First Stop

Site Information & Canon
51 threads
928 posts
If you are new to this site, this is the place to start! You can find all of the rules in here, as well as our site plot, timeline, and all of the canons for Insurrection! Feel free to submit your own canons here as well!
Zoe Genevieve Shafiq Avatar
July Activity Check [12] (Aug 1, 2019 5:04:22 GMT -5)
Registration Department
124 threads
353 posts
If you're creating a character, come here. Just click create a thread to start up our template! All accepted applications can be found here as well! They will be archived after two months, after which they will need to be reposted if they are still being created.
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Wish I Could Be, Part of Your World (Jul 15, 2019 19:37:09 GMT -5)
Hogwarts Handbook
13 threads
669 posts
Any and all claims for a Hogwarts student can be found here! This is the place to go to join a club, a Quidditch team, or anything of the sort. You can also find any information about Hogwarts here too, including class schedules, and NPC students. Claim your house points here too!
Admin Morgan Avatar
Elective Registration (Jul 23, 2019 20:34:14 GMT -5)
Claims Office
14 threads
2,278 posts
If you have an adult character, all claims for them could be found here -- including job transfers, apartment/house requests, Order of the Phoenix sign ups, and more. This is also the home to any claim that are for both students and adults, like pet & house-elf registrations.
Moderator Jade Avatar
NPC Pregnancy & Child Registrar (Aug 9, 2019 0:45:00 GMT -5)
OOC Claims & Information
18 threads
1,795 posts
All other claims can be made here, if they're not for a specific character! You will find your bank vaults here, as well as activity requirements, needs/bans, and all of the out-of-character information that you would need!
Moderator Jade Avatar
Character Goodbyes (Aug 9, 2019 0:38:50 GMT -5)
33 threads
239 posts
If you're looking to read the most recently released issue of The Daily Prophet, Witch Weekly, or HOME, come on into the newsstand! It's also the place to go for all of the results of recent Quidditch matches!
Admin Morgan Avatar
2018-2019 Hogwarts Yearbook (Jun 7, 2019 23:49:43 GMT -5)


Alternate Universe
5 threads
13 posts
This is a place for you to play out what if scenarios that didn't or couldn't happen on site, to create complete AUs with characters in different worlds, or different eras, or completely different situations. Everything that is posted on the Alternate Universe board does not occur on site. These are completely separate realties for characters!
Honora Deirdre Carmody Avatar
Five More Minutes | Draco (Jul 13, 2019 17:57:11 GMT -5)
14 threads
48 posts
All of our characters have memories and perhaps it is time to review something in history. This section is solely for RPing memories of our characters, letting you act it out via the Pensieve.
Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson Avatar
Bad Things | Finli Flashback (Jul 22, 2019 23:58:32 GMT -5)
Rapid Fire Threads
12 threads
101 posts
A rapid-fire thread is a Short Style RP threads often used for more dialogue and action focused threads. Quick replies are encouraged by this style.

These are just another way to progress content and share character interactions (particularly those that would otherwise happen offsite in discord chats). As threads exempt from the word count minimum, they are not be eligible for use as the thread for AC verification. Posts over the word count minimum are eligible for Gringott's claims, posts required for new characters, and will be included in counts for monthly and yearly activity awards.
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Won't Drag You Down [Vet] (Jul 13, 2019 23:16:24 GMT -5)
Adoptables & Plot Requests
37 threads
70 posts
In this board, you will find both adoptables that members have posted for important characters in their character's life, as well as the plot request section!
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Looking for fun (Jul 6, 2019 19:30:30 GMT -5)
Character Development
118 threads
1,119 posts
In here you will find our character boards as well as our character shippers, which makes it easy to plot with other members and learn more about characters!
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Dima Remnikov (Jul 22, 2019 22:36:43 GMT -5)
8 threads
23 posts
Here one can send information from character to character in letter form, or notes between students in class. Text messages and social media have also been added since the epidemic has had more and more wixen relying on technology! This is one of the few exceptions to the third-person rule as characters will be able to write in first person.
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Text Message: Justin & Graci (Jul 9, 2019 23:05:50 GMT -5)


