Halloween Ball || Hogwarts

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Post by Deleted on Oct 28, 2017 17:34:56 GMT -5

Halloween Ball | Hogwarts
Costumes Mandatory
*Thanatos Costume*
Like with every year when it came round to the end of October, the Halloween Ball was upon them. Not on the actual date- thankfully- but on the weekend before the Monday so Sebastian was hopeful the students would get the holiday out of their systems before the new week began. He had nothing against Hallows Eve, but after a while it began to grate on his nerves. He'd considered turning into someone else so people would leave him alone earlier in the month from all of the questions about the night- Marcus had never been an option, this school was filled with his avid fans- and eventually he'd picked up a book at a random page and decided on what he saw. Thanatos, the personification of Death. Perfectly fitting for the night's festivities. The WIzard could only remain optimistic and hopeful that this night would be better than the school's last event. If something happened tonight, Christmas was cancelled. They could all celebrate in their common rooms if it came down to it for he wouldn't want to share a table with the remainers if they only served to continuously ruin anything remotely fun around the Castle.

The decorations were in place and honestly? Sebastian felt they had outdone themselves. The staff and himself, that was. The ceiling had been enchanted to show a very clear night with the beginning of fog starting, the candles levitated beneath it serving to give the fog a very ominous sort of tinge.  The walls were lined with skeletons, standing within the alcoves in almost an orange tinged gloom next to the  carved arches of the supports. Intricately carved pumpkins hovered in the air above everyone's heads; the basis for the punch and the pasties on the buffet table near the back. He had a gut feeling said punch would be spiked before the night was through and part of him was looking forward to it. Hungover teens were hilarious. So long as the 13 year olds and younger had no part in it however, all would be semi well. Tomorrow was another day where he'd deal with the fall out it such a thing came up. For now he was looking forward to merely having a night where everyone was in one place and he didn't have to think about Students wandering the halls and getting up to all sorts of antics and trouble that would pursue him for the next week.

But enough about the decorations. There were many and more- the entire hall was decked out- but it would all be gone come the morning. The House Elves made themselves useful in instances like these so his staff and him didn't have to waste their time on such things. The hall was filled already and with each passing moment, more and more students were walking through the great doors to join the throng. @charlotteburke was nearby and he was confident that nothing untoward would happen under her watchful eye. Not to mention, after last time, @lucian was also nearish by and Sebastian was grateful that he was. Luckily he didn't have his niece here to cause a ruckus this time- his kids he was certain would be far better behaved. Smiling to himself and shifting within his Thanatos attire, he let his eyes gaze over the sea of faces with an air of contentment.

Carin(a) Rowan Flint
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TWELVE years old
3rd Year
played by Steph
"I'm trying to keep up above in my head, instead of going under"

Post by Carin(a) Rowan Flint on Oct 28, 2017 17:47:05 GMT -5

First, they were gonna be a Dementor, because what else could express a genderless void? But then Atha had suggested that some of the professors had been in Azkaban, and they might not get that Carin was going for, instead thinking it to be a mockery at them. So then Carin had decided to go as Marcus or his really pretty Quidditch player girlfriend like Lizzy suggested, but then they couldn't look pretty enough for Vesper or strong enough for Marcus, so--

Their last costume choice was Mew. Not a lot of other kids knew about Mew, it seemed, but Carin had gotten into Mew because one of their cousins really liked the show and sometimes Carin played with them, and their older cousin had let Carin watch as he'd played Pokemon Go!, which also made Carin really wish they could have a cell phone. But they also knew Dad's had often not worked at home because of all the magic, and if he somehow got a call in the house, he'd have to run as far away as quickly as he could to try to answer it in time.

