Trouble | Lady Donna

Honora Deirdre Carmody
Honora Deirdre Carmody Avatar
106 posts
36 years old
Chief Operating Officer at Lucent Technologies
Senior Electronics Engineer at Lucent Technologies
Head Engineer at Desiderium

Gráinneog Institute Alum
Misc. Career
played by Morgan
"They told me I couldn't, that's why I did."

Post by Honora Deirdre Carmody on Nov 30, 2018 17:48:35 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]We wear red so they don't see us bleed
[attr="class","cscriptmud"]hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
[attr="class","clyrics"]We intend not to sleep till we're dead[break]
Drink our problems right out of our heads

[attr="class","cbody"]Lord Parkinson was the only person that actually lived at the Estate, which was fine with her. She liked there being less of a chance to run into anybody. It was just easier that way. All things considered, the Parkinsons were not that bad. She knew how much worse she could have it. They didn’t make her live in the dungeons or anything like that. When Minister Lestrange had closed Kolna, Lord Parkinson let her go home instead of continuing to live at the Estate. She was well aware of how much worse it could get.
She knew that there were maids that were subjected to far worse treatment. Ones that were tortured if they missed a spot while dusting or were asked to serve the men in the family in other ways. She knew that she could have served a family that had gone through maid after maid, because they just ended up killing them whenever they got annoyed.
But she wasn’t going to be grateful to her captors. That wasn’t in her nature. It might be a shinier and prettier version than the lives that other maids led, but it was still servitude. They still got to order her around because they thought that they were better than her. It didn’t matter to them that she had been the COO of the company leading the industry in magical technology. To them, she was less than them, and she wasn’t going to be grateful to them just because they didn’t torture her. That just wasn’t something that she was going to do.
As of late, Lady Kallisto had been at the Estate more often than not. She didn’t know if the girl was officially moving in or anything like that, but she had certainly been around more than she had in the past. So, it was really Lady Donna that she did not have to serve all that often.
Of course, she still saw the woman on occasion. And today had appeared to be one of those days. Honora wasn’t going to bother herself with wondering why she was here today of all days and she didn’t honestly want to see her if she didn’t have to. There was quite a silly reason behind that, really.
If she saw her, she was going to think about him. She was going to think about Draco coming out of her room the other day, and she needed him out of her head. It wasn’t doing her any good to have thoughts of him on the forefront of her mind. She didn’t want to see Lady Donna and get that pit in her stomach, the tiny silly part of her that was jealous despite knowing better. Despite being well aware of how horribly their relationship had ended.
Unfortunately, her day couldn’t come to an end without checking in with her too. So, with a sigh, she headed in the direction of the woman’s room—to the same hallway that she had seen Draco earlier that week. Shaking the thought from her mind, she knocked gently on the woman’s door.
[attr="class","cnotes"]517 ● @donna ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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Post by Deleted on Feb 3, 2019 18:49:28 GMT -5

there's your trouble there's your trouble
keep seeing double with the wrong one

Donna never knew what it was that made her want to go home, after everything. She was too old to be living at home and after the death of her mother, she was there more than she was at home, trying to cling to any sort of connection that she had to her mother, trying to keep hold of the one thing that she still had of her mother, her home. Donna had slept there the night before and for some reason when she slept with Draco, it was where her feet had led her. Perhaps it was something about it being home in her heart or the fact that her mind was always on the older woman, but she wasn’t sure that she wanted to keep doing this. This was her brother’s home now. He was the Lord and though she loved this place, and these halls held so many memories of her parents, Donna was preparing herself to pack the last of the things from her room, and only to use it on Holidays when the family was all gathered.

Her long dark hair hung over her shoulder as she folded clothes or hung them into garment bags and boxes. This was the hardest part, finding somewhere to put all of this. Maybe she could go through and donate to the less fortunate, or just finally store things in her attic. Her father would have told her to do so a long time ago if he had not thought it better that she kept her unused clothing in her old room.

