Young and Reckless // Belle

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Post by Deleted on May 31, 2015 23:18:50 GMT -5

Evan knew that they would probably seeing a lot of each other during the summer, thank Merlin, so her idea of avoiding him was obviously going to fail before it began. There was her trying to avoid her aunt, and him trying to avoid his, ironically enough, which would cause them to want to get away from them as often as possible. Of course, he also knew that she loved the rest of her family, which meant they probably would also be around them. He had to meet them sooner or later, though he had absolutely never ‘met the family’ before in his damn life; so it figured that he would be dating someone who arguably had the biggest damn family in the damn country. Finding time to shag at her house was probably going to be next to impossible, as he doubted that house was ever empty when they all bloody lived near each other. “That’s what I thought,” he stated, smirking. Isabella could have tried the challenge, of course; it simply would have been doomed immediately.

“You realize I beat you months ago, and hadn’t played in a hell of a long time, right?” Evan countered, raising an eyebrow. “How are you going to beat me now that I’m back on my game?” The more they played football, the more the skill was clearly going to come back to him—and then she really wouldn’t stand a damn chance. Isabella might still have him on footwork, but he was normally at least a bit better than he’d been in their game. By the time summer really rolled around, he’d be able to beat her without his … cheating, for lack of a better word. Even though it hadn’t really been cheating, per say. It was just taking advantage of the lack or rules, though he supposed if they really wanted to see who was better, they might have to put a few rules on their games. They would all end better than their first one, where her long-lost Gryffindor suitor had interrupted it, amusingly enough. “It’s true, you did—that was quite impressive, actually,” he replied, laughing. Even at the time, when he had also been irritated, Evan had found it absolutely entertaining just how embarrassing the Gryffindor had been acting around her. Really, it was clear who was wearing the pants in the relationship, and it hadn’t been the bloke.

“I’m a bloody great dancer, against my will, of course,” Evan told her, shooting her an amused look. That was a skill that he would have been fine not having, actually, but he hadn’t exactly had any choice in the matter. Now, he was glad for it as it was something else that he could beat Isabella in. “I promised I’d save her a dance or two, but otherwise I told her I’d be too busy proving you wrong once again,” he continued, shrugging, “One day, maybe you’ll find something I’m bad at. But it won’t be then.” Throughout the summer, he was sure she’d have plenty of opportunities to try, but having grown up in the Muggle world, Evan had the advantage of being good at pretty much everything in both worlds—clearly.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 1, 2015 19:55:23 GMT -5

Isabella was slightly worried that her aunt wouldn’t let her see Evan over the summer and she wondered if she ought to just suck it up and go introduce Evan to her aunt before the summer even started. Perhaps that would be a better thing to do, rather than wait until the summer started. That sounded like a horrible conversation she never wanted to have. ‘Oh hey, I really don’t like you all that much at the moment, but this is Evan, my boyfriend…so I can see him over the summer, right?’ Somehow, she doubted that would go over well. If her parents had met Evan, they wouldn’t have minded her spending time with him…well, supervised, she supposed…which sounded ridiculous all the same. Her brothers would be allowed to go out with whichever girlfriend they decided to spend time with, but because she was a bloody girl, she had different expectations. That hardly sounded just in the slightest. Double standards were ridiculous.

Though, she would deal with double standards any day if it meant her family would be alive again. The double standards were irritating, but she loved her family. But still, people seemed to judge Evan before they got to really know him, taking his reputation and leaving it at that. If her family heard of his reputation, she was bloody screwed, but that wouldn’t change anything. That wasn’t who he was now, even if no one believed it. “Don’t act like you would do all that well, either,” she pointed out, giving him a stubborn look. Honestly, she couldn’t believe how their relationship worked out so well. She was so thankful for having him in her life, thankful that she had a ridiculous love obsession with someone else as it led to this relationship. Had she known Evan’s reputation beforehand, she probably wouldn’t have accepted a date in the first place, but hearing about it afterwards didn’t make her break up with him either. They had gotten along well enough…well, better than well enough. If she were completely honest, she supposed she would have to consider herself lucky that he had seen her as more than just an accomplishment. He cared for her, and she cared for him, and that was how their relationship worked.