0 threads
0 posts
Located under Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this area is home to the Slytherin common room, the potions classroom, and several other offices and rooms.
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0 posts
Located just above the Dungeons, this surprisingly un-musty area is the home of a few great rooms that may interest curious minds. Though, as there are no classrooms, this floor really is quite useless for those that do not belong.
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Ground Floor
0 threads
0 posts
Perhaps the most travelled floor to exist in the castle, this floor contains many of the courtyards, various halls, and many different rooms for enjoyment.
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First Floor
0 threads
0 posts
Home to a few different classrooms, this floor also contains all that is needed for students that need a bit of healing. Looking for a ghost to communicate with? Moaning Myrtle is located in the Girl's Lavatory. However, be gentle with one's words - she can be slightly sensitive.
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Second Floor
0 threads
0 posts
Not many exciting things can be found on this floor unless one really does enjoy their classes. Though, there are some questionable rooms that can be located on this floor.
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Third Floor
0 threads
0 posts
This floor seems to contain a few different hidden passageways, though it is uncertain why a castle would have so many hideaways, as if encouraging students to roam about aimlessly, getting into trouble, no doubt. The One-Eyed Witch is not known by very many, but some people may stumble upon the others.
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Fourth Floor
0 threads
0 posts
This floor tends to be quiet as it is home to the library, after all. Even though the entire floor isn't a library, it grates on the librarian's nerves when he hears anyone nearby that he considers being rowdy.
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Fifth Floor
0 threads
0 posts
This floor is not a well-traversed floor, really, as the only room of real importance is the Muggle Studies classroom. However, prefects would find this floor incredible, simply because of the presence of the luxurious prefects' bathroom.
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Sixth Floor
0 threads
0 posts
There are really only a few rooms that students would find themselves needing on a regular basis on the sixth floor. The Ancient Runes classroom can be found here. It is a poorly lit floor, and has many tapestries and portraits on the walls.
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Seventh Floor
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0 posts
The top-most floor of Hogwarts hosts many classrooms and two house dormitories. A pretty long walk to the ground floor, though, so that's a bit inconvenient for students trying to sneak into the kitchens for a late-night snack.
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0 posts
The grounds of Hogwarts are very expansive, with the lawns leading to the quidditch pitch, the lake, and the Forbidden Forest. Students would also come out here for Herbology class and some practical Care of Magical Creatures lessons.
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Magical Communities

Diagon Alley
16 threads
69 posts
Diagon Alley, a large, well-known wizarding shopping area that will typically be found busy when it nears September as students and parents hurry about, eagerly preparing for the new school year. Many restaurants and shops can be discovered, stocking up on much needed necessities. This magical community is hidden by the muggle world.
Marguerite Izolda Devereux Avatar
cracking lips | Van (Aug 12, 2019 21:53:00 GMT -5)
Knockturn Alley
1 thread
1 post
This shopping area is off of Diagon Alley in London, and is filled with shops devoted to the Dark Arts. Since Death Eaters have taken over the Ministry and the U.K., this place has gone back to being where purebloods and the like go to buy what they needed, but most don't have to live in the horrible surroundings any longer.
Finn Elliot Harlow Avatar
Rich Kids | Kali (May 30, 2019 0:16:30 GMT -5)
36 threads
104 posts
Throughout London, there are many magical locations if one only knows where to look. Some of the entrances to these magical establishments, such as the Ministry and St. Mungo's are heavily frequented by Muggles, so use of magic in some areas has to be discreet.
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Bearer Of Bad News [Zacharia] (Jul 31, 2019 18:36:58 GMT -5)
Surrounding London
5 threads
19 posts
London is not just made up of the city itself, but its surrounding suburbs as well. Some of them are in some poor areas, some are nicer, and there are both magical and muggle areas that can be found here.
Harvey Arington Avatar
Holy War [Harvey] (Jul 22, 2019 2:52:20 GMT -5)
Ottery St. Catchpole
2 threads
18 posts
Ottery St. Catchpole is a small town, and it is located in Devon, England. This is both a Muggle and a magical village, and so residents there have to be cautious to make sure to abide to the Statute of Secrecy. Famous families in the area are the Weasleys, and the Lovegoods, though other wizarding families can be found there as well. It is quite the small village, but has plenty of small shops and apartments.
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Back at it Again | Open (Jul 25, 2019 7:10:02 GMT -5)
Godric's Hollow
2 threads
3 posts
Godric's Hollow is home to a large number of wizarding families, however it is not a purely Wizarding village. This means that use of magic needs to be avoided openly, as most of the shops and pubs located in the village are frequented by Muggles. Famous residents include the Potter family, the Dumbledore family, and Bathilda Bagshot. There is a memorial to the Potter family.
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What's Really Good [Kalila] (Jul 25, 2019 10:22:14 GMT -5)
Hogsmeade Village
4 threads
8 posts
Hogsmeade Village is near to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and hosts many shops that not only students (third year and up, of course) enjoy, but adults as well. The main street offers a variety of different stores, and pubs, and is incredibly picturesque during the holidays.
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Strangers | Osteros (Jul 16, 2019 18:59:11 GMT -5)

