February Newsletter

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Feb 6, 2018 16:41:25 GMT -5

Without further ado, we present you the February newsletter which is all sorts of exciting this month. Please give it a good skim so you know what to expect this month!

I. February Birthdays
II. February Events
III. Character Maximum
IV. Muggleborn School
V. Muggleborn Free-For-All Apps
VI. Creative Teams
VII. Order of the Phoenix
VIII. Member Spotlight
IX. Needs/Bans
X. Fun Facts


1st → @ingrid
2nd → @amelia
2nd → @afro
2nd → @clio
7th → @monroe
8th → @peggyduncan
9th → @duke
11th → @melina
12th →
12th → @jonathan
13th → @lunalovegood
13th → @bones
13th → @truly
14th → @queenalice
14th → @bluebird
14th → @bonbonfils
15th → @cora
16th → @ruby
17th → @chet
20th → @nick
26th →
26th → @jess
26th →
26th → @sinnamonroll
27th → @ivan
27th → @rolf
28th →
29th →
29th →


Just a couple of events to keep an eye on for this month!

February 4 - Stage 5 of the European Cup
February 7 - Stage 5 of the European Cup
February 10 - Hogsmeade Trip
February 11 - Finals of the European Cup
February 17 - Valentine’s Day Dance
February 24 - Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor match


We have an announcement regarding our character maximum of twenty-five characters. After a lot of discussion amongst the staff team, we have decided to lift that character maximum. We will not be having a character limit on site.

However, going above twenty-five characters isn’t going to be as easy as the first twenty-five! It is going to get progressively harder to do, since there isn’t going to be a limit. This way we know that older characters are not going to be neglected in you wanting new characters!

This is how it will work. Right now, when you make a new character, old ones need ten posts. It stays at ten posts, consistently until you reach twenty-five characters. But if you want to go to twenty-six characters, all of your current characters need fifteen posts. If you want to go to twenty-seven characters, all of your current characters need twenty posts. If you want to go to twenty-eight characters, all of your current characters need twenty-five posts. I’ll stop there, because I assume you guys get the drift! Yes, this is quite a bit of posts to do in order to gain one more character, but we think that is fair for going above twenty-five.

So as of February, Insurrection has no character limit!


As most of you have probably seen by now, there has been an official announcement from the Ministry that they are opening a school for Muggleborn children as opposed to putting them to work.

This school isn’t open yet, but all information regarding it can be found HERE! The headmistress of this school is @donna !

If you have any questions at all about the school, the best people to contact would be @andi , @eleanor , or @pansy !


For the month of February, it will be a free app month for Registered Muggleborn Characters. This is for a potential future site event that requires us needing some more of them in Kolna and what not!

So as all of you know, a free app weekend, or in this case month, means that all registered Muggleborn characters will be accepted regardless of if your other characters need posts, if you just deleted people, if you’re on AR, etc. The only exception to this is if you are going above twenty-five characters. The free app month for Muggleborns does not apply in those circumstances!


Creative teams were announced earlier this month, something that I’m sure most everyone is aware by now. Separate servers were made on Discord for chatting purposes. But for anyone that is curious about the teams, here they are again:

Team Mimble Wimble
January - March

Team Evanesco
April - June

Team Incarcerous
July - September

Team Incendio
October - December

Remember, just because you missed the deadline, doesn’t mean that you can’t join a team! We are now accepting rolling applications, which means that you can apply at any time and just get added to a team. The only rule is that you have to have been a member of the site for three months!

Application can be found HERE! Feel free to post the app right on that page, or PM anyone on staff with it!


We had an opening as the leader of the Order, and it was determined that the best way to sort out getting a new one was an IC poll. So they had an election which did not take place in a thread, and we had a poll to find the new leader.

The new leader of the Order of the Phoenix will be @feorge ! And members should keep their eyes out for a meeting soon!


The Lovely Charly-Fai

How long have you been on Insurrection?
It'll be a year in April!

Which of your characters is the easiest to RP? Why?
Bee is definitely the easiest to RP for me! We have a similar tendency to ramble and I don't feel forced to get into a different mindset for her. Also, she's seriously the biggest ray of sunshine ever! Even on her bad days I feel like I can get her to say something, which is super nice.

What Hogwarts house do you belong to?
Hufflepuff! There was a time where I identified as a Slytherin, but seriously, I'm the biggest Hufflepuff.

If you could give one piece of advice to new members, what would it be?
Don't be too scared to ask people for plots or threads! I know I was for the longest time and I definitely missed out on making friends for the first few weeks. Everyone on site is super sweet and always willing to help!

It’s the season of love (AKA February and Valentine’s Day)…do you have #couplegoals on Insurrection? A favorite pairing? A pairing you’d love to see?
OH my gosh I have so many favorite pairings. I was rooting for Percy and Penny to get back together! And love Marcus and Vesper! They're so beautifully angsty with how they're dealing with their relationship/lack thereof. I would love to see Marcus get himself a boyfriend at some point to see how that would end up working!

What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know?
I feel like at this point everyone knows that I'm a professional ballerina, and that's the most exciting thing about me! Something else fun is that I love to cook? I'm clearly no professional chef but I do love cooking!


For anyone interested, here are the current needs/bans on site:

Order of the Phoenix members - original or canon
Incolumem Sanctuary members

Partial Purebloods Ban (explanation here)

As always, these can be found HERE!


-Tori’s puppy gained a whole pound this week. She weighs 6.2 pounds now, for anyone that was wondering.

-When Quinn is on Insurrection, she uses two computers. One for Netflix and graphics, and one for typing.

-Morgan spent three and a half hours cleaning this morning, and is ignoring the laundry that she needs to finish.

That’s all, folks!

Gossip Girl
Your Staff Team