Catch up Dinner | Basia

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Post by Deleted on Feb 18, 2019 6:11:04 GMT -5

Imogen had not had the best week last week. She had not felt her best early last week and that resulted in her making the automatic assumption she could be pregnant. But the pregnancy test had said otherwise and so she realised she had just eaten something that had not agreed with her. Naturally, she had told Kit, she had to. He was her husband and even for a split second if she suspected she was pregnant, he ought to know. The two of them had always been honest with each other and so she felt responsible for telling him. Imogen didn’t want to be like a certain other witch and keep things from him. She was not going to cause him any more heartbreak then what he had been through. Even if the pregnancy test had come out as negative, she had felt upset a little. Of course, there was plenty of time for them to become parents and they were not’ in any rush. Imogen would prefer to have her magic back before she conceived but she had no idea when a cure was coming.

The witch held out hope that a cure was on it’s way but it was just a matter of when. But at least Kit had his magic, at least 50% had it. She thankfully hadn’t needed to change her degree because she would have no idea what she would study as an alternative. She was enjoying he studies and she wondered just where it would take her when the time came for her to use it. But she would focus on her ballet for now. Rehearsals were working her hard but she knew that she would rather be nowhere else but here.

She loved to dance and that was a definite. At least Kit was back in her life and she had his support where that was concerned. He had done so much for her and she was forever grateful to him. He had allowed her to see people in a completely new light and that stretched to muggleborns. They were the group of people that her parents had always taught her to look down at because being a pureblood, she was naturally superior to them. They had always told her that she belonged in the magical world and they didn’t. But she knew now that was not the truth.

This had led her to meet Basia. She couldn’t just walk past the girl when she had looked so scared standing there in Gringott’s. The Norths had money and Imogen was very familiar with the bank. She was glad that she had her own account now that she no longer spoke to her family. When she had first met the other witch, it had been before everything had happened with Kit. She was stronger now for having gone through and she got her wizard back. She would hate to think about what could have happened. It didn’t matter, he was hers again.

She had thought it had been some time since she had seen the other witch and she was eager to see how she was doing, she knew that things for muggleborns were improving but it was going so slow. Imogen wanted to see if she could help Basia in any way. She had thought of inviting her to her flat but decided against it since she didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. The Leaky Cauldron was an ideal location, it was warm and had food and drink options that appeal to most others. Imogen had been sitting at a table near the bar waiting for Basia, reading over the latest copy of witch weekly while she waited. She looked up when she saw the other witch approach and smiled holding out her arms to hug her. ”It’s so good to see you again”

Words: 651

Basia Kleczyńska
Basia Kleczyńska Avatar
52 posts
21 years old
Lufkin University
Second Year Alchemy Student
Second Year Potionology Student

Street Sweeper
University Student
played by Eve
"Łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło"

Post by Basia Kleczyńska on Apr 17, 2019 14:52:56 GMT -5

Catch Up Dinner
If only she could manage to breathe regularly and calmly, her hands would stop shaking, wouldn’t they? She'd become calm, and then, she’d be ready to enter the Leaky Cauldron like a normal person where Imogen had asked to meet her. By now, she really shouldn’t be this afraid anymore. Things had got much better of late, and it would be almost laughable if she managed to die now after surviving so much worse. She squirmed a little at her own cynicism, but she did have a hard time understanding her own fears. Back when she had been living in constant fear of Death Eaters casually murdering on their way to work, the difference whether she was outside or inside a building could become almost significant, as it felt like she was going to die anyway. If death was this certain, it was pointless to fear for her life — or maybe just so common that she was used to it.