Cinna lay on her bed, chewing on a toy and would whine from time to time trying to elicit attention from her owner. She always made Donna laugh and it was really needed in this time, She needed to laugh, to smile, and forget. She needed the strength that her mother held inside if she wanted to go through with this idea of hers. She would need to be able to say that she was doing the right thing, and know that nothing would change how her family and her friends thought of what she was possibly going to do.

Her whole life had been about what her parents wanted for her, what Greg wanted for her, what they wanted for Kallisto, but now she was alone. She was unguarded but she could do what she wanted to do. She knew the way that she wanted things to be and the things that she wanted. Her promise to herself was that nothing and no one would keep her from it. She might not ever be married again, or find someone to love her the way that she wanted to be loved, but that did not mean that she was unlovable. That did not mean that she could not have what she wanted, and she wanted children, she wanted to be happy, she wanted to know that there would be someone who needed her more than anyone else and would always be waiting with arms open.

This was not going to be an easy thing, and there would be a lot of things that she still had to figure out, but she was going to do her best to find a way to do it and not cause a scandal. She didn’t give a damn what people thought, she didn’t give a damn about what society thought of her anymore. All that had ever landed her was alone, and she deserved better than that. She wanted more than that. She was almost forty and looking at the possibility of spending the rest of her life alone, so she made a decision to change things, and that started here. Taking everything. Clothes, jewelry, memories. She would leave some things for emergencies, but she had to rid herself of this safety net.

A part of her argued that this was because of Draco, that taking him here had brought up something in her she had forgotten, her youth. Greg and she had been close and she had loved him, but all of these years had passed and the man that she had thought that he would become, the man that shone deep inside in their youth was gone. It was time to let go of that dream. Time to let go of her wish, he was never going to be hers and she had to move on. Every attempt at a relationship that she had ever had failed, so this was her choice.

She didn’t need a man, she had lived this long without one. She didn’t need someone to hold her hand and walk her through this life, but she wanted someone to hold her heart, but that was no longer her priority. She wanted to have fun, she wanted to enjoy herself, and she wanted to be a mother. If whoever they were could not deal with it then she didn’t need them. She no longer cared. Van had ruined the family name beyond repair with his antics and they were falling from grace. Her brother had not yet taken a bride and it was noticed. He was going to have to do something soon, and she was getting tired of being the one who held them together, who hid that was falling apart.

Her life was her own and it started here, with this, at this moment. The knock came at the door and she turned her head before answering in her soft, sweet voice. ”Enter.” Seeing Honora as the door opened she smiled. ”Hello, Honora, I was hoping if you weren’t too busy you could help me move these boxes out to the foyer so I can walk them through the floo to my house.” She asked, tilting her head slightly.

Honora Deirdre Carmody
Honora Deirdre Carmody Avatar
106 posts
36 years old
Chief Operating Officer at Lucent Technologies
Senior Electronics Engineer at Lucent Technologies
Head Engineer at Desiderium

Gráinneog Institute Alum
Misc. Career
played by Morgan
"They told me I couldn't, that's why I did."

Post by Honora Deirdre Carmody on Feb 17, 2019 13:31:10 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED
[attr="class","cscriptmud"]hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
[attr="class","clyrics"]WE INTEND NOT TO SLEEP TILL WE'RE DEAD[break]

