Hard Day’s Night | Davis

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Post by Deleted on Jul 19, 2019 3:10:18 GMT -5

Allisyn thought a few days in Scotland was just what she needed. Juliet had elected to stay with Ellen and that meant she didn’t have to worry too much. She knew that her oldest daughter would let her younger sister get away with somethings but she would rather not think about that if she was honest. She would be home on the weekend but for now, she was hoping to make the best of her time up here. She much preferred to just take it easy and that was what she had been doing for the two days she had been in Glasgow so far. While the woman didn’t have a very fast paced job, she didn’t see anything wrong with taking some time to just relax.

She had had a good time here so far but she had been something playing on her mind or rather someone. She had been at a pub last night just having a wine after she had grabbed dinner with some girlfriends who lived up here. The two of them had talked before she had left the pub, alone. Allisyn hadn’t even thought about inviting him back to her room for the night to continue getting to know each other. She knew that there was nothing wrong with her if she did do that but she wasn’t exactly sure what was appropriate social construct.

But there was thing she couldn’t shake from her mind, it was just her talk of him but suspected there was more to him just having a job and visiting Glasgow just like she happened to be. Part of her wondered if he too was staying at the Bent Elbow. But what was she going to say to him if she saw him again? Technically she wasn’t obliged to say anything, she could just make small talk then get on with the food tour she had booked for today.

With losing her magic and not knowing when she would get it back, she had decided to make the best of her time up here and a food tour felt like a good idea to her. Coming from Africa originally she already had a diverse palette but there was no harm in extending that to include Scottish Cuisine.

Allisyn had arrived for the buffet breakfast that the hotel offered and was sitting at a table making her way through the various dishes she had placed on her plate when she felt someone stop by the table. Naturally she assumed it was the waiter coming to drop her latte off for her. ”Thank you…..oh” This was not the waiter she had thought.