But Mew worked! Mew was really strong, (if really small, but MewTwo was more dangerous, and they weren't dangerous), and Mew was also genderless. They only hoped that they didn't get the Headmaster upset at them for wearing something so nonmagical. maybe they should have asked Atha first, instead of only Henry. Oh well.
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Post by Deleted on Oct 28, 2017 18:36:09 GMT -5

Originally, her plan had been to go as a Wight or White Woman. But alongside the weird and wonderful things that had happened in the months since they'd started term, she had found her plans changed to something a bit more colourful. Another difference? She wasn't walking through the doors of the ball this time with her best friend @kitten - But she would be finding her as soon as possible regardless of what anyone said. She just had to meet up with @hamish first, her... her date. Merlin that was still odd to say and think about, but the blonde laddie had gotten under her skin somehow to the point that he merely had to suggest doing something before they were off doing it. Like... like watching him bake in the kitchens. Or sitting at the lake watching him smoke. Madness, utter madness. But she didn't hate it. Quite the opposite really- soon she'd burst at the seams and tell Cassie all about everything instead of just the confused comments she'd been offering recently. Which had been all she'd been able to give really due to her brain not cooperating. He had a lot to answer for- her mind had never failed her before- and his aura was such a rich colour. His thoughts of home that plagued him though... they usually bled in and gave it a gloomy air.

Murdina stood proud in her blue body paint and quirky dress as she waited for the Gryffindor to arrive, moving her vermilion hair out of her eyes with a sceptical look. What if she'd gone a bit too into this idea and he turned up in a pair of joggers and a plastic mask because he wasn't all that bothered. She would be mortified. What if he'd already seen her and ducked out of there like an instant "Nope" and she was standing here like a lemon? Where was Cassie? And @darthlumiya? The latter had a very interesting getup for the night- the hugging nature of it made her wonder how she managed to get into it. She'd spent nearly all afternoon in the bathroom painting herself blue and doing her "stitches" so she had missed Cassie, but she was looking forward to seeing her.

Sighing, she smiled a little to herself and looked around as she waited for someone she recognised to show face before she stepped into the mass already inside the hall.
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Post by Deleted on Oct 28, 2017 19:42:13 GMT -5

As head girl it was her duty to be at the ball (even though all students were required to go, she needed to set an example, the reflection of goodness. It was not hard to be honest, as she did what she was supposed to and followed the rules, doing her job easily, and her school work too. She did sometimes feel a little stretched thing, but it was her final year and she knew that it would all be over before too much longer. The more that she was away, the less that she worried about things like Walker and Calli or her father. She had to learn that she could not control the actions of others and she needed to live her own life.

It was a hard thing to accept but she couldn’t always worry about what they were doing. He was in charge of his life and so was she. She was an adult, and that was why she was going to spend her Christmas hols with Luke. Preferably away from everything and everyone. In a cabin some where, surrounded by snow, so she didn’t have t see a of them. She loved them all, but between Calli being pregnant, her step mother seeming to be getting a little crazy and dealing with the ever present hover of her father, things were a little crazy.

She was dressed as Venus, the greek goddess of love. She wore a dip dyed dress, her hair was up, and she wore simple jewelry. She wanted nothing more than to get this over with, so there was nothing blocking her from getting there. She walked, pep in her step and she headed into the Great hall. It was beautifully decorated and she walked in with a grin. Looking around she looked for @lasimir. They were Head Girl and Head Boy, so they still had duties, but it was never bad to keep tabs on the boy.

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Post by Deleted on Oct 28, 2017 19:52:27 GMT -5

The thing was, Anne had no idea what she was doing. Oh, sure, the ball was mandatory but then so was living and she went around doing only the bare minimum required for that. It could have worked for the ball as well. The invitations said costumes were a requirement but if she dressed in one of her black gowns and stole Cassandra's face powder, she could pass as a decent enough banshee. A mute one but details. It would technically be within the rules, Anne wouldn't have had to go through any effort at all and an all-black get up would allow her to blend in rather nicely with the decorations. Except...except she couldn't stop thinking since that night in the Astronomy Tower. Half terrified, half wanting to find any excuse to knock on the Professor's office and just exist in his near vicinity which was...embarrassing. Maybe it had been pity that made him talk to her that day. Whatever it was, that somehow culminated on Anne acquiring an actual costume last time she went for her internship in the Ministry.

It wasn't...Anne was very much not sure what that even was. Within the school rules, at least. Likely very much an inaccurate portrait of Lady Hela, something any student at Durmstrang would scornfully tell her. But it was decent enough that most people would recognise it and it felt...appropriate, for what she wanted to accomplish. What that was, she had no idea just yet. Gripping the transfigured dagger on one hand, she stalked the corridors from the Ravenclaw Tower to the Great Hall, flimsy fabric trailing after her as a cape. At least this whole get up allowed her to feel like something other than herself, which, at the moment, was great. @petrova was likely coming with her cousins and the Rosier bloke and Cassandra was nowhere to be seen, which left Anne with few options as to whom to seek. Next to the great doors, though, was the answer to her prayers. Or not prayers, actually.