Isabella rolled her eyes at his comment before responding. “I was a bit rusty,” she defended stubbornly before laughing. “Fine, fine; you won, fair and square. But don’t expect it next time.” He probably was a better player; no, he definitely was…but she wasn’t about to admit that. He might not have as good of foot work, but he was still above average. He was challenging to play, not taking it easy simply because she was a girl. That really didn’t happen all that often anymore so it was definitely a relief to get to have some actual fun. “Laugh it off; that whiny Gryff made you look all the better and Merlin knows you needed that,” she teased, smiling wide at his laughter. It certainly was something she had loved the most, simply because he didn’t laugh over just anything. In fact, she couldn’t really remember him laughing ever, not that she had been paying all that much attention before dating him. It was good to see him happy, to see this side of him that not many people ever saw, if any.

“Dancing isn’t all that bad…with the right music,” she smirked, winking at him. During the previous summer, her older brothers let her sneak out with to go to a couple of parties, something that she surprisingly had enjoyed. Parties weren’t exactly her thing, but the spontaneity of the parties had its enjoyable moments. “Ah, well you know I’m a horrible sharer so unfortunately, she’s going to have to miss those dances. Being selfish and all,” she shrugged carelessly. “I look forward to that day so much and I promise I’ll rub it in your face continuously.”
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Post by Deleted on Jun 2, 2015 4:14:17 GMT -5

Even just the idea of having a bet on who could go a week without shagging sounded ridiculous to him, since sometimes it really bloody seemed like they couldn’t go a few hours. Or, well, that was a bit of an exaggeration; but when they were around each other, it did seem to be a temptation that they were really bloody bad at not eventually acting on. Luckily, they still bloody talked, which was the point of a relationship, or so he’d heard. Really, it was kind of the best of a lot of damn worlds, or however that saying went. Shagging whenever they wanted, having someone to play football and Quidditch with along with whatever else they wanted to do, and having amusing conversations—or serious ones, he supposed, on occasion… if they had to. “Of course I bloody wouldn’t; I wouldn’t even bring up that idea,” he replied, grinning crookedly at her. He could admit that, since that challenge would most definitely not be occurring. If it did, they would probably just both simultaneously lose. Evan doubted they would be able to go a day. He much preferred challenges that didn’t take away them shagging.

“You were a bit rusty? I was bloody out of practice, and still beat you—maybe that meant we were even,” he replied, making a face as he considered it. Evan hadn’t played in a hell of a long time when they’d first faced off in football, but he didn’t know how long it had been since she’d played last. “In that case, you better bloody believe I’ll continue to beat you; I’m clearly just the better player.” Evan determined, knowing that he was probably just making her want to go for a rematch right bloody then. That would be fine with him, really, because he wouldn’t mind beating her again at the sport—that, and he did bloody love playing football. Sometimes, he liked it better than Quidditch, but he’d have to say that it was very close, obviously. “I couldn’t look better, Belle. It’s not possible—he just made it even bloody clearer just how perfect I actually am,” he told her, solemnly. Merlin, he was bloody glad that the bloke had dropped out of Hogwarts. First, he had been a clingy boyfriend to Isabella, which Evan had only really found amusing and aggravating at the time. But then after she had broken up with him, he had apparently gotten even more attached. By the time she and Evan started dating again, Evan had thought he’d actually have to do something to stop the ponce from getting ridiculous. It seemed like a bloody harsh word to call someone a stalker when they were in the same damn school and to a level there could be coincidence involved—but Evan really didn’t believe in coincidences, and was probably days away from dealing with shit himself when the bloke had dropped out. Unfortunately, he’d take dealing with an irrelevant clingy ex of his girlfriend than what they’d more than likely have to deal with over the summer… and he really bloody hated being worried.