Nowadays, almost nobody seemed to care about Muggleborns and what they did with their time as long as they quietly remained in their horrible jobs. With the loss of magic, she supposed most Death Eaters had enough to do with their own personal crises or maybe they simply didn’t know how to torment their victims without magic; the second option sounded more plausible. There remained of course some Death Eaters with their magic intact, and she doubted that the Ministry would bother if any of them continued as of old, but they were few and there wasn’t too much danger to run into one of those. If she were a test subject, it wouldn’t truly matter. Probably they were using them for trying to figure out how this flu worked. She had already found herself counting on them coming to get her. It wasn’t like them to accept a Muggleborn in herself, but a Muggleborn who still had magic while they didn’t? Wouldn’t they want her dead? It fitted perfectly into what she knew of their world view. It hadn’t happened yet, though, and it was hardly right to fear something that only existed in her head. Nothing had happened to her — or to Caleb, who was in the same situation. He’d tell her if he heard anything alarming. For now, she should just enjoy her few liberties while she had them.

Like going into the Leaky Cauldron. Nothing bad would happen. And even if someone would attack her, Imogen would be there to help. Not that she’d expect the girl to stand up for her in real danger — it was too much to expect from anyone — but it should be enough to enable her to get away to safety. Unless… unless this was a trap, and this was the Ministry’s new method to catch Muggleborns with their magic intact- No, this was ridiculous. If they wanted to capture her, it would be more than simple. She still regularly went to get her broom in the morning and bring it back in the evening. There was plenty of opportunity to get rid of her. She blushed that she had been able to think something like this of a witch who had never been anything but helpful and kind. She pushed open the door, her embarrassment at herself momentarily making her forget that she was scared to enter.

The feeling lasted long enough to make several steps into the warm pub and see where Imogen was sitting. The fear starting to rise again, she made her way to the other girl as quickly as she could. “You too. Thank you so much,” she said, smiling nervously while her eyes flitted across the cozy room despite herself. “It is so… I can’t put into words — how obliged I am to your kindness. You- I really, really appreciate how much you’ve done for me. And for today of course.” She inhaled deeply, fear and overflowing gratitude flowing through her in a chaotic mix.
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Post by Deleted on May 26, 2019 16:51:12 GMT -5

The more she thought about, the more she wondered, was inviting Basia here to the Leaky Cauldron for dinner a bad idea? Surely, it couldn’t be that bad, Things were improving for muggleborns as a whole. She didn’t want the other girl to feel scared. She could have invited her to her house but she didn’t want the girl to feel uncomfortable and she didn’t know if she liked dogs or not, even if Leo was very friendly. But she was here at the pub with her and just like she had done at Gringott’s when they had met many months ago, she would look after her. It was just a shame that she no longer had her wand to rely on. Well, she had it, it was just of no use to her at this moment. It frustrated Imogen being without magic because while she didn’t need it for her everyday life, her work or her dancing, she needed for instances like these, even if they were rare.

But she wanted Basia to know that she was looking out for her. Even if her life had been speeding up a little since she had married Kit and university had kept her busy, the welfare of the other girl had always been in the back of her mind. While she knew her husband had a lot to contend with as he was finally finishing school, Gen knew he could look after himself and that his mind was as ease forever now, with his father no longer here to terrorise either of them. They were now allowed to be happy and to be together. Basia was not being afforded that same happiness.

That fact upset Gen. She wanted equality to actually exist in the magical world but she had no power on her side to make it happen. Her voice held no power. Even when she and her father had actually had a relationship, their power had been very little. Now she had no power at all. But most of the time, she didn’t mind that because she was satisfied with her life. But she saw others hurting, when she came to Diagon Alley or when it was noticeable in class that people were missing because there were small class number or empty seats. All Imogen could do was to hope that the ministry saw sense soon and corrected all the pain they had inflicted on muggleborns.

But tonight was a chance to make Basia smile, even if it was only for a short time. She was going to treat her friend to dinner and make sure she was comfortable during the evening. She knew if her husband was here, he would want the same.

She smiled softly at the other girl and took her seat and gestured for Basia to do the same. ”Really, there is no need to thank me Basia….i just wanted to help you. As for tonight, don’t thank me yet, it’s just dinner, you may not even like the food here” Imogen joked. Everyone she knew highly rated the food at the pub. The placed had been around for years after all. ”What do you want to drink? Wine? Butterbeer? Or something stronger?” Imogen asked with slight smirk on her features.