@murdina was dressed as some sort of colourful corpse, which made zero sense, but then again, the Scots witch didn't make sense most of the time. Anne would be glad for the moments she could actually understand what she was saying. It sounded like anything but English, sometimes. Approaching her roommate slowly, careful of the wispy cape, she twirled the short sword on one hand, cocking her head slightly as she took in Murdina's costume. Nice but strange. "There you are. You basically fled the Tower. Waiting for a date, are we?" They were close to the doors but out of the way enough. Anne wondered if she could hide in the Forbidden Forest until the ball was over. No one was likely to notice her absence, really.
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Post by Deleted on Oct 28, 2017 20:27:59 GMT -5

Halloween Ball
He hadn’t been all that thrilled with the fact that costumes were going to be required at this Ball, but then he had thought about it, and really there were only a couple of people that he thought were going to look all that dressed up to begin with, but he knew that making an effort would be worth it. Especially since he had decided that there was only really the one thing that he would be willing to go as. He thought that the Grim Reaper was a rather fitting personification. Talking to their headmaster he thought that it was amusing that the man had chosen to come dressed as the God of Death and he the Grim Reaper. If @charlotteburke came dressed as Persephone or something he thought that they would just complete the set. The Death Eaters coming as Death was rather fitting, and he thought that it might make an impression. It would get the message across at least, that they were in charge, and they were here to stay. It had been a year since Ares had taken over the school, and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that things could have been going better, but that wasn’t his place to say. If Sebastain kept the reins tight on the school, then they would be doing better than they had last year. This was going to work out better he was sure of it, and if it didn’t, if things came to a head, well then Carlisle knew which side of the fight he would be choosing. If it came to a fight then there was only one side to take, and if things came to a head he knew who he was going to choose then too. There was really no choice there. He had a family to protect.

A growing family at that. He knew that Sloane having a baby was something that they hadn’t expected. No one had expected that, but it was happening anyway. They were having a little girl, and he knew that his children, Maddie especially, was going to have trouble accepting that. He thought that the longer that they spent in limbo the more that he was really going to have to do this right this time around. He was going to have to propose here sooner or later. He had promised her that, and he meant that. He would propose to her, he would marry her, and he had thought that he would have done it already, but no sooner had he gotten his divorced finalized than his father died, and losing Edmund Sr. like that hadn’t been easy. He thought that dealing with Lucy was the most annoying part. The fact that she hadn’t been all that upset was annoying. He knew that she had never forgiven their father for how he had changed after Evan had died. That much was apparent by the fact that Evan was named Evan in the first place. He knew that she had never forgiven that, and Carlisle thought that there was always going to be some distance in that. The ring that sat on his hand now hurt. It was heavy. Heavier than it should have been, heavier than the heir’s ring had been. Because this… This ring shouldn’t have been his at all, and he felt that now, more than he ever had before. He wasn’t supposed to be the Lord Rosier, he was supposed to have been the spare. But he wasn’t… Not anymore…

Looking around the ever filling hall Carlisle’s eyes fell on @sebastian and he nodded to the man once. He was sure that this would go exponentially better than the last ball they had attended in this hall. That hadn’t gone as planned at all. But Carlisle thought that their students were a caliber above the rest this time around. There wasn’t anymore scum mucking up the halls, and that was well enough. The worst that he thought that they were going to have to deal with was someone showing up with too much skin showing or something like that. Those were problems that they could handle though, anything more than that, he thought that they were going to have to keep track of all of that. They were going to have to police some of their older students about their dressing on more occasions than just now though. They tended to push a little more of the boundaries than they had last year. He didn’t think that that really had all that much to do about the administration, and more about the fact that the purebloods tended to dress a certain way. Something that they had tended to do long before they had taken over the school. It was just harder to police them now, even when they were the ones that were in charge of the whole thing. He hadn't seen @scarlett yet, but he found himself smirking when he saw @darthlumiya come to a stop in the door he adjusted his grip on the scythe that he was claiming was his costume, and he picked up the closest drink to him and downed it. Wishing just a little bit that there was something spiked nearby…
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Post by Deleted on Oct 29, 2017 2:19:25 GMT -5

hey there, little red riding hood - you sure are looking good
Costume | Shoes | Basket