United Kingdom

12 threads
30 posts
England is situated on an island of Great Britain in North Western Europe. It shares a border with Scotland to the north and Wales on the west. The capitol is London and the population there accounts for more than 80 percent of the population in the entire U.K. The country covers most of the island. England has beautiful lush green countryside thanks to the rainy weather that often graces the area and to the north are scenic mountains.
Mikhael Albert Travers Avatar
From This day on - Wedding || Invited Guests (Jul 20, 2019 23:46:01 GMT -5)
5 threads
13 posts
Ireland is separated from Great Britain to its easy by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St George's Channel. As far as Muggles go, it is politically divided between the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. However, all of magical Ireland is apart of the Ministry of Magic in England.
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When I Come Around [Darius] (Jul 17, 2019 21:51:52 GMT -5)
22 threads
95 posts
Scotland is located in the north of the island of Great Britain. It shares a border with England to the south. The country is made up of a mainland and several islands. Edinburgh is the capitol. This country is also famous for golf, its beautiful scenery, music, and its scotch whisky.
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Hard Day’s Night | Davis (Jul 19, 2019 3:10:18 GMT -5)
2 threads
3 posts
Wales is a country in southwest Great Britain known for its rugged coastline, mountainous national parks, distinctive Welsh language and Celtic culture. Cardiff, the capital, is a refined coastal city with a nightlife scene and a medieval castle with ornate Gothic Revival interiors. In the northwest, Snowdonia National Park has lakes, glacial landforms, hiking trails and a railway up to the peak of Snowdon.
Dominic Hywel Evans Avatar
Cousins unite! (Don and Amy) (Jul 25, 2019 18:03:12 GMT -5)

