Gryffindor and made many friends over the years at Hogwarts. She learned a lot about this dark wizard who had apparently just been defeated, and she was glad that that situation had been solved. She had a very good group of friends at Hogwarts, though they were constantly getting into trouble. She dated around a lot, which made her a fixture in the Hogwarts gossip mills. But over all, she had very good years at Hogwarts. Coming home for the summer was never easy, since she was finding it increasingly difficult to follow her parents' rules. The strain in their relationship only continued to grow.

After she graduated Hogwarts, she flitted around from job to job, not really knowing what she wanted to do. As she worked in different areas, she got to experience the rapidly deteriorating treatment of the former Death Eaters and their families. Although she never really got to experience the horrors of the war, she felt that these conditions were entirely unfair. She began to get as much information as possible about the war, simply trying to better understand what they had done to deserve such horrible treatment.

Callie began to understand just how badly the Death Eaters had harmed the Wizarding world and its people, but still didn't think that justified the treatment they were still receiving. When word went around about a group promoting equality for the criminals, she joined immediately. It was soon after this that she joined St. Mungo's as a Healing-in-training, hearing that Hogwarts was in need of a healer. Now that her training is completed, she works at the school, and is enjoying it thus far, though it has only been a few weeks.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Callie was not apart of the Wizarding world during the war. But after graduating Hogwarts and going from job to job for a while, she saw firsthand how badly they were getting treated. She thought, even after hearing about how dark these wizards and witches really were, the the treatment was growing out of hand and more unfair by the day. It is because of this that she is a member of Dimitte.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Callie and her family were not affected by the reign of Voldemort, at least not directly. As they were Muggles in London, they would have to have been blind to not notice some strange occurrences around that time, but just brushed off the incidents. Callie, now that she knows what had happened, was glad to hear that the war was ended, and could make the connection between those occurrences now.

Parents: Tammy Ayers - 51, Robert Ayers - 55 (both independently wealthy from companies and stocks provided by their parents)
Siblings: Gage Ayers - 29
Children: -
Partner: -
Other Relevant Family: -
Family History:
The marriage between her parents was practically arranged by all matters except for in actual writing. Their parents had been friends for a very long time, and it only seemed natural to marry their children to each other. They had been friends all their lives, so it wasn't that big of a deal of them at first, however they both eventually were in relationships with other people. When time came for them to actually get married, they tried to approach their parents to have it called off. They were both threatened with being disowned, so they married less than a year later.

They made the best of it, and had a relatively happy marriage for a while. It was always slightly superficial, a bit strained, but they did make a solid effort for a few years. They had thought that getting pregnant and having a child might help the situation, simply as something that would further tie them together. It was for that reason that they had their first child, Gage. He was their 'perfect child,' a way to make sure that they were a normal family, and although it didn't help their strained relationship, it didn't hurt it either. Their next child did the exact opposite, as she had not been something that they had been trying for or wanted. Things continued to escalate, because their daughter had no interest at all in the world she was brought up in. There were certain things expected of her that they couldn’t for the life of them get her to do and understand. This magial school she went to did not help the situation at all. This caused a lot of strain in their marriage, and family life. Upon graduation from that blasted magical school, Tammy and Robert attempted to convince her that the right thing to do was what they said for her to (finally) but it didn’t work. Eventually, they determined that the only thing to do was to cut her off financially, as well as literally, and they have not spoken to their daughter since. Gage, now a doctor with a wife and children of his own, was more than all right with following their lead, and hasn't spoken to his sister since as well.

Other: A member of Dimitte

Cecilia Hill
Ellanora Bosworth
Evan Hurst
Finn Harlow
Gemme Prescott
Gregory Goyle
Nikolai Petrov
Rita Skeeter

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

Roleplay Sample
Psh gurl please.