Alyssa's costume choice hadn't been the most difficult. Opaque white tights, a wicker picnic basket, a set of T-strap heels made of a black mock suede, and understated makeup - just a hint of eyeliner and soft pink gloss - brought out the delicacy of Little Red Riding Hood, in her red dress trimmed with black lace. She'd found her way to a seat, basket in at her side as she pulled out a pair of stress squeeze balls - a smiley face and a basket ball, not the most in-character items for Little Red Riding Hood, but they were there to keep her from being a bouncing ball of energy. Bouncing off the walls in a dress like she wore would be a bad idea.

That much was obvious.

Taking a breath, she sat there, waiting for someone she could talk to. She wanted to be surrounded by friends. Where else to be so surrounded than a party?! She hoped this wasn't going to end horribly.
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Post by Deleted on Oct 29, 2017 5:28:10 GMT -5

Honestly for Samuel it seemed like this school year was going much faster than he had anticipated. Before he knew it, it was October and tonight was the school’s Halloween Ball and in a few days time it would be Calli’s birthday. At least this year he was going to be home for it, he had hope that tonight’s ball would not be as eventful as the last major school event. He just had to get through tonight and then he could go home and be with his family and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Ironically now where his family was concerned, the Copeland family had expanded. Not only did Samuel and Calli have Jeremy for a son they also had Kit Virell now, they had just completed his adoption and the young wizard was free to change his surname if he wished. Samuel nor Calli would press the wizard to do that if didn’t want to. He was seventeen after all and while he was now technically was their son, they were going to let him make his own decisions.

Samuel knew the young wizard had not had the best upbringing, he was unable to change that to but he could now be there for Kit and he could do his best to look after him as he finished off his last year of school. With all that Kit would be facing in coming months, he needed someone to be there for him and Samuel was determined to be that person. Of course he didn’t expect to be called dad automatically. Sure he would love to hear that from Jeremy but where Kit was concerned, he was free to call him by his first name, at least when they were out of school, within school it was going to be business as normal.

Where he really hoped that business went as per normal was the Halloween ball. He needed it to as did everyone else who would be in attendance. With Calli’s birthday in a few days he was not going to miss it. He had decided to go with gangster get up for tonight, knowing he could pull it off convincingly. He was at least going look good but he hoped that the students got into the spirit of the holiday, even if it was a few days away. Samuel had always loved Halloween at Hogwarts. Of course when he had been a student here it had been different to how it was as a professor. He had had some good times here though and he hoped that no one repeated the Fiery serpent of the halloween from two years ago or that no one from the ministry showed up tonight. The students deserved just one holiday that was drama free, where they could just have fun.

He had long gotten used to the influence that the Death Eaters were having on the school but he just got on with his job and taught his classes and made sure his lions behaved. Though he did have the house that was famous for causing the most interruptions and landing a decent number of detentions but with them being at the bottom of the house point rankings he hoped that wasn’t stay that way for long.

The Charms professor entered the Great Hall and as expected it looked perfect. The setting of the fog and candles created an amazing sense of mystery for the students. He looked around the room and smiled to himself seeing that many of the students had put a considerable amount of effort into their costumes. He made his way over to @alyssamonroe, one of his lions and smiled at her as he saw her fiddling with what appeared to be stress balls. ”Evening Miss Monroe, lovely to see you here” he smiled at the fifth year, taking in her red riding hood costume.
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Post by Deleted on Oct 29, 2017 5:59:54 GMT -5

Lily loved Halloween at Hogwarts, not only because it was so much fun (it was) but because everyone else went just a little bit crazy... which meant that she, staid and sensible as always (hahaha) could sit back, take notes, get the grapevine going and delight in the embarrassment of her peers when they remembered that dance that they did standing on their heads because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Halloween and Christmas were two of the best times at the castle, because everyone was just that bit more relaxed. She suspected that if that boy, whatever his name had been, had come in in a dress at Halloween, no one would have batted an eyelid, because that was one occasion on which looking like something which you weren't was not only accepted but desired. Everyone was just a little more relaxed.