Around the World

0 threads
0 posts
Belgium is in western Europe, and it is known for its medieval towns. The country has distinctive regions, including Dutch-speaking Flanders to the north, French-speaking Wallonia to the south, and a German-speaking community to the east. The capital is Brussels, and is well known for its production of chocolate! That alone is reason enough to visit...
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Czech Republic
0 threads
0 posts
Located in Central Europe, the Czech Republic is known for its castles and native beers. In fact, Czech people are the world's heaviest consumers of beer! The country is also renowned for its numerous spa towns, though Prague is one of the most visited cities in Europe.
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0 posts
Located in Western Europe, this country has medieval cities, alpine villages, and Mediterranean beaches. It's well known for its wines, as well as its sophisticated cuisines. The capital city, Paris, is famed for its fashion, as well as museums, and of course, the Eiffel Tower.
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This country is located in central-western Europe. The capital is Berlin and it is the largest and most populated city of the country. Germany shares a border with several countries including Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Germany has been called “The land of poets and thinkers” and is best known for their beer, festivals, and fairytale-like castles.
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There are many beautiful islands across the world, but there are some that are more popular destinations for travelers than others. They are known for their blue oceans, white beaches, and beautiful reefs. When someone needs a break from daily monotony, from cold weather, coming to an island is a perfect getaway.
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Italy is a peninsula in the heart of the Mediterranean sea. Italy is well known for its fashion, vineyards, architecture, and art. It is a beautiful country from the canals in Venice, to the Coliseum in Rome, the fashion in Milan, and the countryside full of breathtaking vineyards. And let’s not forget the cuisine. There is always something to do and see if you are adventurous enough.
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Spain is on Europe's Iberian Peninsula, and it has seventeen autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. The capital city is home to the Royal Palace, as well as many Muggle and magical landmarks. The country consists of several islands as well, and shares a border with Morocco.
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This is a country that is landlocked and bordered by Italy, France, Germany, and Austria. The landscape here is said to be breathtaking with its mountains and lakes. Switzerland is best known for its cheese, chocolate, and watches which all bear its name. It is also known for its neutrality when it comes to Muggle international conflicts. This is a peaceful country with beautiful scenery that is certainly worth a visit.
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Rest of Europe
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There are plenty of countries that are not listed above. If your character is planning on going on any trips, for business or pleasure, this would be the place to post them. Some examples would be Portugal, Greece, Croatia, and more...
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Africa is the second largest continent, and covers six percent of the Earth's total surface. Dozens of countries call it home, and all are diverse and beautiful in their own right. It's a lovely place to visit or live, but be sure to bring some sun lotion if you're not used to the heat...
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0 posts
The Earth's largest and most populous continent, there are both landlocked countries and islands considered to be apart of Asia. All have diverse cultures, and are most certainly worth a visit.
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Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its major cities, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide, are coastal. The country is known for much, but in particular is known for the Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, the vast wilderness called the Outback, and its unique animal species.
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North America
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The main countries of the continent are Canada and the United States, as well as Mexico. Its population was estimated at nearly five hundred and sixty-five million people in twenty-three independent states. There are plenty of interesting and beautiful places to visit, if one is interested in stopping by!
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South America
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South America is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean and the north and east by the Atlantic. Most of the population lives near the continent's western or eastern coasts. The geography of western South American is dominated by the Andes mountains, and the eastern contains highland and lowland regions.
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Out of Character

Advertising & Affiliates
77 threads
90 posts
We do not accept advertisements from sites with mature content! Please place your advertisement in the appropriate section. If you want to affiliate with Insurrection, the rules and the template for application can be found here. Note that all sites have to meet Proboards Community Guidelines.
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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Jun 26, 2023 22:53:14 GMT -5)
Announcements & Absences
13 threads
107 posts
These are for OOC announcements, and anyone is open to post here with anything they want as long as it's... an announcement! Member birthdays will be posted here as well! You'll find the absence list here as well!
Admin Morgan Avatar
Announcement: Site Closure (Aug 23, 2019 20:13:27 GMT -5)
91 threads
2,287 posts
In a fun and did we mention FUN way to get to know each other, these boards will have a general discussion, games, as well as member profile which is something no one is obviously required to do or they can do it and give however much information they want. OOC announcements will be here as well!
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Character Facts (Jul 31, 2019 12:42:13 GMT -5)
Graphics Shop
7 threads
256 posts
As a new set-up for our graphics board, we are combining both our graphics request and our graphics gallery. Now, you can peruse everyone's pretty galleries and request graphics from specific members, if you like. On these galleries, it will say if 'open' or 'closed' for requests. There will be a template to fill out there. There will also be a thread for general requests as well, if you don't have a specific member in mind!
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Jade's Graphics Shop {OPEN} (Jul 29, 2019 13:46:42 GMT -5)


Threads to Finish
26 threads
140 posts
Devin Douglas Wright Avatar
Delicate | Devin (Jul 23, 2019 22:34:57 GMT -5)
Archived Threads
9,301 threads
59,529 posts
2 viewers
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Tangled up in you (Jul 31, 2019 3:16:50 GMT -5)
12,239 threads / 83,119 posts / 110 members
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Jun 26, 2023 22:53:14 GMT -5
welcome to insurrection
Bradley Asher Rice Avatar
Bradley Asher Rice
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