December Newsletter

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Dec 1, 2018 23:58:41 GMT -5

Happy December everyone! Shall we get this lovely December newsletter underway so that I can officially say that I got all of the first of the month things done on the first of the month?!

That is not something that happens every month and I am Proud with a capital P, so let’s get started, shall we? We actually have a lot to talk about this month!

I. December Birthdays
II. December Events
III. December Free Character Group of the Week and Needs/Bans
IV. Christmas Wishlists
V. Purgatory
VI. 2018 Of-The-Year Awards
VII. December Activity Check
VIII. Writing Challenge
IX. Hogwarts Holidays
X. Important Housekeeping


1st →
2nd → @avery
2nd → @cassius
2nd → @catrine
2nd →
3rd →
4th → @helena
7th → @silas
8th → @griffith
9th → @magdalene
13th → @margaux
13th →
13th →
18th → @eskender
18th → @kalila
20th → @erik
21st → @jay
22nd → @corner
23rd →
24th → @alice
24th → @hiram
24th →
25th → @gwendolyn
25th → @hayden
29th → @meridian
30th → @pip


December 1 - Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs. Huffepuff, 11:00am
December 8 - Hogsmeade Trip (leave school grounds at 9:00 A.M., return by 9:00 P.M.)
December 15 - Start of Holidays, train departs for Kings Cross at 9:00 A.M.

December 10-21 - Gráinneog Institute Exams
December 10-21 - Lufkin University Exams
December 17-21 - University of Bangor Exams


To celebrate Christmas, we have slyly concocted the New Characters Heading Our Way page to figure out groups that benefits everyone. These will be changing every week to give people maximum Christmas Present Character Time!

I’m not going to go over all the details here because there’s no reason to make you read it twice. But if you haven’t seen it yet, all of the information will be RIGHT HERE!

And our needs/bans page has of course been updated. You can look at it HERE or I'll just tell you:

We need: Hogwarts Staff, Squibs, Veela and students of Goshawk Technical College and Gráinneog Institute!

And we are still under a partial pureblood ban!


We thought that this was a lot of fun last year, so we have decided it was definitely necessary to bring it back again. It’s a fun way of asking for things and giving other members a chance to give you a present!

So go ahead and make your wishlists RIGHT HERE! Just create a new thread and follow the template!


As you all know, we concocted a new system for keeping track of old threads! It’s called Purgatory and you can find out if you have threads in limbo BY GOING HERE! I won’t bore you with details because, again, I have talked about it already but just to make sure that everyone is on the same page! If you haven’t read that information, please do, because it is relatively important, all things considered!

Note that it looks scary and overwhelming this month because we have changed it from three months to two months, which means that we had to put both September and October threads in Purgatory this month! It will look way less scary next month, because it will just be November threads! I hope that makes sense!

If there are any mistakes on Purgatory, please just let us know on Staff Requests or shoot me a message on Discord! There are bound to be some because there were a lot of threads to move around! I promise I will not be offended for being called out on a mistake!


I want everyone to know that I have been waiting for this since January! I don’t know why, but I adored this last year and I have just been so excited to see who is nominated and who wins for this year! Go ahead and nominate RIGHT HERE!

Something to note is that, unlike monthlys, nominations are going to be open all month! And then we will be voting in the first week of January. Winners will be announced on January 8th!


I always like to just pop in a little reminder in these about Activity Checks! Remember that you need to post by the end of the month or risk deletion! To be fair, it doesn’t matter if you were posting the day before. It doesn’t matter if we know that you’re active, still post!

I’m posting in it, staff members have to post in it, so there is no implied ‘yeah I’m still here’! Post pleaseee, it only takes a moment.

I’ll even give you the link, HERE YA GO!

VIII. Writing Challenge

Everyone loves our dev challenges and I mean, who can blame you? Moodboards are amazing. But let’s give our writing challenges some love too!

We have posted them for the month and they are winter festive and everything. One sickle per entry!



A lot of this stuff already made a brief appearance in Updates on Discord, I know! But I still like to make sure it’s all on site for everyone too. So yes, the Hogwarts holidays start on the 15th of this month. Please post on this page so that we know if your student is going to be at Hogwarts or home for the holidays.

Just a quick little jaunt over to THIS HERE THREAD and we’ll have that information, thank ya muchly.


Just a few really small things to note! Nothing all that serious, but just some things we want to make sure you all know.

Please remember that posting in Character Goodbyes is required strongly recommended when you are deleting people. Just think of the staff, pleaaaaase. When someone is deleted without posting in that thread, we either have to go through every single board trying to hunt down their threads, or we have to just accept that there are deleted character threads floating around.

It saves us having to track things down after deletions, and takes you only a couple of seconds to link the threads since they’re all in your Participated section.

Also, we just wanted to let you all know that we are not going to have a site activity this month. Since we are doing Wishlists, we have officially decided that are not going to have site-wide activities during months where there are other activities (April, October, December)! It just makes sense to focus on those special month activities and leave the other ones for months where we don’t have anything going on!

That’s all, folks!