
Flying Instructor's Office
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Responsible of teaching Flying Classes and refereeing Quidditch matches, this professor is in high need of an office to contain the Quidditch crate of balls. Having a bludger on the loose is not necessarily healthy for the bodies that move about on campus. This office seems to be relatively easy to sneak into and cursing the balls, which is highly unfortunate for the players of the sport but beneficial to pranksters or other troublemakers.
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Head of Slytherin's Office
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Merlin forbid that someone is sent to their Head's office, but in the case that they are, they will find that this dark room is not necessarily welcoming. The walls of this office are lined with slimy things that are floating in a variety of different potions. This office does have a fireplace and a small table. If one attempts to break in, they will find that it is sealed with magic that only wizards may break.
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Magical Creature Anatomy Lecture Hall
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Deep in the dungeons and beneath the great lake lies a dusty and disused lecture hall which was previously the home of Magical Creature Anatomy studies. Inside, skeletons of various shapes and sizes hang from the ceiling across the huge room; an entire centaur, a troll’s skull and a dragon’s wing to name a few. Glass cabinets line the walls from ceiling to floor around the outskirts of the room filled with organs, brains, teeth and fur – anything which might be examined and studied in further detail during lessons. The seating is tiered and rises high above the lecturer pew at the very front of the room, facing a gigantic blackboard with diagrams of strange beasts and incomprehensible notes.

This room has been abandoned for so long that it has become somewhat of a nest for boggarts within the Hogwarts walls and they have taken to living within the confines of the large wooden trunks stacked at the side of the hall which were previously used for storing fresh corpses gathered from the forbidden forest. Anyone who lingers too long near the anatomical structures would likely find themselves approached by a swarm of their greatest fear…
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Potions Classroom
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A favorite among some, this Classroom is where one will learn all about brewing the correct ingredients together properly. Be careful with one's mixtures as explosions and other dangerous activities may occur. This medium-sized, oval classroom is filled with small tables and windows. A stone basin is placed in the corner so that students who value cleanliness may wash their hands. If one wants to remain wart free, one should PROBABLY wash their hands.
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Potions Storage Basement
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Directly underneath the Potions Classroom, this room is accessible via the use of a trapdoor. It conveniently stores cauldrons, ingredients, and phials. Stealing items from this area is highly not recommended.
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Slytherin Common Room
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This Common Room is the home to all Slytherin students, young and old, but it is only accessible through the use of a password. Located behind a stone wall in the dungeons, it opens up to passage that leads to the common room.

As this is located in the dungeons, it is a dungeon-like room with green lamps and chairs. It extends partially underneath the lake, allowing the light in the room to be slightly green. This room has many low-backed black and dark green leather sofas, skulls, and dark wooded cupboards. It is quite the grand room, but not exactly friendly or welcoming. There is a noticeboard that contains the password as well as tapestries decorating the room with famous Medieval Slytherins.

Only Slytherins can post in this board! If you have a plot that requires it or a reason to know the password, PM staff to get approval beforehand! Anyone else who does will be getting a PM from staff!
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Located under Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this area is home to the Slytherin common room, the potions classroom, and several other offices and rooms.
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