“Somehow I doubt the music you have in mind is going to be played at the dance,” Evan told her, raising an eyebrow, though he was certainly curious about what kind of dancing she was talking about. It might be a kind far more interesting than whatever the hell would be playing at this particular event. The ball was bound to be mildly amusing, at least. Normally, he just went to these dances because he knew that most bints would shag a bloke afterwards… it was just how the nights always seemed to end if he played his cards right. Well, it was how a lot of nights had bloody ended, dance or no dance. This time, he was actually looking for to the actual ball, for maybe an hour tops, of course. Then Evan would be fine with leaving, once he had proven to Isabella that there was yet another thing he was better at than her. There was always a small, small chance that she was a better dancer than him, but he was sure that they’d both gotten practice from their own respective obligations in the past; so this, like football and most other challenges they came across, would be pretty evenly matched. Not that he would admit that, but he knew that he’d have to be at the top of his game. “Guess I can pass that bad news along to her, but no promises how well she’ll take it,” he replied, smirking. Evan figured the reason this relationship worked out so well was because they didn’t take shit too seriously and had similar senses of humor, he supposed. He couldn’t think of very many bints that he could joke about having another girlfriend with, even if it was bloody obviously untrue. If you ever find anything, I guess I could deal with some gloating… but only because I know it’ll never happen,” Evan told her, shaking his head. It wasn’t as though there was much that Isabella was downright bad at either, but he did know that she was awful at cooking and baking—which mean he did have two on her, whereas she had none. Evan anticipated a hell of a lot of amusing situations with her throwing random challenges at him over the summer.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 2, 2015 23:16:27 GMT -5

Isabella laughed at his reply, shaking her head. They were bloody ridiculous, they were. Why the hell would they ever partake in a bet that required them both bloody losing? That hardly sounded like any fun, but just a bunch of unnecessary torture. It wasn’t like their entire relationship was shagging, obviously. In fact, she had liked him before they even started to shag, though she hadn’t admitted that to him until sometime after the death of her family. She would venture to say, as in she would definitely say it, that Evan liked her before they started shagging, too. He basically forced her to break up with him, for whatever reason he had decided on. Everyone else might see their relationship and think that he didn’t care about her, but she knew the truth. She really hoped her family could see that as much as she saw that. “Well now that that is settled; no challenges in which we both lose, got it,” she nodded, as if committing it to memory.

“Yeah, yeah, rub it in…like you do everything else,” she joked, rolling her eyes. “Oh, don’t get cocky. It suits me better,” Isabella shrugged. “Anytime, anywhere, Hurst. I’ll still kick your arse to the ground,” she smirked. There weren’t many people at this school who played Muggle Sports, though she had been glad that she found out that it was something that she and Evan shared an interest in. Merlin forbid she actually have something in common with the bloke, she thought to herself, slightly amused. “You look much better with me on your arm; you’re welcome,”she shrugged, waving it off like it was no big deal.“Bloody perfect my arse, Evan. I still have so much time.” Just the talk of her ex- boyfriend was making her sigh in frustration. “Ugh, I can’t believe you let me date him,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “What bloody good were you?” she groaned, shaking her head at the thought. It had all been so horribly embarrassing, especially her own obsession of the situation.

She shrugged at his response, not really caring either way. “Pity; we could have had some fun. Instead, I get to wear a restraining dress with constricting heels and a wand shoved somewhere in all of that,” she explained, making a face. There were only two reasons she was going to this ball to begin with, the first of which being the person already standing in front of her and the second reason being to honor her brother’s wishes to go to every party that she could go to. “I can help get the point across to her easily, though that might result in a quite a few detentions for us,” she smirked, knowing she wouldn’t go that far. "Sorry babe, you're stuck with me. I know, I'm a real fun killer," she grinned.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 3, 2015 5:13:50 GMT -5

He wondered if they were going to come across problems in seeing each other over the summer. The way he saw it, her and her aunt’s strained relationship could work very well for them, or extremely poorly against them. The woman would either be willing to let Isabella do just about anything she wanted within reason in order to avoid furthering the bridge between them—which he was bloody hoping for, or she would get agitated that Isabella was sticking to her very bloody reasonable logic and decide that they couldn’t see either other at all. Obviously, that wouldn’t stop them, but it would definitely make it a hell of a lot more complicated. If that were to happen, then that challenge might come about without either of them even meaning it to. “Sounds fair,” he agreed, deciding that they would just find a way around whatever ridiculousness her aunt decided to pull.