[attr="class","cbody"]She had done well enough getting through her day without thinking about her ex-fiancé. Their relationship had been so far in the past, that it was rarely something that was on her mind. There was far worse going on in her life, to waste time thinking about something in the past. She couldn’t change what had happened, so what was the point?
But since she had seen him here earlier this week, he had annoyingly not been far from her mind. She could focus on what she was doing as much as she wanted, but it didn’t help. The work that she did here didn’t require much thought. She could clean without thinking too much into it, and that meant that her mind was free to wander. It made her wish, more than anything, that she had something challenging to focus on. She had never been all that great at being bored. She wasn’t a hard woman to please in that regard—not when she had been back in her old life. Her work had challenged her enough that she was content when she was home and able to relax for a bit.
But now her day held no challenges. Her mind was wasting away, and there wasn’t anything that she could do about it. It had just been particularly annoying this week, when there was something very specific that she wanted off of her mind. Her work had never been able to distract her from that, though she had been thankful that she didn’t have to see Lady Donna all that often. If she did, then that small ridiculous part of her that was jealous would get louder and harder to ignore.
It wasn’t even that she missed him.
She didn’t. But it stung a bit, knowing how easily Donna could just take him home with her. How easy it was for her to have something that had, once upon a time, been exclusively hers. Now, the Parkinson could have her ex-fiancé and order his ex-fiancée to clean up after her in the same day. It was difficult to put into words how she felt about that. It was much better to just avoid thinking about it altogether, but that just brought up the same problem that she always had. There was nothing that she could do that could keep her mind off of it.
Her day was almost over, though. Soon, she could go home and have a little more hope thinking about something else for a while. She could open a bottle of wine, take a hot bath, and read. The combination of red wine and a good book might be enough to escape the thoughts that she didn’t want to be having.
But she couldn’t get there until she dealt with the one person that she didn’t want to deal with. If Donna had nothing for her to do, then she could officially leave for the night. If she did, then Merlin only knew when she would be able to get home. She could have a whole list of chores, or one task, or nothing. Nora could hope for the latter all she wanted, but there would be no way for her to know for sure until she knocked on the door and got it over with.
The response came quickly, and she pulled open the door to step inside. Before she could ask if the woman needed anything, the Parkinson was speaking, and she realized that she was certainly not going to be able to leave just yet. Taking boxes down to the foyer wasn’t exactly a challenging or time-consuming task, though, so she knew it could be worse. It was also something she could have done without a second’s thought if she’d had a real wand, but she would do her best not to think too much into that. She had never been a person who relied on magic for absolutely everything, but it was endlessly frustrating that she couldn’t do anything. “Of course, milady.” She came the rest of the way into the room then, letting the door stay open behind her, and headed toward the boxes.
She picked up the first one, finding the weight manageable enough. Probably light enough that the Parkinson could carry it herself, but Merlin forbid a pureblood lady carry her own boxes. “Do you want me to just carry them through the Floo for you?” The polite question came out instead of what she was actually thinking. Nearly two years of this had made her quite skilled in keeping her expression and words demure while her thoughts were anything but.
[attr="class","cnotes"]774 ● @ lady parkinson ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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Post by Deleted on Apr 19, 2019 5:22:58 GMT -5

there's your trouble there'syour trouble
keep seeing double with the wrong one

Donna was a purist but her tenure as the Headmistress at Pyxis had taught her something. Something she would never say aloud, and it had her questioning a few things. Nothing amazing that was intense or something of would take your breath, but it had her wondering if Muggleborns were really the monsters they had been taught to believe. She had been told all of her life that she was better than these people because her family, back for hundreds of years was pure, that she was better than the maid that had come into her room. The difference in the two things, students and the maid, was that the kids were young, they had not asked for this to happen to them. They could only control small things about their lives, but the woman before her had so much more, she had had time to make choices, to do things.

Donna had no idea what had lead her here, nor did she know the things that had gotten the woman a friendship that had lead to the arrangement of her working here. Something about Draco, and Donna had not dug, because it was not her business and she did not want anyone else in her business so why would she dig through someone else’s. She was a maid. Regardless of status, regardless of blood, and Donna treated her as that, as the maid. She did not pour malice or spite into her actions. She did not treat Honora horribly, but she did treat her as she should be for her station. Not to serve as a reminder or anything of the place of where she sat, but because that was how one’s ervant should be treated.

even with house elves she had learned a long time prior that treating them as anything more than what they are, usually ended bad. The life that Honora had before didn’t matter, because this was where she was now, this was who she was now and Donna would do everything that she could to treat the woman with kindness and respect but she would never cross a certain line. She was a maid, a woman, and a witch. In that order. So long as she fulfilled the first Donna would have no problems treating her like she was the last two. She was a reasonable woman, though she was vain and proud, and stubborn as an old mule, Donna would always acknowledge beauty when she saw it, and if nothing else Honora was stunning, and if she had drawn the attention of Draco, that meant that she had some kind of brains.

