Gino Lucca Ricci

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Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2015 12:39:29 GMT -5

Gino Lucca Ricci
30 - Male - Halfblood - 08/15/1984

Loan Shark

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Gino tends lean back and walk with a 'swag'. He often wears a smug expression on his face. He will not leave his home without his hair fixed. He often wears jeans and button down shirts with a few buttons open at the top to reveal a bit of his chest. He has dark brown eyes, and short, almost black, messy hair. He has a medium athletic build though not overly muscular.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Getting information out of people, luring those in with his quirky charm, able to manipulate most people with ease.
Weaknesses: Women. He is quite fond of women and is all but useless around a pretty face. His 'new' family is becoming a weakness as he is sure he would do absolutely anything for them without hesitation.
Positive Personality Traits: Exceptionally humorous, he can make light of just about any situation. It is not easy to earn his trust and loyalty, but once someone does he will stick beside them no matter what.
Negative Personality Traits: He sometimes has the habit of looking at woman as objects instead of people, though he is getting much better about it. He can be extremely deceitful and secretive. He is also known to hold grudges for long periods of time.
Hobbies and Interests: Playing muggle sports with his family, (namely his niece Isabella), clubbing, trolling for women.
Character History:
Gino was born to a barely 18 year old woman named Nicola, and an older pureblood conman named Eugene. Gino spent most of his young life in a mobster's paradise of sorts, he wanted for nothing. Nicola wanted out of 'the life'. 'The Family' would not permit her to take her toddler son, Gino, with her. If she were to attempt she would surely be killed.

Shortly after his mother's departure Gino began to exhibit magical abilities. He was able to make things move, thou pretty erratic, on his own. His father being magical wasn’t shocked but his muggle mother was almost scared of the occurrences, not understanding exactly what was happening. His father and the 'family' often used his sporadic abilities for their 'business'.

When Gino received his letter to Hogwarts, Eugene up and left the 'family' without notice, with Gino to England. Eugene hoped to use Gino's talents to further his own 'business'. His father still had some major debts to pay off, and they wouldn’t be safe until it was taken care of. Gino was unaware at this time that he had a much older sister, or that he even had any family over in England only knowing the ‘family’ he grew up with.

Gino had helped his father to con many men and women until he was 20 years old. His father was caught and thrown in a muggle prison. Gino had escaped and used his vast knowledge and cunning to pick up work as a loan shark. During this time he, by coincidence heard a woman at the bank say her maiden name was Ricci to a teller. He thought this to be odd as Gino’s father had told them they were the only two Ricci’s left and never mentioned having any family outside of deceased grandparents. It was too strange for him not to look into it. He approached the woman asking her about her surname though she was skittish at first until he told her his surname was also Ricci.

The two went out to lunch afterwards and talked for hours about the family. Gino was aggravated his father never told him any of his family’s history though was elated to finally have a real family. As in most big Italian families he was greeted with open arms and love from the rest of her family, and now his. It felt like everything was meant to be until tragedy struck and his nephew Gio and his family were killed by radicals for being purebloods. He is fighting with the urge to find his old contacts and take care of things himself.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Gino sides with eqaulity, though it is mainly just for purebloods. He doesn't care what happens to Death Eaters. His only concern is for his family due to their blood status.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Gino wasn't affected too much during Voldemort's reign as he spent a good chunk of it over in the states and was only a third year when he fell. It was nerve wracking during those three years as he knew his father was doing shady work with Merlin knew who. Thankfully things ended without incident to him and his father, and his death brought them a good bit of relief.

Parents: Eugene Marco Ricci (76), Nicola Marie (49)
Siblings: Contessa DiTraverso (nee Ricci)- 58
Children: None
Partner: None
Other Relevant Family: @isabella (niece), @angelo (cousin), @persephone (niece), @nikolai (nephew-in-law)
Family History:
Gino's father is originally from Italy. Not much is known about his father's parents, but it is speculated that his father had suffered with alcoholism and died very young. Eugene married a woman named Freesia right out of school in an arranged marriage seeing as they wanted to keep blood in the Ricci family pure. Not long after the marriage he had his first child, Contessa. Eugene slowly began to get heavily involved in gambling losing every bit of money the family owne, his wife fell mentally ill and left he and his daughter to fend for themselves. He married his daughter Contessa off to a wealthy pureblood Italian family. When he realized the DiTraverso weren't about to pay his debts he left for the states.

He settled in New York City and immediately befriended the rougher crowd. During this time a younger woman caught his eye 20 years his junior. He wooed the young woman to his bed and shortly after she found herself pregnant. She was unaware of what kind of life Eugene led until she was already involved in the mafia family and gave birth to Gino. She left her son behind in order to escape the life.

She hasn't been heard from since, and Gino's father is now spending time in a muggle prison for various fraud charges.



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Admin Morgan
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Post by Admin Morgan on Apr 27, 2015 13:12:35 GMT -5