As always, when he won, Isabella really did never hear the end of it. He blamed the fact that she was still convinced that she could beat him if it the situation came up again. If she just accepted defeat, perhaps he would be a modest victor, but this way was far more amusing. “Cockiness is a Hurst trait, babe, get used to it,” he replied, rolling his eyes. It apparently was a DiTraverso one as well, but he would still say it suited him better if only because he wouldn’t admit to it suiting her better. “Well if you make me look better than perfect, I suppose thanks are in order,” Evan conceded, So much time? You don’t have nearly enough time, in my professonal opinion. As someone who knows me, I wish you luck in your doomed mission.” Once again, Evan was finding himself once again getting far too much enjoyment out of taking the mickey out of her over her temporary Gryffindor-obsessed insanity. “I let you date him? I believe you broke up with me, or did you block that memory out because it was too devastating?” He asked, jokingly. There had also been the fact that he’d orchestrated the break-up, but that was beside the point.

Evan almost found it amusing that he had gone to every dance at this school since he was old enough to realize the potential of that, and now that he actually had a girlfriend he gave a damn about, he would almost not mind skipping it to do just about anything else with Isabella instead. But he would go, obviously, because she wanted to—he assumed because her brothers had always been down for a party, and because there weren’t many times where Isabella had to dress up so he obviously had to take advantage of that. “I’ll help you take off the restraining dress later in the night,” he replied, shrugging, though he was chuckling under his breath at her trying to figure out anywhere to put her wand. His smile widened at her statement, amused by the concept of her teaching any bint a lesson, particularly this ‘second girlfriend’ of his. Evan looked her over, as though figuring out the odds of her success in that. “’Suppose you could probably take her,” Evan agreed, before shaking his head. “A fun killer, indeed—and I was trying to get bloody laid.” He told her, remorsefully, as though his odds for that would be completely out the window. Evan had no bloody idea how this anecdote about their other relationships on the side came about, but it never stopped amusing him.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 3, 2015 22:54:00 GMT -5

Isabella really needed to figure out what was going to happen this summer as there was no bloody way she was going to spend all summer long in that terrible reminder of what she had lost with a woman and her bodyguard, both of which probably didn’t even want to be in London. It was settled almost immediately; she would be getting a summer job. She wasn’t really certain where, but it had to be something where she could work a lot. Besides, she needed to have enough money so that she could move out immediately when possible. Merlin, she’d get a cheap apartment in Knockturn Alley if that was all she could bloody afford. At least she wouldn’t be getting killed because of her bloody bloodstatus, she thought to herself, slightly angrily. Maybe getting an apartment would be good for her, letting her get away from the past that she couldn’t seem to go a day without a reminder of. Being at school, everyday it was as if she was seeing her brothers in her head, remembering some painful memory…as they were all painful. When she would be living with her aunt over the summer in that same damn mansion she had a while ago, she would certainly run into reminders. After graduating, maybe she just needed a break from remembering, going on a vacation from her real life.

“DiTraverso’s do it better,” she grinned cheesily, knowing that that would be a cyclical conversational topic as it almost seemed as if their cockiness was evenly matched, surprisingly enough. It worked for their relationship as neither one got offended all that easily. “Thanks are definitely in order and I do not like waiting for my payment,” Isabella stated sincerely. She laughed at his comment, amused that they were even having this part of the conversation. Merlin, at the time that they made that determination, he probably still thought of her as just a potential shag, not figuring that they’d actually maybe see a year of being together. “I do like accomplishing the impossible,” she shrugged, winking at him. She did manage to get the player of the school to actually like her…unintentionally…though, he managed to bring her down from her lovesick obsession just to see how much she actually did care about Evan in their month or so of ‘fake’ dating. “Yes, you let me date him. We were friends, weren’t we? As my friend, it was your duty to bloody knock some sense into me when I was going through temporary insanity,” she countered, giving him a stubborn look. “Oh, you can admit that Evan Hurst was broken up with? Impressive. However, I do find it strange, now that I think about it, that I do recall you saying something about never caring about me and being something of just a shag, or whatever. That’s very interesting to think about now, since we’re back together,” she shrugged carelessly, a slight smirk on her features. She knew he cared about her, and she really doubted that happened over a couple of weeks of friendship…though, she supposed he could have come to the conclusion after the fact. Really, it didn’t matter much what the truth was on that matter.