Her figure had changed over the years, had gotten more curvy and it meant that as she went through her closet there were things that she knew that she would not be able to fit, boxes of clothes that, had she had magic, she could merely adjusted to fit, but were now only taking up space. She had the money to buy new things, so she had made two boxes for those, one to go to the trash because they were so old, or the other one. She had a plan to offer any of those clothes to Honora. She did not know how well that would be received, but much like her opinions on decorating, clothes were clothes no matter your blood status. She was sure that all of them would look good on the woman, and with the change in life’s circumstances she might be interested.

If she didn't want any of them she would offer them to Kallisto. Their secret was one that she was still trying to hide, but seeing her daughter in any of her old clothes would bring a smile to her face, but Donna was trying to be nice to someone for a change, who was not family, or a friend. ”No, I can carry them through there are just a lot and it would take me forever to do alone.” She said offering a small smile to the woman and pushed hair behind her ear.

Donna motioned to the two boxes in front of the desk. ”Those two you are welcome to go through and take anything you like. I can’t wear any of it and a lot still has tags on it. “ She picked a box that held her gowns and stepped towards the door.

tag: @ maid // words: 734// OUTFIT
template by eliza @ TB THQ
Honora Deirdre Carmody
Honora Deirdre Carmody Avatar
106 posts
36 years old
Chief Operating Officer at Lucent Technologies
Senior Electronics Engineer at Lucent Technologies
Head Engineer at Desiderium

Gráinneog Institute Alum
Misc. Career
played by Morgan
"They told me I couldn't, that's why I did."

Post by Honora Deirdre Carmody on Apr 20, 2019 22:43:38 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED
[attr="class","cscriptmud"]hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
[attr="class","clyrics"]WE INTEND NOT TO SLEEP TILL WE'RE DEAD[break]

[attr="class","cbody"]Nora did her best to get through the day without banging her head against the wall. Some days that was easier than others. The work that she did here was monotonous, but she knew that it was probably a good sign that she often had that temptation. If she was aware that she was doing absolutely useless and menial work, then she still had enough of a mind of her own to be annoyed by that. It was when she didn’t have those thoughts that she would start to be concerned. Then she would most definitely have a problem.
As silly as it was, sometimes she did worry that her brain just was wasting away while she worked here. She hadn’t casted a real spell in over a year, she hadn’t done any actual work since then either. If she was risking seeing her parents, if she was risking seeing Fionn, maybe she could get an engineering fix off of whatever they were working on. But she did her best to keep her distance from them. The last thing that she wanted to do was bring them down with her. They were safer the further they were from her. She wrote to her parents when she could and had Fionn give the letters to them. And she saw Fionn whenever she could Floo directly to his place. Certainly not often enough to spend any amount of time on engineering.
No, her mind was absolutely wasting away and if she ever got out of this place, she wasn’t even sure if she’d even have a chance of getting her old job back. That was probably the point of this anyway. Wear Muggleborns down until they were only capable of doing the jobs they were assigned. As much as she didn’t want to think her mind could go to rubbish so quickly, years of scrubbing floorboards and dusting could do that to a person. It was enough for her to feel like she was losing her mind at times.
She thought that was what she was going to blame what had happened the other week on. It was a temporary bit of insanity. It had been the first time she’d been in close proximity with Draco in years, and he had riled her up. She had taken the bait, and when they were close enough, it was like their chemistry was pulling them closer together. Just like it always had. But she should not have kissed him back. She should not have let that situation escalate the way that it had. She certainly should not have ended up in his bed.
Because now she was here. She was stuck thinking about him and thinking about how bad of an idea that had been. Nora needed him off of her mind again. But she had been right in thinking that the aftermath of that mistake would hurt the next day. It had. As much as she hadn’t cared in the moment, that moment was over and now she was left dealing with it. That was particularly hard to do in the same room as a woman she knew that Draco had shagged at least once. And maybe he regularly shagged her. She didn’t know. There was no denying that Donna was attractive—she had eyes. There were no unattractive Parkinsons. She could see the draw.
But she really didn’t want to be thinking about Donna’s sex life with Draco. At all. She just wanted to help her with these boxes so that she could go home. That was the only thing on her mind at that point. “Of course, milady,” she said, with a nod. Without magic, she supposed taking all of these boxes down to the Floo would take a little while. Of course, if she had a wand, she could just vanish them all down to the Floo for her. But Merlin forbid a Muggleborn do anything with magic. No, it was much better to make them remember their place by doing everything by hand. “Thank you. That’s very generous. But I’m afraid I wouldn’t have much of an occasion to wear any of that.” She was nearly always here or home—or on a rare occasion out for drinks but when that happened, she just threw on jeans and whatever shirt she could find. There wasn’t much of a reason for her to wear the sort of things that a Parkinson would these days.
[attr="class","cnotes"]744 ● @ lady parkinson ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Deleted Avatar
0 posts

