February Awards

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Feb 1, 2016 16:14:30 GMT -5

And since I'm sure these explanations are getting monotonous, it is time for nominations for the monthlys for the month of February 2016! As always, we will be taking nominations until the 20th of the month. Voting will then be from the 20th to the 28th, and then winners will be announced on the 29th! I totally forgot it was leap year, WHAAAT. So yes, winners will be announced on... leap day. You can post our nominations here, publicly, or you can PM either me, @adminsteph , or @jenna , and give your nominations privately. Thanks guys! Let the nominations begin!


Female Character of the Month

Male Character of the Month

Relationship of the Month
@kurt and
@colemetmilinia and @damionkvothe
@vitalia and @spiridon
@george and @angelina
@colin and @andi

Thread of the Month
Satan Pulls The Strings - @cecilia and @trey
As The World Falls Down - @persephone and @fenix
Honesty - @angelo and @cassi
Meeting You - @andi, @colin, and @teddy

Note: We have changed Couple of the Month to Relationship of the Month, so feel free to nominate couples as well as friendships, bromances, etc. Also 'couples' can also be crushes, relationships in the works... doesn't have to be anything mini-profile official!


Female Character of the Month for February 2016: @landry

Male Character of the Month for February 2016: @birdie

Relationship of the Month for February 2016: @andi and @colin

Thread of the Month for February 2016: Meeting You
@andi, @colin and @teddy

*Special thanks to Quinn for making our beautiful new OTM banners*