“So considerate,” she replied sincerely. Well, despite the after effects of her not having the dress on while in his presence, she probably would still need help getting out of the dress. That zipper was bloody annoying. Well, she couldn’t remember if it had a zipper, but if it did, it was probably annoying. Isabella quirked an eyebrow at his response, laughing when she realized he hadn’t caught her implication.“I was thinking of a more direct approach to get the message across,” she whispered, leaning closer towards him. Though, she probably wouldn’t…it wasn’t like either of them were THAT much into public displays of affection. “After all that talk of me not going a week without shagging you, and you think you won’t get laid? Well, perhaps I should be going with my other boyfriend after all,” she teased.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 4, 2015 16:58:17 GMT -5

It would be a hell of a lot easier for them to deal with this summer if he could get his own apartment, since he was of bloody age, after all. Then Evan would actually be able to finally get away from his aunt, and that would give Isabella a place to go away from her aunt. Of course, there were also a lot of other incredibly tempting reasons to get an apartment… but apparently that wasn’t bloody allowed until after he graduated from Hogwarts—which made no bloody sense as far as he was concerned. But one more summer at his aunt’s house was better than any more than that, and he supposed he could handle that since he’d been there for over ten years anyhow. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he stated, shaking his head. Evan would be seeing it soon enough, figuring that the first time he went over to Isabella’s over the summer, they would be surrounded by her family in moments. He was bloody sure that they were all as cocky as his girlfriend was, a family trait, but he would still obviously believe that Hursts did it better. Though, he supposed he was the only Hurst left, so he was a bit biased. “Well, you’re going to have to test your patience, then,” Evan added, his smirk widening. If Evan really thought about it, he was pretty damn sure that her family was going to hate him. Her aunt working here meant that she easily could have heard about his former reputation, and she didn’t seem like the type to give someone the benefit of the doubt—and she’d probably tell everyone else about it too. That was going to be a bit of a complication, he mused, but he supposed that he’d just have to deal with it if and when it came up. “Something’s are impossible for a reason,” he told her, grinning, “But I guess it’ll be entertaining to watch you try.”

Evan shook his head as she spoke, wondering if friends were supposed to do that. It wasn’t as if he had that much practice at friendships either, but he was pretty damn sure he couldn’t have knocked any sense into her without looking like he was jealous, or some shit. No, it was far more amusing to watch her date the bloke, even if it had also been aggravating. “I thought I’d just let the temporary insanity run its course,” Evan replied, shrugging. They had lasted just about as long as he’d anticipated they would, and it was a bit funny that they pined after each other longer than they ended up dating. Bloody ridiculous Gryffindor, he thought, laughing under his breath. “That is strange,” he said, solemnly, his lips twitching upward into a smirk that he tried to smother. He never had told her that he’d made that break-up happen—not really because it was any big secret, it just hadn’t really come up much until then. “I mean, it’s always possible that there was something interesting going on that you may or may not have been aware of,” he continued. Evan supposed he could tell her about it now, maybe, if she asked. He’d thought back then that breaking them up would work well for him stopping actually giving a damn about her, which he supposed had worked for a very brief time. Clearly, not for long though.

“I do what I can to help out.” If there was one major benefit of this ball, it would certainly be whatever it was Isabella was planning on wearing; though, he supposed he didn’t know just how long they would actually last at the dance. They could make an appearance, he supposed, that didn’t seem like too long of a time to spend there. “Damn, and here I thought I’d be witnessing two bints fight over me,” he replied, sighing, before a smirk grew across his face. “However, I do like the direct approach.” Evan added, taking the opportunity of her moving closer to him to bring his lips back to hers, and he was beginning to wonder why they were still talking. “Well, I didn’t want to assume you’d put out—clearly, I’m too much of a gentleman for that.” Evan said, attempting to keep a straight face but very quickly failing.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 4, 2015 22:07:05 GMT -5

It didn’t really matter all that much to Isabella what her family decided to think of Evan. She would like to think that a part of her cared how they would view him, and she did…but not enough to leave him over it or whatever. She wasn’t bloody blind; he had been there for her and he did care about her. it would be unfortunate if her family couldn’t give him a chance like she had given him, learning that he was a lot better than his bloody reputation. Her family mattered to her, but so did Evan. Isabella couldn’t help but smile at his response, taking that as him knowing that he would definitely be meeting her family this summer. “Maybe they’ll behave when they meet you, but I make no promises,” she laughed. They certainly wouldn’t and she would have to make sure that they didn’t try to split them up so that her uncles and cousins could have words with Evan, afraid of what they might say. “I hope you like swimming,” she grinned, remembering her brief stint of jumping into the cold water following their football game during their first dating period.