Post by Deleted on Jun 13, 2019 14:48:02 GMT -5

there's your trouble there'syour trouble
keep seeing double with the wrong one

Life has not always been easy for Donna, in truth it was still not easy. Money really didn't buy happiness and it didn't replace all of the things that she didn't have. It didn't give Donna peace at night and it didn't help her to feel like she had made the right choices. She had been born into wealth and privilege. She had been given it all and she had watched as it had all fallen through their fingertips when her father had been sent to the camp. Nothing and she meant it, nothing could replace her father. Nothing would replace the things that he had done for her, even when he was angry and did things that he would come to regret. No one was perfect and this was something that she had learned the hard way. There had been no way to recover herself and who she had once been.

She had been lost in the choices that she made for years. She lied to herself and told herself that everything that she did was to protect Kalli, but that was a lie. It was to protect herself. From the looks, from the eyes that would judge her and see her for what she really was. Mistakes like the one that she had made were not looked on with a kind eye. She was pure and she should have remained so. At least then she should have, from the way that people acted now that had changed. Purity meant something else, chastity was no longer the same thing. She had never been a sweet or chaste girl. She had made her mistakes and her pride and vanity had gotten in the way of everything. If she had been the one that he had wanted then, if he had married her then none of this would have happened, but her feelings were not enough to hold him.

It had been a hard thing to do, and though she had never thought that she would have been able to do it, she had moved past Gregory Goyle. He didn't mean that much to her anymore, but the memory of the boy that he had been doing. It was he who had almost been her ever after, but she was glad that had not come to be. She did not much care for the man he was. Greg knew the truth of their daughter now, and whether or not he was in her life was up to him, she would not break his arm to make him be in her life. She just hoped for Kali's sake that he took better care with their daughter. Though she was more than certain that her baby girl would be able to handle herself if the need arose.

She was raised purist, she was raised with certain values and thoughts. She was taught to be vain, and proud, the stubborn streak that formed was not something that she had done on her own, but it came in handy when dealing with the purity. She didn't give up or give in, and Merlin knew that she would never change much if she could help it. She was not perfect and there were things that she wished that she could change now, change the way that things were being done with the people around them, but she was no politician, she was not her brother. She could not control that this young woman who was before Donna was in the service of her family, but she could control how she treated her.

Working at the school had opened her eyes to their treatment, and she came to see that an eye for an eye would do nothing but leave them all blind, which had inevitably happened. The hate that flowed through her when she was younger did not rise now, it took much more than someone like the woman before her to do such things. The bile that she had carried for so long had subsided and she was looking at the world with fresh eyes. Her mother would likely not approve, her daughter would not either. Sierra would hate her for the rest of her life, so she didn't really care what the younger witch thought of her, but the thought of losing any of them for the thoughts that went through her, for seeing the value of these people that were now in their service… was something else.

"Well, should you change your mind, you are welcome to help yourself to anything, not like I have time to wear all of this…" She would donate much of it, some of it would be trashed because they were threadbare and others she would pull apart and make new. She was trying to be nice to the woman, but it was clear that it would do her no good, so she nodded her head and stepped out of the door. "Though I think it's a real shame. It could just be the designer in me or the inner jealous woman, but with your body, you could pull off any or all of these." She said with a smile before stepping away to take a box to the fireplace before returning to her room.