Some people believed that All Hallow's Eve was the time of year when magic was at its strongest, when supernatural forces were closer to the earth, when the dead could walk more freely than any other time. Lily believed that this was all a load of rubbish, which was unfortunate because then she could have blamed the fact that she nearly set her hair alight whilst straightening it with her wand on 'superfluous magical energy'. She didn't know what it was, but she did know that it sounded like a good excuse, and, moreover, one which would have multiple applications. Imagine what she could get away with... Someone had set a teacher on fire? Sorry, sir. Didn't mean to do it. Superfluous magical energy. Of course, she generally used 'It's that time of the month' with male teachers, who, she had found, tended to make a quick exit after that.

She had brought a date. @cyrus . Why she had done so, she wasn't entirely sure, but the boy had amused her when they had gone down to Hogsmeade, and she had thought it a good idea at the time to ask him to accompany her here. How good an idea that had actually been... well, it remained to be seen. She did have a reputation to maintain, after all.

Donald Leonardo Westwood
Donald Leonardo Westwood Avatar
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14 years old
5th Year
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Post by Donald Leonardo Westwood on Oct 29, 2017 8:57:50 GMT -5

Halloween was a very special time in the wizarding community so Donald felt that it was vital to choose the right kind of costume for the ball. He felt that it was important that he got the costume right, he didn’t want to be super cliched and come as a killer clown, or a ghost or an alien. No, anything like that was out of the question. The spikey haired boy did not want to be cliched or boring. His sister had, sarcastically, suggested him come as a hedgehog because of his spikey hair. It did cross his mind to do that to spite his sister but it might open him up to more ridicule from her and certain housemates who decided that his hair was a figure of fun.

In the end the Ravenclaw boy decided that he would go as something from Welsh folklore, to celebrate both Wales and Halloween at the same time In the end he decided to come as a Coblynau. A small, goblin like creature who live in the mines and quarries of south Wales. They are said to work constantly but never finish their task and are able to cause rockslides.

As part of his costume the 13 year old wore a helmet with a candle in the front of it to light the way. The young boy had been careful to enchant the candle so that the wax did not melt nor for the flame to pose any threat. There was a fake beard with a massive moustache and a long beard hanging from his chin. He also had large, pointed ears that had tuffs of hair sticking out of them.

As for the clothes of the costume, well there was a raggedy white shirt with a black waistcoat and a red cloth scarf around his neck. The trousers were brown and raggedy with some white patches across the knees and his trousers were short and ended just above his ankles. He had on bright red socks and big, brown shoes. The youngster was rather proud of his costume. He was certain that no-one else would have had the same idea. It also complemented his sister’s costume was had its own Welsh theme.

The Westwood siblings met up before the Ball started and decided to enter together. Donnie gave Amy a bit of a smile before they walked into the Great Hall. It was decorated rather lovely and he was very impressed by the work that was done. The hall was rather busy, he scanned the room to see who was there and what people were wearing, There seemed to be a little first year dressed up as some sort of cat like creature. He looked at the first year for a moment to try and figure out what creature they had come as, he couldn’t identify it, but then magical creatures were not his speciality. Then again perhaps the first year, like him, had gone from something from their own mythological culture? Donald made a note to ask the young person if he ever had the opportunity.

His housemate, Murdina, she seemed to be in some kind of female killer clown costume.Or so he thought. It looked rather colourful in any case. The third year gave her a weak smile and wondered if she would recognise him in his costume. Perhaps he had over done it? He shook his head, nah, you could never overdo Halloween right? There was another girl that seemed to be dressed as a princess or queen of some type. Or maybe it was a goddess? Don decided it didn’t really matter in any case.

His fellow teammate, Anne, who was going as a banshee, or he was pretty sure that was the case, The dark arts professor was, seemingly the grim reaper. Rather grimly the 13 year old thought that it suited him. Another girl was dressed up as red riding hood, another professor a ganger and the headmaster who was dressed up as Thanatos.

Donald decided to head over to the pasty and the punch. After all it was a party and what was more important in a part other than the food and drink? Other people? Pfft. Although he didn’t want to spend the entire night handing around with his sister, he would try and see if any of his friends entered and if he recognised them. He was sure that Amy would want some time on her own as well.