“I make no promises,” she shrugged at his comment about her needing to test her patience. It was never her strongsuit and she really doubted she would be starting anytime soon. “Be prepared for a busy summer,” she nodded, her mind already floating with ideas of what they could be doing over the summer to see where he might fail. She had hoped ice skating would have been the answer, but obviously not as he learned that surprisingly quickly. “Do you have anything planned this summer?” she asked as her thoughts ran through. “I was thinking of getting a job…I want to move out as soon as possible,” she admitted, sighing lightly. The idea of moving out sounded so wonderful and…so far away.

“Bloody good you are,” she stated sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “Ruined a perfectly good week or however long that was,” she continued, not even wanting to admit what had happened during that week to him or anyone…not even herself. Merlin, it was so embarrassing to even think about. Isabella’s smirk grew on her face as she watched, in amusement, his own lips twitching with a smirk of his own. “Oh? And what may I have or have not been aware of?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at him in amusement and curiosity. It had seemed strange to her that he would say all of those horrible things to her, but then find out later that those words had obviously been a lie. It was almost as if he was trying to get her to break up with him, but she had no idea about that and wouldn’t want to assume.

“Not a chance, Romeo,” she joked, smirking. “Why waste my time fighting over you when we could be otherwise occupied?” Isabella asked, giving him a look. Snaking her arms around his neck, she kissed him back, grinning against his lips. “Well, assume away,” she responded, pulling her lips back slightly, smiling at his failed attempt of a straight face.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 5, 2015 14:17:51 GMT -5

Evan knew that Isabella was close with her extended family, at least most of them, but he certainly didn’t think that would stop them from immediately hating him. They wouldn’t like him just because she wanted them to, that was for certain. There was really nothing to be done about that except for to see what happened, but they had time before they had to deal with that. What he found particularly amusing was the fact that not even Isabella knew that he could speak and understand Italian—not fluently, at bloody all, but he’d be able to more than likely understand what they were saying when they probably began to insult him in the other language. In fact, it might be beneficial for him to brush up on Italian, as it had been a couple years since he’d stopped getting tutored in the language. That would be a bit amusing, he mused, deciding to think more about it later. “I’m sure I can handle it,” he responded, grinning. They wouldn’t behave, or so he’d assume, but that wouldn’t be too big of a problem. Evan could probably get them to like him… most likely—unless they had heard his former reputation, as that would be a hell of a roadblock. “As I assume you could probably guess, I’m an excellent swimmer.” Evan told her, though he was positive that Isabella would have seen that coming as well. Maybe she was holding out hope that he couldn’t swim and that it would be that easy to find something he was bad at, but obviously it bloody wasn’t.

This summer was certainly going to be interesting, but he did hope that it would also be uneventful in a way. They would obviously spend a hell of a lot of time doing… whatever the hell they wanted, really, unless her aunt wanted to be irritating about it. Assuming that she wasn’t, then Evan was sure that they’d be seeing each other a lot, which worked well for him being able to be less worried about her getting bloody attacked or something. That shouldn’t be something he had to bloody worry about. “Oh, I’m prepared—I’ll do bloody anything, particularly if it gets me out of the house,” he said, nodding. If Isabella really wanted to get out of her house, he supposed he could handle his own aunt for her to be over there, but only because he was sure that she wouldn’t say so much as one word to either of them. So, actually, that was pretty tolerable. “Plans? None—I never do,” Evan stated, smirking, before nodding in agreement to her statement about moving out as soon as possible. That was where their situations differed slightly—his aunt wanted him out of the house so badly that she would pretty much bloody pay for it if she had to, but he had enough inheritance from his parents that he could move out without her help or a job. Luckily—because he would out the door the damn day he graduated. However, Isabella’s aunt probably wanted her to bloody live there forever or some shit, and would make it a lot more difficult for her to move out without her own money. “I’m sure your aunt will love that,” he replied, shaking his head. For some reason, he anticipated that woman being a thorn in Isabella’s side for the entirety of this summer and next school year as well.