Maybe it was because she was lonely, or something about the other woman. Donna wanted to be nice to her, the urge to be her friend was not one that she would likely allow, but Donna would try nonetheless. No one should be alone in this world of theirs and with the obsession that Donna had for beauty, it only felt right to be surrounded by it. She didn't have many friends, but she was trying and in her own mind. That counted for something, somewhere.

tag: @ maid // words: 963// OUTFIT
template by eliza @ TB THQ

Honora Deirdre Carmody
Honora Deirdre Carmody Avatar
106 posts
36 years old
Chief Operating Officer at Lucent Technologies
Senior Electronics Engineer at Lucent Technologies
Head Engineer at Desiderium

Gráinneog Institute Alum
Misc. Career
played by Morgan
"They told me I couldn't, that's why I did."

Post by Honora Deirdre Carmody on Jul 13, 2019 16:35:21 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED
[attr="class","cscriptmudblood"]hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
[attr="class","clyrics"]WE INTEND NOT TO SLEEP TILL WE'RE DEAD[break]

[attr="class","cbody"]Nora had learned a long time ago how abruptly everything could change. In the blink of an eye, life could be completely different, and those reality checks had always come to her in the worst of ways. It was never anything good, that happened like that. She never blinked an eye and found good fortune sitting on her doorstep. The bad things… those were the ones that tended to sneak up on you, and she’d found that to be true more times than once in her life.
Maybe it had been her relationship with Draco that had blinded her to reality, way back when. She had known what the Minister was doing—they had all heard about the work camp, had heard about what was happening to pure families and those that had participated or were involved with the losing side of the war. It wasn’t that she had completely ignored it or anything like that, she had just known that it couldn’t affect them. She had known that they were going to be all right, because everything had been good. She and Draco had been happy. They’d had their work, their travels, a quickly approaching wedding, and she had not thought that everything could change so quickly. She hadn’t thought that it would all go away in the blink of an eye.
But that was exactly what had happened. Granted, it hadn’t been Durant that had broken them apart. It had been Draco bringing his ex-girlfriend into their bed. But that moment had been the beginning of that end. Their relationship had ended, she’d had her cousin return the ring to him, and he had spent the next couple of years in the work camp. It hadn’t been fair, that he had been sent there. Nora wouldn’t have thought that it was possible. She wouldn’t have thought that there would be any person in the Ministry mindless enough to send him there, after everything. He had been exonerated after the war, he had been engaged to a Muggleborn, for Merlin’s sake. It hadn’t made sense, and yet she hadn’t done anything about it.
The tides had turned again, just as quickly as before, and now she was the one that was suffering for it. Nora knew that she could try to go on the run again. She could just not show up to the Parkinsons and see if she’d have better luck out in the wilderness again. It was what her aunt and uncle had done, it was what she had done with them, and it had not ended well. It had ended up with them dead, with her having massive gaps in her memory of what happened after that. It had her wondering why she was still alive, why they hadn’t killed her too, and what that could mean.
Every day, she thought about that. And every day, she tried to do everything that she could to stay alive. Her aunt and uncle had died for her, she was not going to get herself killed by running her mouth to the wrong purist. Luckily for her, if such a thing could be called luck, the Parkinsons were not the sort of lot that killed their maid for missing a spot while dusting, or anything like that. She was sure they could be pushed too far, but she had yet to be tortured by anyone in this particular family. She saw no reason to change that now, even if it was particularly difficult being around Donna after knowing that she’d been with Draco. It was a silly emotion—very nearly petty, but not something that she could really help either.
Bringing boxes to the Floo place was a simple enough task. She followed after her with the box she’d grabbed, not sure how to reply to the woman’s comment. Of course, she didn’t have time to wear all of that—nobody needed this much clothing. It was absolutely absurd. But it was the Parkinson’s second comment that had her footfalls wavering as surprise overtook her. Shaking her head, she continued on, and set the box down as well. “Thank you,” she said, finally, not knowing what else to say to the compliment. It was hardly what she’d expected the woman to say. Nevertheless, she followed her back to her room to grab another box.
[attr="class","cnotes"]725 ● @ lady parkinson ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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