He found it incredibly humorous that the relationship between Isabella and her now ex only lasted a week, even if that amount of time had seemed surprising. The bloke was clingier than a bint normally was, and twice as emotional. Evan had no idea how she hadn’t realized that before, actually, but at least she got out of it before he proposed—which, knowing how bloody mental the bloke was, probably would have been after one month. “’Dunno,” he replied, shrugging, before casting an amused look at her. “Might have realized that I gave a damn about you a bit earlier than I let on,” Evan said, though he was sure that wasn’t exactly news to his girlfriend, “At the time, that wasn’t exactly the plan, but I figured you’d probably harass me with questions if I broke up with you.” Her stubbornness probably would have made sure of that, even if she was still pining over the Gryffindor. “Thought up a way to make sure you’d break up with me—snake, remember?” It had been a rather Slytherin plan of him, really, which showed that he was most certainly in the right house. Evan smirked, making a face as though he was thinking it over. “You’re right—you certainly shouldn’t waste your time fighting the bint,” he agreed, before kissing her. There were just so many other better ways to use their time than that, he thought, chuckling slightly at her words. “If you insist,” Evan stated, returning his lips to hers.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 6, 2015 20:52:37 GMT -5

Isabella never really had to bring a bloke by to meet the family as she really didn’t count the Gryffindor as being someone she had to introduce. She did introduce him, obviously, but that relationship was over before it really began. She liked to pretend that week or so never occurred, much preferring to just believe that she had mostly dated Evan the entire time. Her relationship with Evan wasn’t just some quick weekly thing, a relationship based only on one thing. She really wanted her family to like him, to see that he was a good person. However, she really was nervous to introduce him as such. Really, she wasn’t even certain who she was supposed to introduce him to now since her parents were gone. Normally, she’d just introduce him to her parents, but now that they were gone, she was at a loss as to what was supposed to happen now. She supposed it was going to take a lot of getting used to, being an orphan, and she really wasn’t even certain where to start. It wasn’t something she would think much on as she knew it would only depress her, thinking about how her parents wouldn’t meet Evan, how they would never see her marry, if she ever married, they would never see her future kids, if she had those, and they wouldn’t see her graduate or see what she was to become in her life. Her parents were gone and it was a fact she didn’t think she could ever accept.

She shook her head of her thoughts, smiling slightly at his words. “I hope so,” she stated, trying to refocus again. “Oh, I guess I should have assumed that since you’re the ultimate man,” she stated sarcastically, grinning. She supposed most people would probably be annoyed to be spending time with someone who seemed to be perfection in human form, but she wasn’t. She just found their relationship to be an interesting challenge as they both were naturally competitive and cocky. “A girl can dream,” she joked, realizing that most girls didn’t really dream to find something wrong with their boyfriend, but it wasn’t like she was like most girls.

“Sounds good,” she smiled happily, excited to have plans of…no plans…with Evan. Isabella really didn’t like to have everything planned out to a T, finding that to be incredibly dull. “I’m sure we’ll find something to pass the time,” Isabella grinned before making a face at his next statement. “It doesn’t matter what she loves; once I’m of age, I’ll be out…even if I have to live in bloody Knockturn Alley,” she stated, truly meaning it. She’d rather live there than stay dependent on anyone.

Isabella rose her eyebrows in amusement as she waited for Evan’s response, a grin forming on her features. “A bit earlier,” she repeated, her wheels turning in her head on the words. Isabella stared at him for a moment, not really sure how to respond to that. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that he tricked her into breaking up with him, though she had her small suspicions. No, strong suspicions. She was just surprised he admitted to it, most certainly. “What I’m hearing is that it’s your bloody fault I even dated that Gryffiindor in the first place,” she accused, letting out a short laugh. “Had I not broken up with you, you filthy snake, I would have never gotten together with him,” she pointed out, shaking her head. “You owe me,” she concluded stubbornly, though humor was written all over her face.

“I’m always right,” she muttered against his lips teasingly before feeling his lips again, finding herself quickly getting distracted and realizing they should probably make their way…somewhere else.